A Bird's Eye View of Israel

Promise to Abraham
I. Elect National Israel. Promises are literal, earthy, conditional, and temporal. Membership based on Circumcision and community.
A. Phased out when Christ abolished circumcision on the cross.
II. Elect spiritual Israel existed within national Israel. Promises are forever. Heavenly, based on the new birth through faith. Symbolized by the literal promises.
A. Continues forever as spiritual Israel under Christ, into whom God grafts believing Gentiles and Jews (for the fathers' sakes).
As Israel celebrates 70th birthday, population grows to 8.842 million
Israel's population is expected to reach 15.2 million citizens by its centenary celebrations in 2048.
April 17, 2018 11:18
1 minute read.
Special Independence Day "Koolulam" sing along featuring President Reuven Rivlin (Facebook/Reuven Ruvi Rivlin)
Special Independence Day "Koolulam" sing along featuring President Reuven Rivlin (Facebook/Reuven Ruvi Rivlin)
The population has increased more than tenfold from 806,000 at the country’s establishment in 1948 to approximately 8.842 million today, according to data the Central Bureau of Statistics published this week ahead of the state’s 70th Independence Day.That number is expected to reach 15.2 million by the centennial celebrations in 2048.
This year alone, the population grew by approximately 163,000 – or 1.9% – representing 177,000 births, 41,000 deaths and 28,000 immigrants.
Since the establishment of the state, Israel has absorbed approximately 3.2 million immigrants.
Jews constitute 74.5% of the population, Arab citizens represent 20.9% and other religious groups, including non-Arab Christians and other minorities, make up 4.6%.
The average life expectancy for Israeli men is 80.7 years and 84.2 years for Israeli women, an increase of some four years for both sexes since 2000. Israeli men get married on average at 27.6 years of age and women at 25.2 years.
Population growth has slowed across the decades.
During the state’s first decade, the population grew by 8% annually, while the 1980s saw growth of less than 2% per year. The 1990s saw a rare increase to more than 3% annually due to mass immigration following the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The last decade has seen Israel’s population grow annually by approximately 2%, a figure that is expected to gradually decrease in the coming years.
By 2048, the population is predicted to grow by 1.7% per year and by 2065, by 1.6%.
Today, approximately 44% of Israelis live in the 15 largest cities, each home to more than 100,000 persons. In 1948, only Tel Aviv housed more than 100,000 people – approximately 240,000 or 28% of the population.
Jerusalem is now the country’s largest city, boasting a population of 882,700. Only 70 Israelis reside in Israel’s smallest community, Neveh Zohar on the shores of the Dead Sea.
During the past 12 months, Israelis traveled abroad some 7.5 million times, more than double the 3.5 million trips made in 2000. In the opposite direction, Israel welcomed more than 3.8 million visitors through its various entry points during the year – an all-time record.
What is Israel's future? CM
Celebrate!!! CM
See the video clip-- http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/As-Israel-celebrates-70th-birthday-population-grows-to-8842-million-550054
What a happy people! CM
@C_M_ said:
As Israel celebrates 70th birthday, population grows to 8.842 million
The population has increased more than tenfold from 806,000 at the country’s establishment in 1948 to approximately 8.842 million today, according to data the Central Bureau of Statistics published this week ahead of the state’s 70th Independence Day.That number is expected to reach 15.2 million by the centennial celebrations in 2048.
Does anyone know on what part of the land those additional 7 million are supposed to live?
@C_M_ said:
As Israel celebrates 70th birthday, population grows to 8.842 millionIsrael's population is expected to reach 15.2 million citizens by its centenary celebrations in 2048.
April 17, 2018 11:18
1 minute read.
Special Independence Day "Koolulam" sing along featuring President Reuven Rivlin (Facebook/Reuven Ruvi Rivlin)
Special Independence Day "Koolulam" sing along featuring President Reuven Rivlin (Facebook/Reuven Ruvi Rivlin)
The population has increased more than tenfold from 806,000 at the country’s establishment in 1948 to approximately 8.842 million today, according to data the Central Bureau of Statistics published this week ahead of the state’s 70th Independence Day.That number is expected to reach 15.2 million by the centennial celebrations in 2048.
This year alone, the population grew by approximately 163,000 – or 1.9% – representing 177,000 births, 41,000 deaths and 28,000 immigrants.
Since the establishment of the state, Israel has absorbed approximately 3.2 million immigrants.
Jews constitute 74.5% of the population, Arab citizens represent 20.9% and other religious groups, including non-Arab Christians and other minorities, make up 4.6%.
