The Greatest Wretch

Who here, in your opinion is the greatest wretch? Has that wretch been saved by grace?
@GaoLu said:
Who here, in your opinion is the greatest wretch? Has that wretch been saved by grace?I'm not sure I understand the question.
It was a bit strange, wasn't it. The word "wretch" doesn't go down very well when I think of myself. I was just thinking of the song, Amazing Grace and realize I probably qualify as the award-winning Wretch #1. You are likely way down about #7 billion or so.
Just saying how grateful I am for God's grace and how much I care and want to bring joy to his heart with every part of my life. The conclusion of the matter is that we are redeemed!
I still pray asking God to forgive me for what I am at the start of every day. And that he would clothe me in Christ's righteousness as I have none of my own. And that he would consider his wrath poured out on Jesus in my place before he takes me into consideration. I have yet to meet a scoundrel I do not look up to.....