Star Wars Theology

Shortly after the release of "The Last Jedi", Randy Alcorn wrote a blog post condemning most of the world view behind Star Wars as dualistic and contradicting Biblical Christianity.
In an earlier article, John McDowell draws countless parallels between the Force and the Holy Spirit - even excplicitly dismisses the view of a dualistic cosmology in Star Wars.
So here are two evangelical veterans who fundamentally disagree on the issue. Who do you think is right?
Star Wars has undoubtedly had an impact on society. But has it been for the better or for the worse?
I think we would first need to ask, has anyone actually based their theology on things they saw in Star Wars? The same things have been done for Harry Potter as well.
It's fiction, not meant to be taken as any sort of reality and you can draw it up either way. Of course you can do this with most things.
I believe things like Star Wars, and Harry Potter are harmless and can actually be utilized for ministry as Josh McDowell has shown.
I haven't watched "The Last Jedi" yet. But I have the complete collection on DVD up to that point. I even have "Han shoots first!", where Han blows away Greedo from under the table before Greedo knows what's going on. Han being a negative role model in that case. Lucas would later change and edit him into a more self defensive role.
What I like about the collection is that if evolution were true, this is what you would see running around. All kinds of "in between" monstrosities of nature and more.
As far as worldviews, I believe the series can be a type of Rorschach Test allowing for various interpretations.
But overall SW is very entertaining.
@Jan said:
"The Last Jedi", Randy Alcorn wrote a blog post condemning most of the worldview behind Star Wars as dualistic and contradicting Biblical Christianity...John McDowell draws countless parallels between the Force and the Holy Spirit - even explicitly dismisses the view of a dualistic cosmology in Star Wars.Jan,
Both men hold valid points. I lean more to Randy's position over McDowell. I would consider using the latter man's work to reach "seekers" or those with little or no church consistency. Mainly, it can be used to reach the "unchurched." Believe it or not, this may be their only reference point to reach them because of their general consumption of societal materials. It could be a tool, but the Bible remains the source of truth and authority.