The average life expectancy for Israeli men is 80.7 years and 84.2 years for Israeli women, an increase of some four years for both sexes since 2000. Israeli men get married on average at 27.6 years of age and women at 25.2 years.
Population growth has slowed across the decades.
During the state’s first decade, the population grew by 8% annually, while the 1980s saw growth of less than 2% per year. The 1990s saw a rare increase to more than 3% annually due to mass immigration following the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The last decade has seen Israel’s population grow annually by approximately 2%, a figure that is expected to gradually decrease in the coming years.
By 2048, the population is predicted to grow by 1.7% per year and by 2065, by 1.6%.
Today, approximately 44% of Israelis live in the 15 largest cities, each home to more than 100,000 persons. In 1948, only Tel Aviv housed more than 100,000 people – approximately 240,000 or 28% of the population.
Jerusalem is now the country’s largest city, boasting a population of 882,700. Only 70 Israelis reside in Israel’s smallest community, Neveh Zohar on the shores of the Dead Sea.
During the past 12 months, Israelis traveled abroad some 7.5 million times, more than double the 3.5 million trips made in 2000. In the opposite direction, Israel welcomed more than 3.8 million visitors through its various entry points during the year – an all-time record.
What is Israel's future? CM
Thanks CM for helping to perk this thread up a bit. My understanding is that today's Israel is not biblical Israel. But is comprised mainly from the broken off Jews and Pharisees who escaped the destruction of 70AD.
Circumcision made one a Jew, not birth. And when Jesus abolished circumcision on the cross, he abolished physical Israel and Jewry. And these have been under God's wrath ever since that time. History alone proves this. And I expect more of the same until the world ends. So I think we are seeing a lull before the storm.
The Talmud began with the same oral traditions Jesus condemned and has grown worse and more volumnous since that time. It alone explains the attitude against gentiles that has resulted in their being persecuted and driven from around 114 nations so far.
I also think God blesses those who bless us (Biblical Israel) and curses those who curse us. And no group hates Jesus and the church more than the Talmudic Jews. If you search for this it stands out on the Internet.
Jesus said Jerusalem will be trodden down by gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. And today's Jews became gentiles when Jesus abolished circumcision on the cross. But any who accept Jesus, God will graft back into Israel (Christendom) as Paul says will happen for the fathers' sakes.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
As Israel celebrates 70th birthday, population grows to 8.842 million
The population has increased more than tenfold from 806,000 at the country’s establishment in 1948 to approximately 8.842 million today, according to data the Central Bureau of Statistics published this week ahead of the state’s 70th Independence Day.That number is expected to reach 15.2 million by the centennial celebrations in 2048.
Does anyone know on what part of the land those additional 7 million are supposed to live?
I believe this alone proves the promises to Abraham were symbolic and only literal and temporal for the duration of the Old Covenant. The promises far exceed the land's, even the earth's capacity to fulfill it.
@Wolfgang said:
Does anyone know on what part of the land those additional 7 million are supposed to live?The spoils of war, the spoils of war...
Really, let Israel work it out with her neighbors. Give her a chance. CM
But....is Israel in the right? Do they have divine rights to the Land? I believe we can prove the Palestinian Christians are Biblical Israel and the "Israelis" are not....
Any return to the land after having been dispersed or taken into captivity in another land (cp. Babylonian captivity) for Biblical Israel was always dependent on REPENTANCE and believing in God and His Messiah first ...
There was no repentance involved with those Zionists / Jews who finally got "big cheese countries" to support the intrusion and occupation of Palestinian land to which they had no right at all ... and on which they then established themselves as a nation which since has influenced much of world politics by getting everybody else to think that they were Biblical Israel who rightfully were taking back their land ... when in truth they are imposters and have stolen the land from others.
Their current behavior also displays no sign at all of any faith in God and His Messiah, actually they are among the worst persecutors of Christians in the world today, as some so-called "Messianic Jews" and other Christians living there attest. -
@Wolfgang said:
Any return to the land after having been dispersed or taken into captivity in another land (cp. Babylonian captivity) for Biblical Israel was always dependent on REPENTANCE and believing in God and His Messiah first ...
There was no repentance involved with those Zionists / Jews who finally got "big cheese countries" to support the intrusion and occupation of Palestinian land to which they had no right at all ... and on which they then established themselves as a nation which since has influenced much of world politics by getting everybody else to think that they were Biblical Israel who rightfully were taking back their land ... when in truth they are imposters and have stolen the land from others.
Their current behavior also displays no sign at all of any faith in God and His Messiah, actually they are among the worst persecutors of Christians in the world today, as some so-called "Messianic Jews" and other Christians living there attest.Well said.........