Prayers for Santa Fe

Let's all keep the families and victims of the school shooting in Santa Fe in our prayers. Let's not politicize this please.
@reformed said:
Let's all keep the families and victims of the school shooting in Santa Fe in our prayers. Let's not politicize this please.You're right, reformed. The millions of thoughts and prayers offered in the past have basically ended mass shootings as we knew them. I bet we can all remember a time when mass shootings in schools seemed to happen every couple of months. Now, after all those thoughts and prayers, my goodness, they happen no more than every couple of months. With that kind of progress, why would we even think about politicizing the Santa Fe shooting?
Who needs action from our political leaders when thoughts and prayers have reduced the incidence of mass shootings from where they were a few years ago to more often than they were a few years ago?
In fact, I think I'm going think and pray for more thoughts and prayers so that we don't doing anything silly such trying to reduce the incidence of mass shootings with political action!
There's a Santa Fe high school student on a video-gone-viral now who, when asked whether she ever dreamed such a shooting could happen at her school, says such tragedies have been happening everywhere, so she had expected one to occur at her school eventually. May our nation's word to that student be, "You were right to expect a shooting at your school. In fact, every school student should expect a shooting at his or her school because we don't politicize school shootings; we think and pray about them."
The last time I checked, faith and works go together. Faith without works is dead. Ceasar is responsible for the enforcement of the law for those who do evil in the land (Rom 13). Politicians make the laws to protect the citizenry. Come on, keep it real. "Don't politicize this?"
Like it or not this is the 22nd School shooting this year (2018). "Thoughts and prayers" are in abundant. It's common sense Gun Laws that are lacking. It's a mockery of prayer for changes and comfort when no efforts are put forth for any tangible changes within one's ability or society's powers. A review of what and the purpose of prayers, maybe help for all to consider. At the same time, changes or strict accountability needs to be put into place.
I wrote several poems and posts on guns in the school. Past posts: "Guns, Guns, Guns -- Through The Eyes Of A Child", "How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment-“A fraud on the American public", and A Manifesto: Gun Lovers and supporters of the NRA.
It was considered extreme and hyperbolic. I wanted to call attention to the danger of guns in the classroom and need to make an adjustment in gun laws. In addition, Christians should reframe for supporting gun organizations by voice or membership fees.
Gov of Texas, Abbott, agreed with me, "we need to do more than just pray" for the families. By all means, pray, but do more. CM
I asked for this thread to not be politicized but @Bill_Coley and @C_M_ can't respect that. Guys, this thread is not meant for politics, so please take it somewhere else. We don't know the facts of this case so no need for kneejerk premature reactions.
@reformed said:
I asked for this thread to not be politicized but @Bill_Coley and @C_M_ can't respect that. Guys, this thread is not meant for politics, so please take it somewhere else. We don't know the facts of this case so no need for kneejerk premature reactions.I'm not going to "take it somewhere else," reformed. Nine students and one teacher of a Texas high school because someone shot them. They didn't die of cancer, or old age, or congestive heart failure. They died because someone shot them, just as students and teachers in other schools have died because someone shot them. One of the reasons these shootings keep happening is that once we allow the debate over how to reduce their incidence and severity to go "somewhere else," it doesn't come back... until the next shooting.
So that I'm clear, I don't think the problem is with calls to prayer for families, friends, classmates, colleagues, and community residents affected by school shootings. OF COURSE we must pray. The problem is that frequently in our national debate over what to do about school shootings, for many people, thoughts and prayers are the ONLY action we should take. On what basis do I say that? "Thoughts and prayers" are most frequently those folks' ONLY suggestion.
I encourage you and all of us to pray hard, reformed. Do you encourage the nation to do more than pray?
@reformed said:
I asked for this thread to not be politicized but @Bill_Coley and @C_M_ can't respect that. Guys, this thread is not meant for politics, so please take it somewhere else. We don't know the facts of this case so no need for kneejerk premature reactions.My Friend,
- Please review the layout of these forums.
- For a non-political spot in CD is where you should have posted your request-- under the category: "Prayer Requests." Your request to "not be politicized" may carry a little more weight.
- Even there, you can only request, but you can't demand (lack ownership or authority).
- Besides, under the OP or someone's remarks, in bold print, it clearly says, "Leave a Comment". This I have done, in particular, not addressing you specifically. Please respect one's privilege to do as he or she has been free to do so.
- Not to speak out is politicizing the situation. This is what politicians do after each shooting.
