U. S. President: Play, Pay, Porn

This thread is not to shame but to explain. How do parents answer a question or inquires if at all, this current event with young children? Do teachers and parents keep them from the news? Or, do parents explain to them the terms used and the immoral behavior of Mr. Trump prior to him becoming the US President? For one who is from the Party of "Family Values" (Republican), it would be a challenge to explain this situation to mid-late teens. The gross immortal acts of Mr. Trump prior to becoming President, in a young mind--sex, money, and power -- are being re-enforced in light of a lack of consequences. If it is proven Mr. Trump re-embursed his lawyer for payment ($130,000) to a porn star (now two) with campaign funds, it may lead to his removal or him taken to court. Should American parents explain it to their young ones or shelter them? No American (I hope) is under any allusion Mr. Trump was elected to be a Pope, Pastor, or Priest, but to be President. Is it too much for the American people to expect a reasonable, rational moral President moving forward? What say ye? CM
@C_M_ said:
No American (I hope) is under any allusion Mr. Trump was elected to be a Pope, Pastor, or Priest, but to be President. Is it too much for the American people to expect a reasonable, rational moral President moving forward? What say ye? CMI think you're right to distinguish the American presidency from positions of ecclesiastical leadership, CM. In general in this country, expectations of personal morality are much higher for faith leaders than for political leaders (not that those higher expectations are always met!) What Donald Trump has accomplished, however, is the nearly-complete demolition of ANY expectation of personal character or virtue in an American president.
The disappearance of presidential moral character and virtue since Trump's election is evident in countless - nearly daily - examples, but nothing demonstrates it better than this: Just days away from his election in 2016, the man who is now president of the United States authorized a $130,000 payment to a porn star to keep her from talking about their sexual encounters.... And NOBODY in America is surprised.
keep on harping on the president ..... just explain first how Bill Clinton "worked" at the oval office with female personnel
and that while in office, with flat out lies explaining what "sex" means, etc ....
And while you are at it, perhaps you want to explain to your children, how the "peace nobel prize winner" Obama mass murdered civilians in foreign countries by playing "drone games" ??
@Wolfgang said:
keep on harping on the president ..... just explain first how Bill Clinton "worked" at the oval office with female personneland that while in office, with flat out lies explaining what "sex" means, etc ....
I'm sure you remember, Wolfgang, that Bill Clinton eventually, and while still in office, to a national TV audience admitted to his affair with a White House intern, and paid fines and faced other serious consequences from court cases that were much part of the public record. Do you expect President Trump publicly and while still in office to admit to a) his affair with the porn star to whom he authorized a secret $130,000 hush money payment days before the election, or b) ANY of the allegations of the 16 women who accused him of improper sexual conduct?
And while you are at it, perhaps you want to explain to your children, how the "peace nobel prize winner" Obama mass murdered civilians in foreign countries by playing "drone games" ??
You and I disagree strongly on many dimensions of American foreign policy, Obama's "mass murders" included.
I would take Mr. Obama's calm, character, integrity, and intellect over Mr Trump's petulance, narcissism, emotional neediness, and abject ignorance any day, for any period of time.
@Bill_Coley said:
I would take Mr. Obama's calm, character, integrity, and intellect over Mr Trump's petulance, narcissism, emotional neediness, and abject ignorance any day, for any period of time.I can only laugh ... Obama is a mass murderer, war criminal ... and I don't give a lousy penny for his "calm, character, integrity and intellect", seeing that he was FAKE from the start and continues to be a puppet (who just happened to be unsuccessful in heaving his "comrade in crime" (Hillary Clinton) into office to continue the devastating course ...
@C_M_ said:
This thread is not to shame but to explain.Hmmmm. Really?
How do parents answer a question or inquires if at all, this current event with young children?
Young children don't need to know the negative side. Ben Franklin had a very dark side. We don't fill our kids with that trash.
Do teachers and parents keep them from the news?
