Rex Tillerson Is No Longer Secretary of State

Didn't see this coming so abruptly. I like Mike Pompeo though, this will be interesting.
@davidtaylorjr said:'t see this coming so abruptly. I like Mike Pompeo though, this will be interesting.
I did. He was marked to be gone ever since he "allegedly" called Mr. Trump a....
The next two to go are Devoss and Session. Your President shows signs of not being the most mature man of power and in personal relations. Not shaming, just reflecting.I don't think your President want Tillerson to apologize to African nations for his "nasty" remarks about people from the Continent.
Notwithstanding, it's a good distraction from other items in the news about the President and Devoss' debacle. America put you trust in Jesus...CM
@C_M_ said:
@davidtaylorjr said:'t see this coming so abruptly. I like Mike Pompeo though, this will be interesting.
I did. He was marked to be gone ever since he "allegedly" called Mr. Trump a....
The next two to go are Devoss and Session. Your President shows signs of not being the most mature man of power and in personal relations. Not shaming, just reflecting.Are you an American? If so, he is YOUR president too.
I don't think your President want Tillerson to apologize to African nations for his "nasty" remarks about people from the Continent.
See above.
Notwithstanding, it's a good distraction from other items in the news about the President and Devoss' debacle. America put you trust in Jesus...CM
What is this Devoss debacle people keep talking about?
@davidtaylorjr said:
What is this Devoss debacle people keep talking about?
Her interview with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes. CM
@C_M_ said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
What is this Devoss debacle people keep talking about?
Her interview with Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes. CM
Oh yeah, the "debacle" lol good grief. I started a new thread on this. Calling that a debacle is a joke.
Your standards may be a little lower than mine for a US Education Sect'y. I won't blame or hold this against you. Be happy. CM
What Secretary of State Tillerson’s Firing Means
Paul Craig RobertsSenator Chuck Schumer (D, NY) says Tillerson’s firing indicates that the Trump administration is disintegrating. I understand why Senator Schumer sees it that way, expecially following all the other dismissals and resignations.
I see it differently. The firing of Secretary of State Tillerson, the movement of CIA Director Pompeo to Secretary of State, and the promotion of Gina Haspel, who oversaw the secret CIA torture prisons in Thailand (, indicate that the military/security complex has closed its grip on the Trump regime. There will be no more talk of normalizing relations with Russia.
The combination of the Israel Lobby, the neoconservatives, and the military/security complex have proven to be too powerful for peace to be established between the two nuclear powers. If you look at Trump’s administration, the above three forces are those in charge.
Israel remains determined to use the US military to destabilize Syria and Iran in order to isolate Hezbollah and cut off the milita’s support and supplies. The neoconservatives both support Israel’s interest and their own desire for Washington’s hegemony over the world. The military/security complex intends to hold on to the “Russia threat” as a justification of its budget and power.
The presstitutes are in complete harmony with the scheme. Although Russiagate has been proven to be false charges orchestrated by the DNC, FBI, and CIA, the presstitutes continue to repeat the charges as if evidence exists that proves the charges to be true. The “stolen election” is fiction turned into fact. And now we have a new charge, that Putin ordered a former British spy in England to be eliminated while sitting on a park bench with the use of a highly unlikely form of military poison. The charge is preposterous, but that is not preventing the fiction from becoming fact.
Having served in Washington for a quarter century and having known members of the British government, I do not believe that any of them believe the Russiagate and Skripal poisoning stories. What is happening is that an agenda has taken precedence over truth.
This is an extremely dangerous agenda. Russia’s new weapons easily give Russia military superiority over the US. As China and Iran see the situation similarly to the Russians, the US is greatly out-classed. Yet, Washington and its vassals persist in making violent and false charges and threats against Russia, Iran, and on occasion China. Russia, Iran, and China know that these charges are false. Confronting an endless string of false and hostile charges, they prepare for war.
The world is being driven to war, which would be nuclear, by a tiny minority: Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex. We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history. Where are the voices against it?
@C_M_ said:
Your standards may be a little lower than mine for a US Education Sect'y. I won't blame or hold this against you. Be happy. CMOh brother. And what exactly was wrong with her? Do tell..
@Wolfgang said:
What Secretary of State Tillerson’s Firing Means
Paul Craig RobertsSenator Chuck Schumer (D, NY) says Tillerson’s firing indicates that the Trump administration is disintegrating. I understand why Senator Schumer sees it that way, expecially following all the other dismissals and resignations.
The world is being driven to war, which would be nuclear, by a tiny minority: Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex. We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history.
If true, all under the leadership of Mr. Trump. Oh, how easily he seemed to be led around.
Where are the voices against it?
The seemingly voiceless Party that holds the three branches of Gov't. CM
@C_M_ said:
The world is being driven to war, which would be nuclear, by a tiny minority: Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex. We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history.
If true, all under the leadership of Mr. Trump. Oh, how easily he seemed to be led around.
You didn't get it ... the leadership are the Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex, who re-gained control after they at first feared for losing control when their election scheme for Hillary Clinton didn't quite work out.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
The world is being driven to war, which would be nuclear, by a tiny minority: Israeli Zionists, neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex. We are witnessing the most reckless and irresponsible behavior in world history.
