Inside the White House Bible Study group

"Of all the Bible studies I've written on policy, Trump's enacting everything I've written."
[Ralph] "Drollinger doesn't necessarily think Trump is "working off of my blueprint".
"But he's coming from the same place I am, in terms of Biblical understating of the issues."
On a side note: Drollinger is a Dispensationalists and they replace biblical Israel (the Church) with the unbelieving State of Israel. Whom God removed from biblical Israel when he grafted believing gentiles into their place.
- Tell me, my friend, are Baptists Dispensationalists, particularly, in view of the return of Jesus (chronology and events)?
- In general, I am against this practice. It's a slippery slope of the state sponsoring a brand of religion. I believe in church-state separation. Don't think it strange. I am following in steps in common with the Baptists, whose beliefs are Bible-centered. The Baptists see themselves to be the continuation of the early New Testament church, some even claimed John the Baptist as their founder.
There was an organized body of Baptists in England before 1640. Groups emerged who became known as Anabaptists (now Mennonites) because they insisted on a rebaptism since infant baptism is not scriptural. Roger Williams founded the first Baptist church in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1639. Baptists who contended for a separation of church and state.
I don't adhere to Luther’s two kingdoms view. However, I am in agreement with the principle of separation of church and state from the Reformers, which is believed to be supported by Christ’s teaching recorded in Matt. 22:21.
An example for this is seen in a book of the past. An unusually authentic and fully documented work of People, Church and State in Modern Russia, by Dr. Paul B. Anderson — The program of the official Soviet Party published in 1932, Article 13, reads at follows :
- "With regard to religion, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union does not confine itself to the already decreed separation of church and state and of school and church, i.e., measures advocated in the programs of bourgeois democracy, which the latter has nowhere consistently carried out to the end owing to the diverse and actual ties which bind capital with religious propaganda. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union is guided by the conviction that only conscious and deliberate planning of all the social and economic activities of the masses will cause religious prejudices to die out. The Party strives for the complete dissolution of the ties between the exploiting classes and the organizations of religious propaganda, facilitates the real emancipation of the working masses from religious prejudices and organizes the widest possible scientific educational and anti-religious propaganda. At the same time, it is necessary carefully to avoid giving offense to the religious sentiments of believers, which only leads to the strengthening of religious fanaticism."
There needs to be a complete effort to believe, teach, and practice the complete separation of church and state. Matt. 22:17-21; John 18:36. This doesn't mean Christians can't live in harmony with the principles of God's law as a foundation for loving service to humanity.
-- T.G. Tappert (Ed.). Luther’s Works: Table Talk. Vol. 54, 1981: 199. B. Thompson, 1996: 406.
-- Dr. Paul B. Anderson. People, Church and State in Modern Russia: official Soviet Party published in 1932, Article 13. -
@C_M_ said:
1. Tell me, my friend, are Baptists Dispensationalists, particularly, in view of the return of Jesus (chronology and events)?Baptists encompass a broad range of beliefs. As far as end times teaching, many if not most are Premillennial. And in this many are Dispensationalists. Some Reformed Baptists are Amillennial or Postmillennial.
Dispensationalism being taught in the White House almost guarantees a pro Israel bias and continued war in the Middle East.
- In general, I am against this practice. It's a slippery slope of the state sponsoring a brand of religion. I believe in church-state separation. Don't think it strange. I am following in steps in common with the Baptists, whose beliefs are Bible-centered. The Baptists see themselves to be the continuation of the early New Testament church, some even claimed John the Baptist as their founder.
Jesus taught separation of Church and State when he said his kingdom is not of this world. This is why I speak out against all millennial theories. The all try to make his kingdom of this world.
There was an organized body of Baptists in England before 1640. Groups emerged who became known as Anabaptists (now Mennonites) because they insisted on a rebaptism since infant baptism is not scriptural. Roger Williams founded the first Baptist church in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1639. Baptists who contended for a separation of church and state.
The London Confession Baptists of the 1600s were perhaps the closest to understanding the doctrines of sin and grace. But all churches when combined give the big picture. This is why I shop around and take from the Mennonites, the Baptists, the Reformed, the Pentecostals. I do not believe any single denomination has all the truth.
I don't adhere to Luther’s two kingdoms view. However, I am in agreement with the principle of separation of church and state from the Reformers, which is believed to be supported by Christ’s teaching recorded in Matt. 22:21.
Both Luther and Calvin have much innocent blood on their hands teach the dual morality theory. Possibly Christian involvement in both world wars could be laid at their feet.
An example for this is seen in a book of the past. An unusually authentic and fully documented work of People, Church and State in Modern Russia, by Dr. Paul B. Anderson — The program of the official Soviet Party published in 1932, Article 13, reads at follows :
- "With regard to religion, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union does not confine itself to the already decreed separation of church and state and of school and church, i.e., measures advocated in the programs of bourgeois democracy, which the latter has nowhere consistently carried out to the end owing to the diverse and actual ties which bind capital with religious propaganda. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union is guided by the conviction that only conscious and deliberate planning of all the social and economic activities of the masses will cause religious prejudices to die out. The Party strives for the complete dissolution of the ties between the exploiting classes and the organizations of religious propaganda, facilitates the real emancipation of the working masses from religious prejudices and organizes the widest possible scientific educational and anti-religious propaganda. At the same time, it is necessary carefully to avoid giving offense to the religious sentiments of believers, which only leads to the strengthening of religious fanaticism."
"Physical Kingdom Christians" are a threat to any secular government. And an even bigger threat to Christianity. If there is one message today, it should be Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God is not of this world. It is spiritual and within you.
There needs to be a complete effort to believe, teach, and practice the complete separation of church and state. Matt. 22:17-21; John 18:36. This doesn't mean Christians can't live in harmony with the principles of God's law as a foundation for loving service to humanity.
A simple return to the pacifism taught in the NT would naturally separate the two kingdoms. The violent worldly kingdom and the peaceful heavenly kingdom.
-- T.G. Tappert (Ed.). Luther’s Works: Table Talk. Vol. 54, 1981: 199. B. Thompson, 1996: 406.
-- Dr. Paul B. Anderson. People, Church and State in Modern Russia: official Soviet Party published in 1932, Article 13. -
Notwithstanding, no one should confuse Ceasar's House (the people's) with God's house. Study the Bible elsewhere. CM
@C_M_ said:
Notwithstanding, no one should confuse Ceasar's House (the people's) with God's house. Study the Bible elsewhere. CMMy concern is the effect it will have on foreign policy if Trump or Pence believe what they are saying is true...