We chose not to have TV in our home. Our children are choosing the same with their children. Good choice. I don't think it has to be a problem. If someone puts the garbage in front of their children then GIGO...garbage in--garbage out. No brainer.
Or, do parents explain to them the terms used and the immoral behavior of Mr. Trump prior to him becoming the US President?
His immoral behavior isn't different than anyone else's behavior. I would certainly protect my child from allegedly Christian individuals who support LGBT, abortion, other liberal agendas. I find that immoral behavior to be some of the most dangerous and destructive.
For one who is from the Party of "Family Values" (Republican), it would be a challenge to explain this situation to mid-late teens.
I am skeptical that they know much or are interested unless some adult puts them up to it.
The gross immortal acts of Mr. Trump prior to becoming President, in a young mind--sex, money, and power -- are being re-enforced in light of a lack of consequences. If it is proven Mr. Trump re-embursed his lawyer for payment ($130,000) to a porn star (now two) with campaign funds, it may lead to his removal or him taken to court. Should American parents explain it to their young ones or shelter them?
Wild accusations by the media are far less concern than the known immorality of people like Clinton or those who support LGBT / Abortion issues.
No American (I hope) is under any allusion Mr. Trump was elected to be a Pope, Pastor, or Priest, but to be President. Is it too much for the American people to expect a reasonable, rational moral President moving forward? What say ye? CM
We would like that. We have not had it in recent decades. Many of us find Trump a decided improvement in many areas (and weaker in others).
Don't take me wrong--I am no fan of Trump and did not vote for him and would not today.
Why do you doubt my sincerity? I am not holding any secrets for Mr. Trump. "I don't have a dime in that dollar." Thanks for your response. You are always concise and organized in your answers. What I admire most, you're not afraid to affirm points of truth, even if it comes from a person you may not generally agree with on many things. Keep it up.
How do parents answer a question or inquires if at all, this current event with young children?
Young children don't need to know the negative side. Ben Franklin had a very dark side. We don't fill our kids with that trash.
What do you mean, its current events? The school doesn't require or expect the student to watch the news critically? Come, GaoLu, Why can't parents use the news as a "teaching moment?" Even the Bible reveals many people's "dark sides" and yet, the love and compassion of God come through. It may not be dinner table talk, but there needs to be some talk (e.g. fishing, hunting", target practicing"
, etc.).
Do teachers and parents keep them from the news?
We chose not to have TV in our home. Our children are choosing the same with their children. Good choice. I don't think it has to be a problem. If someone puts the garbage in front of their children then GIGO...garbage in--garbage out. No brainer.
This is somewhat the point I am trying to make. Mr. Trump's behavior (past and present) is a challenge to parents and teachers. His actions need to be contrasted with what is right and proper. Prepare the young ones to live in the real world, this side of the return of Jesus. Based on their age of the child or children, they need to understand government, people, and behaviors. If your child has to encounter "garbage" (as in some branches of the US Govt) explain it to them and help them to know "garbage" behavior when they see or hear it. There is value in the garbage too. Every item in a garbage pile is not valueless. Pick out what items you can to understand. I know you don't new garbage to learn, but do what you can of what on the land. There is value, even in the garbage ("dark sides), if for no other purposes, it could be used as landfill to identify the emptiness of man's soul without Christ in the heart.
If no TV, what do your children do when seeing it or hear it away from home; e.g. internet, peers, public places (store, waiting room, etc.)? Isn't it better for you to address it with them first? One would have to admit the current US President is not the best example for children to listen to, imitate or desire to be like. Nothing personal.
Or, do parents explain to them the terms used and the immoral behavior of Mr. Trump prior to him becoming the US President?
His immoral behavior isn't different than anyone else's behavior.
This may be true to some degree, but should it be ignored and accepted as the norms?
Being President should mean something in words, restraint, and behavior, don't you think?I would certainly protect my child from allegedly Christian individuals who support LGBT, abortion, other liberal agendas. I find that immoral behavior to be some of the most dangerous and destructive.
