Hardly anyone is killed by a rifle

In 2016 374 people were killed by rifles.
In contrast: 1,604 people were killed by a knife or some other cutting device and 656 people were killed by Hands, fists, feet, etc.
In other words, rifles are hardly a problem when put in perspective of all homicides. Kind of blows the liberal gun control narrative out of the water.
That is commendable. But I cannot think of any reason I might want a gun other than fear. And fear is the absence of faith, the epitome of doubt. If I could have either a gun or perfect love for enemies, I would take the love any day, because love casts out fear. And faith works by love.
@davidtaylorjr said:
In 2016 374 people were killed by rifles.In contrast: 1,604 people were killed by a knife or some other cutting device and 656 people were killed by Hands, fists, feet, etc.
In other words, rifles are hardly a problem when put in perspective of all homicides. Kind of blows the liberal gun control narrative out of the water.
David, I'm not sure what the "liberal gun control narrative" is when it comes to how many people need to be killed by rifles before it becomes more than "hardly a problem." I hope you'll inform us.
Making mountains out of thimbleful of trouble is known as obsessing and isn't a healthy mental condition. Conspicuous evidence prevails that it isn't a healthy emotional condition either.
I suppose that some people keep themselves all riled up emotionally about almost anything because the emotional intoxication, like alcohol, drowns their fears and worries that God might actually exist and that they are in big trouble with Him. That is likely the condition we see prevailaing in America today as people even so-called Christians walk away from God and toward sin. Guilt binds and grinds to death.
@Bill_Coley said:
David, I'm not sure what the "liberal gun control narrative" is when it comes to how many people need to be killed by rifles before it becomes more than "hardly a problem." I hope you'll inform us.
They way you guys talk thousands are killed each year by rifles alone.
Stepping over the graves of millions of children whose lives were aborted by mass murderers certain people cry out, rifles! Yeah, right. Walking past the mass child-killing centers where silent screams cannot be heard from the womb, they cry out "more gun laws!" Anyone have a problem with that? Are gun laws the problem? Rifles?
Some of my richest, best, bonding memories with my father and grandfather were target practice and hunting. I trusted them. I knew they loved me. When they told me about God, the Bible and the resurrection, I could believe them. We were family. I was trusted and felt their confidence in me as a person, as a young man. Yes--rifles were an important part of that, as the NRA knows.
@davidtaylorjr said:
They way you guys talk thousands are killed each year by rifles alone.I've never heard anyone - let alone any well known advocate for enhanced gun control measures - say anything of the sort, David. Can you link to quotes?
@davidtaylorjr said:
In 2016 374 people were killed by rifles.In contrast: 1,604 people were killed by a knife or some other cutting device and 656 people were killed by Hands, fists, feet, etc.
In other words, rifles are hardly a problem when put in perspective of all homicides. Kind of blows the liberal gun control narrative out of the water.
"There are Lies, Lies, and Statistics." You're a reasonably intelligent person, but this information is foolishness on its face. This what one would call the making of holy evil.Are the above numbers supposed to release the NRA of all gun deaths? Does the above data earn them gun Sainthood? Their hands are dirty as coal from the West Virginia mines, Mr. Trump promises to reopen. Where are the jobs?
Does your so-called low number of rifle-deaths suppose to justify teachers having guns in the classroom? Have you forgotten the children that died in the movie house, schools, and in Nevada were killed by AR-15s?
I don't care if the number were one. It's tragic! Did you stop to think about the silent readers of these forums, who had a loved one to died by suicide from the use of a rifle? I find your mendacious statistics insensitive and sheer propaganda for the NRA. I long for the day, when you and other Christians, would repudiate this organization. CM
@GaoLu said:
Stepping over the graves of millions of children whose lives were aborted by mass murderers certain people cry out, rifles! Yeah, right. ...COME ON, GaoLu,
"Rifles" are real. They kill real people! "Rifles" kills God's beautiful animal kingdom. And now, who are the "mass murderers?"Are you ringing the emotional bell too loudly and squeezing the tear ducts a bit too hard? How many women have a funeral or buried inner body tissues? Where are these graves people are stepping over? Promote your passion, but you don't have to scare and try to shame society. Keep it real. CM
@Bill_Coley said:
I've never heard anyone - let alone any well known advocate for enhanced gun control measures - say anything of the sort, David. Can you link to quotes?You really trust in links?