- Lastly, I do know as a fact: 10 people are dead and 10 people were injured. I am not making any "kneejerk premature reactions." Most normalized humans are moved when a shooting of this caliber takes place. I said nothing about the young man that did the killing. I spoke of what politicians failed to do 21 times BEFORE (this year-- 2018) after a school shooting in America. If this is the norms, forgive me.
- Mr. Reformed, remember, you can only control what you do in a public forum. Let's run in our lane and we all can run and finish the race of expression and life. Peace! CM
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
I asked for this thread to not be politicized but @Bill_Coley and @C_M_ can't respect that. Guys, this thread is not meant for politics, so please take it somewhere else. We don't know the facts of this case so no need for kneejerk premature reactions.I'm not going to "take it somewhere else," reformed. Nine students and one teacher of a Texas high school because someone shot them. They didn't die of cancer, or old age, or congestive heart failure. They died because someone shot them, just as students and teachers in other schools have died because someone shot them. One of the reasons these shootings keep happening is that once we allow the debate over how to reduce their incidence and severity to go "somewhere else," it doesn't come back... until the next shooting.
So that I'm clear, I don't think the problem is with calls to prayer for families, friends, classmates, colleagues, and community residents affected by school shootings. OF COURSE we must pray. The problem is that frequently in our national debate over what to do about school shootings, for many people, thoughts and prayers are the ONLY action we should take. On what basis do I say that? "Thoughts and prayers" are most frequently those folks' ONLY suggestion.
I encourage you and all of us to pray hard, reformed. Do you encourage the nation to do more than pray?
The answer is not gun control, in most cases no additional gun control measures would stop any of the shootings we have seen.> @C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
I asked for this thread to not be politicized but @Bill_Coley and @C_M_ can't respect that. Guys, this thread is not meant for politics, so please take it somewhere else. We don't know the facts of this case so no need for kneejerk premature reactions.My Friend,
- Please review the layout of these forums.
- For a non-political spot in CD is where you should have posted your request-- under the category: "Prayer Requests." Your request to "not be politicized" may carry a little more weight.
Forum etiquette is you follow the OP.
- Even there, you can only request, but you can't demand (lack ownership or authority).
Forum Etiquette
- Besides, under the OP or someone's remarks, in bold print, it clearly says, "Leave a Comment". This I have done, in particular, not addressing you specifically. Please respect one's privilege to do as he or she has been free to do so.
You left a comment but went directly against the OP wishes. Forum Etiquette.
- Not to speak out is politicizing the situation. This is what politicians do after each shooting.
Speak out against what exactly?
- Lastly, I do know as a fact: 10 people are dead and 10 people were injured. I am not making any "kneejerk premature reactions." Most normalized humans are moved when a shooting of this caliber takes place. I said nothing about the young man that did the killing. I spoke of what politicians failed to do 21 times BEFORE (this year-- 2018) after a school shooting in America. If this is the norms, forgive me.
That is a premature kneejerk reaction that the answer is gun control, it is not.
- Mr. Reformed, remember, you can only control what you do in a public forum. Let's run in our lane and we all can run and finish the race of expression and life. Peace! CM
Let's practice forum etiquette. I've heard you guys complain about the lack of forum etiquette from others then you go and do the same thing.
Maybe someone else can explain what I said to you above. Until then, I remain. CM -
We are not dealing with a normal healthy mind. We are dealing with a capacity for multiple ID's and writers with feral cunning, but no heart.
@GaoLu said:
We are not dealing with a normal healthy mind. We are dealing with a capacity for multiple ID's and writers with feral cunning, but no heart.Upon a second look, Reformed, I see your general point in the OP, I am sorry.
To whom are you referring to when you say, "We are not dealing with a normal healthy mind", those with "a capacity for multiple ID's and writers with feral cunning, but no heart?"
Who's so bad that you feel justified to compare him or them out of control resembling a wild animal? If you can justify such, have you honored the OP?
The sad truth is one writer with feral cunningness is pointing the finger another or writers of the same nature. The writer with "feral cunning" and "no heart" may be behind the finger that's pointing and the image in the mirror. Just a thought. CM
@reformed said:
Let's practice forum etiquette. I've heard you guys complain about the lack of forum etiquette from others then you go and do the same thing.I think you had fair reason to expect more obedience than I offered to the title of the thread you created, reformed, and so I, too, apologize.