This is somewhat getting off the point into your pet themes. However, taking your points to their logical ends, you or your children will have to live in a bubble. "LGBT, abortion, other liberal agendas people are not welcomed into your church, family, and community? We're admonished to be "in the world, but not of the world." This side of the return of Jesus, we are going to be around "immoral behavior" that are "the most dangerous and destructive." What about the children of these people? Will you tell your children won't be around them? Oh, how will you ever witness to them if you don't be around them?
For one who is from the Party of "Family Values" (Republican), it would be a challenge to explain this situation to mid-late teens.
I am skeptical that they know much or are interested unless some adult puts them up to it.
Not so, my brother! Teens appear to not be paying attention, but they do. The rink hypocrisy in the Republican Party is what turns them off from voting; and surely, from church, when it rare its ugly head. Teens talk; what about a text, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Have you forgotten about the school projects, opinion papers assignments, and debate club-teams? You may want to rethink your strategy in protecting your children from "immoral behavior to be some of the most dangerous and destructive."
The gross immortal acts of Mr. Trump prior to becoming President, in a young mind--sex, money, and power -- are being re-enforced in light of a lack of consequences. If it is proven Mr. Trump re-embursed his lawyer for payment ($130,000) to a porn star (now two) with campaign funds, it may lead to his removal or him taken to court. Should American parents explain it to their young ones or shelter them?
Wild accusations by the media are far less concern than the known immorality of people like Clinton or those who support LGBT / Abortion issues.
This is weak-reasoning for keeping teens in the dark on Mr. Trump's deeds. Teach them to "learn to discern." Teach them to separate the wheat (truth) from the chaff ("Fake News"). A good time and example are news conferences and the after remarks. You will get two completely different views of the one new conference or "State of the Union."
Clinton is not in the White House now, Mr. Trump is. Today's teens weren't around during Clinton and don't have the basic knowledge of his dealings. Yes, its history and they can research it, that's here nor there. Help explain to teen today what's going with Mr. Trump. Then and only then, it makes sense to bring up Clinton; contrasting the two men, parties, and sexual misdeeds. If you have a child that goes to college, any college; they are going to encounter "those who support LGBT / Abortion issues", overtly (openly) and/or covertly (in the "closet"). In short, it's knowledge, information, choice; conversely, over fear, isolation, ignorance.
No American (I hope) is under any allusion Mr. Trump was elected to be a Pope, Pastor, or Priest, but to be President. Is it too much for the American people to expect a reasonable, rational moral President moving forward? What say ye? CM
We would like that. We have not had it in recent decades. Many of us find Trump a decided improvement in many areas (and weaker in others).
Be careful with this. You may want to make passing swipes at past Presidents because of their stand certain subject matters, but don't lose sight of the deeper principles; especially in teaching teens. Do you want to teach youth to choose a leader (possibly a mate) regardless of past life, social adaptability, language used, treatment of women, racist speech, if not tendencies, unapologetic, fabricates and loves confusion to making decisions; as long as he or she gives the big desires of your heart and is against "LGBT, abortion, other liberal agendas"? Because you find those immoral "behaviors to be some of the most dangerous and destructive", the character doesn't matter?
Don't take me wrong--I am no fan of Trump and did not vote for him and would not today.
Signs of a thinking man, who is able to tune out the noise and see the bigger picture. Pass on this skill of discerning on the teens and others. Knowledge, options, and opportunity validate choice. To choose without these is the epitomization of manipulation-control dressed in the garment of options. CM
Good grief, do you know how many presidents, including founders, have these types of skeletons in their closet?
@davidtaylorjr said:
Good grief, do you know how many presidents, including founders, have these types of skeletons in their closet?The problem with most of Mr. Trump's "skeletons" is that they are not in a closet. Sadly, we hear their rattle and must dodge their impacts nearly daily.