@C_M_ said:
"Rifles" are real. They kill real people! "Rifles" kills God's beautiful animal kingdom. And now, who are the "mass murderers?"Are you ringing the emotional bell too loudly and squeezing the tear ducts a bit too hard? How many women have a funeral or buried inner body tissues? Where are these graves people are stepping over? Promote your passion, but you don't have to scare and try to shame society. Keep it real. CM
What I write was real and you know it is real. Your mocking heart-broken mothers and murdered babies are reprehensible.
@C_M_ said:
"There are Lies, Lies, and Statistics." You're a reasonably intelligent person, but this information is foolishness on its face. This what one would call the making of holy evil.Are the above numbers supposed to release the NRA of all gun deaths? Does the above data earn them gun Sainthood? Their hands are dirty as coal from the West Virginia mines, Mr. Trump promises to reopen. Where are the jobs?
Does your so-called low number of rifle-deaths suppose to justify teachers having guns in the classroom? Have you forgotten the children that died in the movie house, schools, and in Nevada were killed by AR-15s?
I don't care if the number were one. It's tragic! Did you stop to think about the silent readers of these forums, who had a loved one to died by suicide from the use of a rifle? I find your mendacious statistics insensitive and sheer propaganda for the NRA. I long for the day, when you and other Christians, would repudiate this organization. CM
Actually it came from the FBI crime in the US database. So you can be quiet about the NRA now as they have nothing to do with this. I know the truth hurts your views but you can't deny the truth and actual facts.
Calm down, GaoLu,
1. I know abortions is an emotional topic, in general for many; and for you, extremely.
2. Where is the new thread to discuss it, as suggested?
3. In case you missed it, my remarks were at your seemingly extreme emotionalism. Given you're an abortion number's man, am I missing something about abortion in the USA? Are women being forced to have abortions? If so, that I apologize. Are abortions not done at a women's choice or will? Please enlighten me on this and other matters in your new thread. Let's be respectful of the OP of this thread. Also, why do you seem to coordinate abortions and guns? Others may be interested in your reasoning as well.
4. Don't you think I am pro-life? Re-read my posts. I think your fight needs to be with someone else.
5. It would be a little more weight if you were assured of my understanding before you tagged me with "mocking heart-broken mothers and murdered babies are reprehensible."I will look for your new thread. CM
@davidtaylorjr said:
Actually it came from the FBI crime in the US database. So you can be quiet about the NRA now as they have nothing to do with this. I know the truth hurts your views but you can't deny the truth and actual facts.
1. No sources were cited.
2. You seem to cherry-pick data from a data package on guns from the FBI to help make a case for the NRA.
3. All death hurts. We're not talking about centers on target boards, beer cans, and bottles, or a tree in the woods. We are talking about loss lives here.
4. Your seemingly cavalier attitude with the numbers kind of got to me. Greater peace between you and I. CM -
@C_M_ said:
1. No sources were cited.
2. You seem to cherry-pick data from a data package on guns from the FBI to help make a case for the NRA.
3. All death hurts. We're not talking about centers on target boards, beer cans, and bottles, or a tree in the woods. We are talking about loss lives here.
4. Your seemingly cavalier attitude with the numbers kind of got to me. Greater peace between you and I. CMCavalier attitude? Who is making assumptions now. I'm showing evidence against the crazed mania to ban rifles. I've now cited the source but you clearly let your unobjective views show as you assumed it was the NRA and not real data from real crime fighters.
I didn't cherry pick anything. That's the raw data why can you not accept that? What do you think was cherry picked about it?
Your point number 3 is ridiculous, you assume I don't care that people die. But that isn't the focus of this thread.
@C_M_ said:
Calm down, GaoLu,
1. I know abortions is an emotional topic, in general for many; and for you, extremely.Yes, I feel some of the pain of the cross knowing babies are being killed. And you are right that there seem to be some who feel little emotion about that matter, which is what we would expect.