If true, all under the leadership of Mr. Trump. Oh, how easily he seemed to be led around.
You didn't get it ... the leadership are the Israeli Zionists
Please, Israeli gets aids and weapons from the US. She is a partner with them and will do her part.
neoconservatives, and the US military/security complex, who re-gained control after they at first feared for losing control when their election scheme for Hillary Clinton didn't quite work out.
Regardless, the TV showman is President (D. J. Trump) of the USA. Israel is not driving the train. If you insist on it, then, that makes Mr. Trump a puppet in his beloved USA. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! CM
@C_M_ said:
Regardless, the TV showman is President (D. J. Trump) of the USA. Israel is not driving the train. If you insist on it, then, that makes Mr. Trump a puppet in his beloved USA. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! CMThe Israel lobby together with its high finance and military industrial complex connections have been pulling the strings all along and long before Trump showed up on a political scene ... and, strangely, many US citizens actually know it and voice it in private conversation but will publically state the opposite because they do not want to be called and labeled "Nazi" (such is even worse over here in Germany .... if you mention anything of wanting to put Germany and Germans in a position of priority over - for example -- the current migrants who receive free care, never having paid into any social insurance, etc, you are immediately thrown in the "Nazi" corner ...
Here's a little more on current USA dealings and what they seem to really be up to do:
Anonymous on March 13, 2018 · at 9:54 pm UTCNimrata “Nikki” Randhawa Haley needs to swallow a big cup of shut the F- up. What right does America or its allies have to be in Syria in the first place?
The USA sure as hell ain’t “fighting terrorism,” as it has been backing and arming jihadist terrorist groups like Al-Nusra Front and others for years.
The Americans hide behind a mask to disguise and rationalize their covert terror wars and aggressive expansion into other nations.
Weapons of Mass Destruction, Terrorism, Humanitarian Intervention, Democracy and Freedom–all lies that the USA deploys to justify its criminal wars.
America crucially relies upon a subservient corporate “free press” that regurgitates every lie that the USA peddles so as to get away with these crimes against peace.
This is the nature of the American Media “Matrix.”
More on the Whore of Zion, Nimrod Nikki: Commander: ‘US Troops Prepared to Die for Israel’ in War against Syria, Hezbollah -
You can't blame Israel because of weak US Leader. CM
@C_M_ said:
You can't blame Israel because of weak US Leader. CMHere we have a delema. If Christendom is Israel according to scripture, then no group curses Abraham and his seed more than the Jews.
Is it? CM
@C_M_ said:
Is it? CMYes! God removed the unbelievers from Israel under Jesus. Only those who accepted Jesus as King remained Israel.
God removed the unbelievers from Israel under Jesus. Only those who accepted Jesus as King remained Israel.
Dave's one-man Theology 101 Point #3
@GaoLu said:
God removed the unbelievers from Israel under Jesus. Only those who accepted Jesus as King remained Israel.
Dave's one-man Theology 101 Point #3
From whom did God break off the unbelieving Jews in Romans 11? It wasn't Christ, because the unbelievers were never part of the body of Christ. It was Israel. So the broken off are not Israel. And to whom did God graft believing gentiles into? The unbelieving broken off Jews? Or Israel?
So, the world supposed to be afraid of Russia and let her have her way? Don't carry Russia's water and propaganda. Unfortunately, America is pre-occupied covering (the house) Mr. Trump and him, his personal affairs; Russia gets a free hand without trying. The sad tale of two nations. CM
PS. "The Eastern Diamondback does not want you dead, it wants you to let it live!"-- Could this be describing Israel?
I grew up in the mountains of California. We had rattlesnakes. I did not like them. I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 1979. I met several of them, even had one strike my boot once. My conclusion, though they are poisonous , they are the gentlemen of snakes. When striking, adult snakes (juveniles behave differently) do not necessarily inject poison--or much poison. Sometimes they are just giving warning. They may inject some poison when seriously threatened, but usually when seeking supper.
As gentlemen, rattlesnakes ALWAYS escape if possible. They don't seek trouble, they don't want trouble, they go to any length to avoid it. Only if cornered and threatened do they do what all living creatures do...protect themselves from harm the best way they know how.
So likening Israel to Rattlesnakes is a snakish thing to do and in reality, a missed strike.
@GaoLu said:
As gentlemen, rattlesnakes ALWAYS escape if possible. They don't seek trouble, they don't want trouble, they go to any length to avoid it. Only if cornered and threatened do they do what all living creatures do...protect themselves from harm the best way they know how.
So likening Israel to Rattlesnakes is a snakish thing to do and in reality, a missed strike.
Are you referring to:
CM said: PS. "The Eastern Diamondback does not want you dead, it wants you to let it live!"-- Could this be describing Israel?
If you are; you would be right, if it were a statement. Missed strike, too. Israel wants to live in peace. CM
A rhetorical question is a statement.
@GaoLu said:
A rhetorical question is a statement.Under whose authority, you assigned my question as rhetorical? CM
Perception is not reality.
Reality is not Perception. CM