I've followed national politics closely for the last 45-50 years. Without hesitation I say I have NEVER seen the amount of chaos, distress, and scandal (some proven; some alleged; almost none disproven) as we've have witnessed in the first 13+ months of the Trump administration. Basically EVERY DAY the man or someone on his team says something, does something, or media reports that turn out to be true report something that is some combination of dangerous, ridiculous, mendacious, or conspiratorial. Weekends are the only hope we have of calm days in Washington. Nearly every weekday is consumed with coverage of Trump's past, current, or planned outrageousness.
No president and his closeted skeletons in my lifetime came close to Trump's level of moral and character failure.
@Bill_Coley said:
I've followed national politics closely for the last 45-50 years. Without hesitation I say I have NEVER seen the amount of chaos, distress, and scandal (some proven; some alleged; almost none disproven) as we've have witnessed in the first 13+ months of the Trump administration.very simple ... there has never been such an attempt at an open coup to overthrow the elected president from even before his inauguration as has been the case with Trump. The deep state (Clinton, Obama, DNC, and military industrial complex plus their media presstitutes) was quite in shock at the outcome of the election and immediately set in motion how to somehow overturn the election results by some other means.
In the meantime, it appears that they have succeeded in curtailing Trump into doing their agenda ...
@Wolfgang said:
@Bill_Coley said:
I've followed national politics closely for the last 45-50 years. Without hesitation I say I have NEVER seen the amount of chaos, distress, and scandal (some proven; some alleged; almost none disproven) as we've have witnessed in the first 13+ months of the Trump administration.very simple ... there has never been such an attempt at an open coup to overthrow the elected president from even before his inauguration as has been the case with Trump. The deep state (Clinton, Obama, DNC, and military industrial complex plus their media presstitutes) was quite in shock at the outcome of the election and immediately set in motion how to somehow overturn the election results by some other means.
In the meantime, it appears that they have succeeded in curtailing Trump into doing their agenda ...
In my view, Wolfgang, moral and character failure can't be imposed by outside agents, whether complexes, presstitutes, or other "deep state" reps.
No one forced Donald Trump into extra marital affairs, or compelled him to pay hush money to a porn star, or coerced him into the thousands of false statements he's made since taking office.
In my view, Donald Trump alone is responsible for the actions which report his moral and character failures.
I am afraid Mr. Trump has to go. He is a stain on America's character and reputation. The timer has begun. How much more and how much longer, must America put up with being dragged in the dirt of scandals, sex, lies, distractions, greed, fear, uncertainty, possible collusion, and treason? Who is praying for this man? CM
@C_M_ said:
I am afraid Mr. Trump has to go. He is a stain on America's character and reputation.But Hillary, Bill and Obama are not? How many stains did they leave on all kinds of "places" (pun intended) ... especially stains of blood and destruction?
You guys are soooooooo upset with little and with things which one probably could find in any higher ranked politician's life and career .... and have no problem with warmongers and war criminals of the worst kind ? Who are the hypocrites here? -
All the fuss is dust in the wind. Wait and see.
They are not presidents now. Only one US President at a time. It seems that you have to let "Hillary, Bill, and Obama" go. Trump is the man and he is not looking "good" by anyone's standards. Trump and his lover of him have to "man-up".
How many stains did they leave on all kinds of "places" (pun intended) ... especially stains of blood and destruction?
That pretty much every US President. I am not one to defend their actions.
You guys are soooooooo upset with little and with things which one probably could find in any higher ranked politician's life and career .... and have no problem with warmongers and war criminals of the worst kind?
Wolfgang, you are not a naive man. And you say, Americans are "soooooooo upset with little"? Please! Make him President in your country. The last time I checked, Mr. Trump didn't stop the Drone strikes. In fact, I think, he has increased them. Look how long they investigated Benghazi? America does have laws. Just laws? That's another story.
Who are the hypocrites here?
Oh, why did you leave off George Bush's Bloodstain Iraq War? Remember, his search for "Weapon of Mass Destruction"? What about Trump dropping the largest non-nuclear Bomb in Afganistan? Was he just blowing up mountains?