I acknowledge that with the passage of time and the collection of shootings after which nothing substantive ever changed, I have provided increasingly caustic reactions to the "thoughts and prayers" meme so common among political leaders and gun rights advocates whose ulterior motive seems usually to deflect attention away from the violence their beloved weaponry inflicts until we've moved on to the next crisis de jour.
My reaction to your OP in this thread unfairly projected onto your request my frustration with societal (aka the NRA and its money's) resistance to even the most menial of reforms. I think I accurately discerned your take on the gun issue itself, but you did not deserve the post I created. For that, I apologize.
But as for "forum etiquette," read in some of archived threads in these forums, and I think you'll conclude that in these forums, etiquette is a grace less offered.
Thank you @Bill_Coley and @C_M_
Pray that the students' fears are discerned and laws are put in place their safety and no guns in the classrooms. CM
@C_M_ said:
Pray that the students' fears are discerned and laws are put in place their safety and no guns in the classrooms. CMNo, we do not do things out of fear, we do things out of a sound mind. My prayer is that common sense measures will be made to secure schools like we do stadiums and court houses etc...
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Pray that the students' fears are discerned and laws are put in place their safety and no guns in the classrooms. CMNo, we do not do things out of fear, we do things out of a sound mind. My prayer is that common sense measures will be made to secure schools like we do stadiums and court houses etc...
If you secure schools, you'll only move the violence to the school yard and beyond.
If you do things out of a sound mind, beling Reformed, knowing that madness is in people's hearts while they live, how sane is it to try keeping guns legal NRA style?
@Dave_L said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Pray that the students' fears are discerned and laws are put in place their safety and no guns in the classrooms. CMNo, we do not do things out of fear, we do things out of a sound mind. My prayer is that common sense measures will be made to secure schools like we do stadiums and court houses etc...
If you secure schools, you'll only move the violence to the school yard and beyond.
Does this happen in other places? No. Why would it happen in schools? Schools are a target because they are soft zones that are unprotected.
If you do things out of a sound mind, beling Reformed, knowing that madness is in people's hearts while they live, how sane is it to try keeping guns legal NRA style?
For that very reason.
You completely missed my point. We should pray to understand what the children are going through. Pray for reason and guidance to reassure them. This is real life not an exercise in an academic debate. CM -
@C_M_ said:
You completely missed my point. We should pray to understand what the children are going through. Pray for reason and guidance to reassure them. This is real life not an exercise in an academic debate. CMYes, and I gave real life measures that can and should be taken out of a sound mind that would reassure children that their school is safe and wouldn't even require arming teachers.
@reformed said:
@Dave_L said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Pray that the students' fears are discerned and laws are put in place their safety and no guns in the classrooms. CMNo, we do not do things out of fear, we do things out of a sound mind. My prayer is that common sense measures will be made to secure schools like we do stadiums and court houses etc...
If you secure schools, you'll only move the violence to the school yard and beyond.
Does this happen in other places? No. Why would it happen in schools? Schools are a target because they are soft zones that are unprotected.
If you do things out of a sound mind, beling Reformed, knowing that madness is in people's hearts while they live, how sane is it to try keeping guns legal NRA style?
For that very reason.
If "soft zones" are the target areas, then opportunity knocks and there is no end in sight.
As far as Total Depravity as understood by the Reformed, it makes little sense to make weapons designed for mass casualties readily available as the NRA insists on doing.
What puzzles me most are the christians that shun taking the cross, taking the sword instead. You cannot love enemies by killing them. You cannot submit to the civil authorities using arms against them. You cannot return evil for evil and follow Jesus. You cannot place vengeance in God's hands where it belongs when you practice doling it out yourself.
BTW, how do you feel about the Reformed murdering thousands of Anabaptists in the 16th century?
Remember, the shooter and his father. Also, pray for a change of attitude for students known to have bullied the shooter.
Hey, where is the voice of the First Lady and her anti-bullying program? It's a good time to be heard. CM
@C_M_ said:
Remember, the shooter and his father. Also, pray for a change of attitude for students known to have bullied the shooter.Hey, where is the voice of the First Lady and her anti-bullying program? It's a good time to be heard. CM
She was in the hospital recovering from surgery....
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Remember, the shooter and his father. Also, pray for a change of attitude for students known to have bullied the shooter.Hey, where is the voice of the First Lady and her anti-bullying program? It's a good time to be heard. CM
She was in the hospital recovering from surgery....
She's not in the hospital now. This is what I speak of. I am not unreasonable. CM