- Where is the new thread to discuss it, as suggested?
We are discussing relevant matters here.
- In case you missed it, my remarks were at your seemingly extreme emotionalism.
Given you're an abortion number's man, am I missing something about abortion in the USA? Are women being forced to have abortions? If so, that I apologize. Are abortions not done at a women's choice or will?
Mothers and Doctors are killing children by the million. Their list of justifications for mass murder isn't my discussion any more than the justification offered by a school shooter is my concern. The origin of their choice and method is my interest and what I would like to bring to this discussion.
Please enlighten me on this and other matters in your new thread. Let's be respectful of the OP of this thread.
I find the topic relevant to this thread. Thanks for respecting that.
Also, why do you seem to coordinate abortions and guns? Others may be interested in your reasoning as well.
Both are mass killing issues of similar moral origin in our communities. That same origin of wickedness is the topic I bring to the OP and the topic that tips you over so badly.
- Don't you think I am pro-life? Re-read my posts. I think your fight needs to be with someone else.
- What is your position?
- What are you running away from?
- It would be a little more weight if you were assured of my understanding before you tagged me with "mocking heart-broken mothers and murdered babies are reprehensible."
I only have what you say repeatedly. Actually what you think personally isn't my particular concern here. All kinds of people think all kinds of things. Yet, you keep skating all around as if guilty of...something. You really don't have to do that on my account. The Topic we are discussing, the source of killing, and your best defense of your view regarding it are my interest. I presume you are giving your best defense given the time and interest you have in this forum.
Perhaps people killing others and the reasons they do so are not really your concern. Perhaps you are driven by some inner personal phobia about guns. I invite you once again to discuss origins of your uncommon fear about guns if you like. However, the topic of interest to me in this thread isn't your terror of guns, but the truth about why and how people kill other people.
One more thing while I am here:
England has some of the strictest gun laws in the world and yet wouldya look at this:
Gun control is clearly a useless answer to a people problem.
@GaoLu said:
I find the topic relevant to this thread. Thanks for respecting that.
Both are mass killing issues of similar moral origin in our communities. That same origin of wickedness is the topic I bring to the OP and the topic that tips you over so badly.
We can continue to discuss guns here. However, I will wait for your thread on the topic of abortion. I stated this before. Don't you think it needs a full airing?
I only have what you say repeatedly. Actually what you think personally isn't my particular concern here. All kinds of people think all kinds of things. Yet, you keep skating all around as if guilty of...something.
"...if guilty of...something?" I am not Catholic nor do I think you're a prosecutor or a Priest. Give it a rest and use your skilled-experience elsewhere. Not only is your discernment is off, so is your tactics.
You really don't have to do that on my account. The Topic we are discussing, the source of killing, and your best defense of your view regarding it are my interest. I presume you are giving your best defense given the time and interest you have in this forum.
Your presumption is completely off. Personally, it's non-existence. I don't how to tell you this, but your manufactured guilt, your you-need-rescuing-hound is barking up the wrong tree. There is no coon in that tree.
Perhaps people killing others and the reasons they do so are not really your concern. Perhaps you are driven by some inner personal phobia about guns. I invite you once again to discuss origins of your uncommon fear about guns if you like. However, the topic of interest to me in this thread isn't your terror of guns, but the truth about why and how people kill other people.
If what you said above is so, perhaps, you need to start a new thread of which I would have no interests. Your perception in your head, however, passionate, it's not my reality. Wherever you are (not a hint of a desire to know), find someone close by that's in trouble or visibly in need of help and extend your hand or services. It's obvious you have a great need to be needed. I hope you find the necessary fulfillment. Send a PM and I can make some other recommendations. God will supply all your needs. CM
Thanks for your thoughts, CM.
To all of us:
We never really know what we are dealing with, the stability of the other person, so caution is always wise. What may seem like fun, or challange or serious learning may be the tipping point for someone in a harmful way. My desire is that we build. Sure, iron sharpens iron, but sometimes clay doesn't fare so well.This book is only .99 fron Faithlife.
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