Lastly, who is the hypocrite, the American people or its government? Regardless, She needs help under the Current President. If you are going to carry one of America's Party's water, "be fair and balanced." CM
@C_M_ said:
How many stains did they leave on all kinds of "places" (pun intended) ... especially stains of blood and destruction?
That pretty much every US President. I am not one to defend their actions.
but you are the one who gives the impression that the current one is "a bad fellow to no no end" while quietly overlooking the ones who were far worse in their deeds?
Wolfgang, you are not a naive man. And you say, Americans are "soooooooo upset with little"? Please! Make him President in your country.
We have him (and have had all others since the end of WWII) as "our president", and have not been refused sovereignty by the USA and its western allies since. Our "German" president is a figure puppet to disguise and put the general public to sleep, our chancellor and his cabinet is the extended hand of Washington ....
The last time I checked, Mr. Trump didn't stop the Drone strikes. In fact, I think, he has increased them.
He seems to have been "pulled in" to the real evil USrael/Zionist powers and the military industrial complex within less than a year in office .... he was just not as smart as Putin to crush those Zionist Empire enemies of the American people with a swift and decisive blow ...
Who are the hypocrites here?
Oh, why did you leave off George Bush's Bloodstain Iraq War? Remember, his search for "Weapon of Mass Destruction"? What about Trump dropping the largest non-nuclear Bomb in Afganistan? Was he just blowing up mountains?
was just typing along ... gladly add that war criminal to the list. He and his Daddy were just as instrumental (if not more so) in extending US policy to a "permanent war" .... and when there was no enemy any longer after the collapse of the USSR, they invented a new "enemy" (terror) which has served as "reason" to spend even more money into the pockets of the American people's real enemies (military industrial complex and wall street banksters) ... and since that sort of got old and was thwarted by Russia, now Russia and Putin have been made the new enemy ...
Lastly, who is the hypocrite, the American people or its government? Regardless, She needs help under the Current President. If you are going to carry one of America's Party's water, "be fair and balanced." CM
It makes no difference which US political party's side you are on ... the Washington swamp includes both and just about all their "polit-puppets" (called senators and members of congress)
What if it isn't about Party Water or foibles of the President, but about watching God at work, trusting Him, about obeying Him in praying for our leaders and not passing on gossip or speaking ill of "the king" whom God has set up?
C_M_, with all respect, I think you are barking furiously up the wrong tree.
@GaoLu said:
What if it isn't about Party Water or foibles of the President, but about watching God at work, trusting Him, about obeying Him in praying for our leaders and not passing on gossip or speaking ill of "the king" whom God has set up?Yes, It's no doubt, God is at work. He sets up kings and takes them down. "Kings" and American Presidents were faithful "as unto the Lord" and many have done "wickedly" all of there days. Should one ignore there "wickedness?" This is why I say the people around the world need to for pray the US Presidential situation. Is not the Book Romans give such suggestions? There needs to be a non-governmental day of prayer and fasting for America.
C_M_, with all respect, I think you are barking furiously up the wrong tree.
In what way? I am all ears...
Are you suggesting everyone put their heads into the sands and "go along to get along?" Have I said something incorrectly? Please, do enlighten me. I was just holding up a mirror to America's past. Why is it that America doesn't like to see herself in the mirror of history. How much suspension of truth must what one does to accurately reflect America's past history? Do they teach history in American schools? How is American going to be "great again" if she denies her current doings and past history?
Are these forums being censored? Is it against US Laws to criticize the government like in some countries? Are we not free to speak freely? Please tell me. CM
@C_M_ said:
C_M_, with all respect, I think you are barking furiously up the wrong tree.
In what way? I am all ears...
Are you suggesting everyone put their heads into the sands and "go along to get along?"
Have I said something incorrectly? Please, do enlighten me. I was just holding up a mirror to America's past.
No. You said what is in your heart. That is good.
Why is it that America doesn't like to see herself in the mirror of history.
