Why Divorce Is Illegal In The Philippines | ASIAN BOSS

Thanks, interesting.
I review the "Asian Boss" video on Divorce in the Philippines, a people group (Filipinos), I am somewhat familiar.
1. Most of the interviewees were millennials who are more open, less religious and unmarried.
2. Is Catholicism, the state religion?
3. If not, this can best be handled if there is a clear separation of church/state.
4. Again, who authorizes marriages in the Philippines, the State or the Church and the state?
5. Because a country or state comprises a majority of a certain religious belief, it does make it the people's or the state's religion.
6. To keep the purity of this thread, a new one needs to be started to discuss to the Divorce on OT, Divorce on NT, Jesus, and Divorce, the "exception clause" on divorce in the NT, the biblical principles of divorce in view of marriage or above all, divorce and the Catholic church.
7. The history (or lack) of divorce in the Philippines is a good place to start to shepherd this thread to maturity. Do you know any Christian Filipino Logos Users who're willing to join CD?
8. I guess the elephant in the room, considering the content of the video clip is what's the role and influence of the Catholic Church in the family, people, laws, and social affairs of the country?These are some of my initial thoughts on the clip. What points were you hoping to bring out? Are you concern about the breakdown of the family and society? Perhaps, one should look at countries with high divorce rates. Regardless, new laws will be needed the manage families, women, children and properties of divorced people. I remain. CM