It doesn't?
How much suspension of truth must what one does to accurately reflect America's past history?
Children don't need details inappropriate for their age level.
Do they teach history in American schools?
I am in favor of that.
How is American going to be "great again" if she denies her current doings and past history?
Are these forums being censored?
Not to my knowledge.
Is it against US Laws to criticize the government like in some countries?
Not as far as I know.
Are we not free to speak freely? Please tell me. CM
Sure. You can. I can. Even Bill can. I am strongly in favor of that.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
How many stains did they leave on all kinds of "places" (pun intended) ... especially stains of blood and destruction?
That pretty much every US President. I am not one to defend their actions.
but you are the one who gives the impression that the current one is "a bad fellow to no no end" while quietly overlooking the ones who were far worse in their deeds?
No, no, not quite my point. I was not giving a completed U S Presidential History. I was referring to the current President (Mr. Trump). How do we explain to children, the news, and reality of his dealings? CM
Wolfgang, you are not a naive man. And you say, Americans are "soooooooo upset with little"? Please! Make him President in your country.
We have him (and have had all others since the end of WWII) as "our president", and have not been refused sovereignty by the USA and its western allies since. Our "German" president is a figure puppet to disguise and put the general public to sleep, our chancellor and his cabinet is the extended hand of Washington ....
The last time I checked, Mr. Trump didn't stop the Drone strikes. In fact, I think, he has increased them.
He seems to have been "pulled in" to the real evil USrael/Zionist powers and the military industrial complex within less than a year in office .... he was just not as smart as Putin to crush those Zionist Empire enemies of the American people with a swift and decisive blow ...
"Zionist Empire?" What are you saying? Did you intend to use another term? CM
You're good, GaoLu, but you know what's in my heart?
How much suspension of truth must what one does to accurately reflect America's past history?
Children don't need details inappropriate for their age level.
You are generally correct at some point. Children should learn as they inquire and in context. However, I was mainly concern about middle to late teens. They are in the zone of the independent-self, see the world and making meaning of life. They are adjusting their worldview lens. Mr. Trump's behavior, government, laws, the church and their personal changes must come together to make sense as they move forward.
Are we not free to speak freely? Please tell me. CM
Sure. You can. I can. Even Bill can. I am strongly in favor of that.
"Even Bill can." Am I missing something here?
If I am able to speak freely, why do you "think" I am "barking furiously up the wrong tree" in reflecting upon America's current situation and a part of her past? CM
@C_M_ said:
"Zionist Empire?" What are you saying? Did you intend to use another term? CMI am saying what I perceive to be the case ...
If you are not familiar with certain terms ("Zionism", "Zionist", Empire, Military industrial complex, etc., you will need to inform yourself and come out of the main stream media coverage / propaganda ... -
@Bill_Coley said:
@Wolfgang said:
@Bill_Coley said:
I've followed national politics closely for the last 45-50 years. Without hesitation I say I have NEVER seen the amount of chaos, distress, and scandal (some proven; some alleged; almost none disproven) as we've have witnessed in the first 13+ months of the Trump administration.very simple ... there has never been such an attempt at an open coup to overthrow the elected president from even before his inauguration as has been the case with Trump. The deep state (Clinton, Obama, DNC, and military industrial complex plus their media presstitutes) was quite in shock at the outcome of the election and immediately set in motion how to somehow overturn the election results by some other means.
In the meantime, it appears that they have succeeded in curtailing Trump into doing their agenda ...
In my view, Wolfgang, moral and character failure can't be imposed by outside agents, whether complexes, presstitutes, or other "deep state" reps.
No one forced Donald Trump into extra marital affairs, or compelled him to pay hush money to a porn star, or coerced him into the thousands of false statements he's made since taking office.
Nobody forced Clinton either. And the hush money is still up for debate.
In my view, Donald Trump alone is responsible for the actions which report his moral and character failures.
Isn't that everyone?
@C_M_ said:
I am afraid Mr. Trump has to go. He is a stain on America's character and reputation. The timer has begun. How much more and how much longer, must America put up with being dragged in the dirt of scandals, sex, lies, distractions, greed, fear, uncertainty, possible collusion, and treason? Who is praying for this man? CMDid you live through the Clinton Administration? How about Kennedy?
No evidence of collusion so you can take that off your list. I'd love to know where you come up with treason, that's a pretty big and unfounded charge.
@C_M_ said:
No, no, not quite my point. I was not giving a completed U S Presidential History. I was referring to the current President (Mr. Trump). How do we explain to children, the news, and reality of his dealings? CM
We explain things to our older teens that are age-appropriate. Is there a something hard about that? You seem to insist that doing so is beyond your ability. Buck up, friend! You can do it too!
You're good, GaoLu, but you know what's in my heart?
I took at face value that you were being honest and speaking your heart. Is that not true?
You are generally correct at some point. Children should learn as they inquire and in context. However, I was mainly concern about middle to late teens. They are in the zone of the independent-self, see the world and making meaning of life. They are adjusting their worldview lens. Mr. Trump's behavior, government, laws, the church and their personal changes must come together to make sense as they move forward.
I am vastly more concerned about public schools, games, movies, the prevalence of LGBT / abortion issues by far....millions of times more than I am the president. If you want to high-center on the role model of president for our older teens, have at it, but you lost me way back at the logical stop light.
Are we not free to speak freely? Please tell me. CM
Sure. You can. I can. Even Bill can. I am strongly in favor of that.
"Even Bill can." Am I missing something here?
I doubt it.
If I am able to speak freely, why do you "think" I am "barking furiously up the wrong tree" in reflecting upon America's current situation and a part of her past? CM
I am not understanding your question. You are not right just because you are speaking.- I don't think you meant that, but what did you mean?. I meant that you are all wound up on wrong issues and the coon ain't in that tree. If you care about the injustice of killing in America and you invest vast energy on AR-15's (which along with all assault rifles sell well over a million a year to non-military collectors), have killed some people. Relatively few--hundreds total, perhaps over the years? What about abortion which you staunchly defend which is the murder of innocent babies and mothers' hearts--a bloody brutal murder of 100's of millions all around us?
[Just yesterday, a woman who had the child in her womb killed by "the professional baby killer mill" said she wakes up often at night hearing her baby crying.] Have you no heart for such horror?!
You fuss about the president and Russians when the media is the vastly greater problem. You fuss about....etc., etc.
If you just have a personal hatred for a collector's item, fine. Enjoy that hatred (I suggest doing so is bad for your health)
Yes, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Oh soul are you troubled and weary...Keep your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of life will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!
@davidtaylorjr said:
No evidence of collusion so you can take that off your list.
David, I don't agree with your conclusion. Aren't you "putting the cart before the horse?" The investigation is not over. Let truth run her course.
I'd love to know where you come up with treason, that's a pretty big and unfounded charge.
Why is there an investigation? Please cite the original document of Rosenstein. When collusion is found, what is that for a US President? "Timeout?" CM
**CD Logic 101 fundamentals: **
accusation = guilt
investigation = treason
wild imagination = truth
mad hatter = theologian[Apologies in advance if this should be in a new thread]
That's good.
Is there a something hard about that? You seem to insist that doing so is beyond your ability.
I am sorry if I convey that this is a difficult task for me; far be it. I am concern about the many children not in a home like yours and millions of single working mothers, children in foster care, etc.
You are generally correct at some point. Children should learn as they inquire and in context. However, I was mainly concern about middle to late teens. They are in the zone of the independent-self, see the world and making meaning of life. They are adjusting their worldview lens. Mr. Trump's behavior, government, laws, the church and their personal changes must come together to make sense as they move forward.
I am vastly more concerned about public schools, games, movies...
Yes, I share your concerns along with all well-meaning parents. Many of them glorify anti-social behaviors and the use of guns in killing because of anger, etc...
the prevalence of LGBT / abortion issues by far....millions of times more than I am the president. If you want to high-center on the role model of president for our older teens, have at it, but you lost me way back at the logical stop light.
What's wrong with these people? After you have answered this, do you feel they need to experience conversion? If yes, how do you plan to do this, when you instruct your young people other Christians, to stay away from them? Do you let them in your church and community? If not now, when? Do you have any members of your family a part of the LGBT Community or had an abortion? Your "more concerned", on "the prevalence of LGBT / abortion issues" may I suggest, may require some adjustments.
If I am able to speak freely, why do you "think" I am "barking furiously up the wrong tree" in reflecting upon America's current situation and a part of her past? CM
I am not understanding your question. You are not right just because you are speaking.- I don't think you meant that...
You are correct!
but what did you mean?
I will speak freely facts (verifiable data/documents, etc.) and opinions (feelings, thoughts, concerns, etc.); hopefully, just like you and others have done and will do in these forums according to the agreed guidelines. Any more questions?
I meant that you are all wound up on wrong issues and the coon ain't in that tree. If you care about the injustice of killing in America and you invest vast energy on AR-15's (which along with all assault rifles sell well over a million a year to non-military collectors), have killed some people.
It was about the death of the children!
Relatively few--hundreds total, perhaps over the years? What about abortion which you staunchly defend which is the murder of innocent babies and mothers' hearts--a bloody brutal murder of 100's of millions all around us?
We seem to be comparing Assult gun killings with abortion? Is this fair and reaching a new low?
[Just yesterday, a woman who had the child in her womb killed by "the professional baby killer mill" said she wakes up often at night hearing her baby crying.] Have you no heart for such horror?!
You fuss about the president and Russians when the media is the vastly greater problem. You fuss about....etc., etc.
Slow down, Bro. GaoLu.
First, you have bought into Mr. Trump's playbook, in blaming the media.
Secondly, did the media brought the 13-plus indictment and guilty pleas?
Thirdly, why is it that I "fuss" when I respond to others. Are you being fair here?If you just have a personal hatred for a collector's item, fine.
Is this what the NRA is all about?
-- I hate children being slaughtered in the classroom like apples in a barrel.
-- I hate the talk of teachers carrying guns in the classroom.
-- I hate the NRA suing the State of Flordia so soon.
-- I hate unjust wars.Enjoy that hatred (I suggest doing so is bad for your health)
I have some health issues, but this is not the cause.
Yes, you are barking up the wrong tree.
_Oh soul are you troubled and weary...Keep your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of life will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!
GaoLu, in all fairness, can this hymn be applied to what you called "the prevalence of LGBT / abortion issues? CM
@GaoLu said:
**CD Logic 101 fundamentals: **accusation = guilt
investigation = treason
wild imagination = truth
mad hatter = theologian[Apologies in advance if this should be in a new thread]
Yes, you are right, another thread. In my personal opinion, it should be, Nowhere. CM
PS. In your own words, whatever they mean:
"Don't get sucked into trolling." (GaoLu Posts: 334 ... 4:23 AM-- Guns, Guns, Guns -- Through The Eyes Of A Child)
@GaoLu said: ...What about abortion which you staunchly defend which is the murder of innocent babies...?
GaoLu, do you really believe this? Is this a fact or a passionate opinion? Do others in these Forums believe as you do? I would like to hear from you in another thread of your choice. Are you confusing me with someone else? CM
@davidtaylorjr said:
Nobody forced Clinton either. And the hush money is still up for debate.I agree with you that no one forced Clinton or any other person - including Donald Trump - into his or her moral failures.
Given that Michael Cohen has publicly acknowledged he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000, and that we have now seen the non-disclosure agreement he and Ms Daniels (under a pseudonym) but not Donald Trump signed, an agreement that reports the $130,000 payment, on what grounds do you claim the "hush money is still up for debate"?
Isn't that everyone? (who is responsible for the actions that display moral and character failures)