Mueller Investigation Needs Shut Down Now



  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Yet you automatically judge it as bad fruit... Double standard?

    Short answer, No!

    David, you have lapsed into your drawing conclusions and projecting them on me. They are certain points forming, but not conclusions. Given President Trump's erratic behavior you can't predict any outcome until it happens and circumstances in the USA beyond his control. Re-read my post-- wait to affirm what appear to be, is. Yes, by all means, be hopeful. CM

    PS. A little more care in your responses may be helpful in moving forward. CM

  • @C_M_ said:
    Given President Trump's erratic behavior you can't predict any outcome until it happens and circumstances in the USA beyond his control.

    if things are beyond his control, why harp on him and not on those who are pulling the strings and who have the control?

  • Posts: 4,463

    @Wolfgang said:

    if things are beyond his control, why harp on him and not on those who are pulling the strings and who have the control?

    Thanks for your input, Wolfgang.

    You may have missed it. I said. "Given President Trump's erratic behavior...AND circumstances in the USA beyond his control."

    As for those who are:

    are pulling the strings and who have the control?

    They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't.

    So, Mr. Wolfgang, it's NOT "harping." It's identifying a sad reality. Pray for America! CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    Thanks for your input, Wolfgang.

    You may have missed it. I said. "Given President Trump's erratic behavior...AND circumstances in the USA beyond his control."

    As for those who are:

    They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't.

    So, Mr. Wolfgang, it's NOT "harping." It's identifying a sad reality. Pray for America! CM

    Your obsession with the NRA is not natural.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Your obsession with the NRA is not natural.

    Here we go again, David, more of the same. When will this projection fever breaks?

    You missed "Republican Party and the NRA."

    Mr. Trump is committed, obligated, vowed to never to let them NRA DOWN and yes, he is beholding to NRA. He will never cross them. Your President is a Reality TV showman. They gave him money and endorsed him early. CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    Here we go again, David, more of the same. When will this projection fever breaks?

    You missed "Republican Party and the NRA."

    Mr. Trump is committed, obligated, vowed to never to let them NRA DOWN and yes, he is beholding to NRA. He will never cross them. Your President is a Reality TV showman. They gave him money and endorsed him early. CM

    You brought the NRA into something that literally has nothing to do with the NRA hmmmm....

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    You brought the NRA into something that literally has nothing to do with the NRA hmmmm....

    @Wolfgang said:

    if things are beyond his control, why harp on him and not on those who are pulling the strings and who have the control?

    @C_M_ said:

    Thanks for your input, Wolfgang.

    You may have missed it. I said. "Given President Trump's erratic behavior...AND circumstances in the USA beyond his control."

    As for those who are:

    They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't.

    So, Mr. Wolfgang, it's NOT "harping." It's identifying a sad reality. Pray for America! CM

    David, Like a school anxious to make a point, but you must read in context before spiking the ball. The statement:

    They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't.

    This was an answer to Wolfgang's question:

    if things are beyond his control, why harp on him and not on those who are pulling the strings and who have the control?

    The answer again: They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't. In addition, "he that supplies the loot controls the route."

    Be cool. You are trying too hard. You're my brother. blessings CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    David, Like a school anxious to make a point, but you must read in context before spiking the ball. The statement:

    This was an answer to Wolfgang's question:

    The answer again: They are of his own household (Republican Party and the NRA). Let's not forget, they run all three branches of the US Gov't. In addition, "he that supplies the loot controls the route."

    Be cool. You are trying too hard. You're my brother. blessings CM

    No you are just dishonest and a political hack and I am going to call you out on it every time.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    No you are just dishonest and a political hack and I am going to call you out on it every time.

    David, you remind me of your President, who loves to call people names. David, "I am ok and you're Ok." If I am not, then you're not. If you're not, and I am not, then we're still ok. ;) CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:

    David, you remind me of your President, who loves to call people names. David, "I am ok and you're Ok." If I am not, then you're not. If you're not, and I am not, then we're still ok. ;) CM

    You know Jesus called the Pharisees names too ;)

  • Posts: 4,463
    edited March 2018

    @davidtaylorjr said:

    Mission creep is overly evident now. This has nothing to do with his investigation. He is looking for anything now to destroy the president.

    It has been long evident this is not about Russian Collusion (since it doesn't exist). This is about destroying the president in any way possible.

    Mueller and his team must be fired today.


    Here is the precise reason why your OP is premature and the reason Mueller Investigation MUST continue.

    Rod Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, says Robert Mueller is 'NOT an unguided missile'


    WASHINGTON — Despite unrelenting criticism from the White House on the course of the investigation into Russia's election interference, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Monday offered unqualified support for special counsel Robert Mueller.

    "The special counsel is not an unguided missile," Rosenstein said in an exclusive interview with USA TODAY. "I don't believe there is any justification at this point for terminating the special counsel."

    Rosenstein's remarks are among the first to address Mueller's status since it was disclosed more than a month ago that President Trump sought to have the special counsel dismissed last summer. The president relented only when White House counsel Donald McGahn threatened to resign if forced to carry out the directive.

    The deputy attorney general, who is tasked with overseeing the special counsel, appointed Mueller last May to run the wide-ranging investigation after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself because of his association with the Trump campaign.

    Appearing upbeat and at ease in his fourth-floor office, Rosenstein said oversight of the inquiry requires only "a fraction" of his daily work. He estimated that less than 5% of his week is related to briefings or other matters involving Mueller's investigation.

    He dismissed the near-constant and pointed criticism aimed at the Justice Department from the White House and from an ultra-conservative Tea Party Patriots group. The group has run an ugly ad campaign, describing Rosenstein as "a weak careerist" and suggesting that he tender his own resignation.

    "I believe much of the criticism will fall by the wayside when people reflect on this era and the Department of Justice," said Rosenstein, who did not refer to Trump directly. "I'm very confident that when the history of this era is written, it will reflect that the department was operated with integrity."


  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:


    Here is the precise reason why your OP is premature and the reason Mueller Investigation MUST continue.

    Rod Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, says Robert Mueller is 'NOT an unguided missile'


    WASHINGTON — Despite unrelenting criticism from the White House on the course of the investigation into Russia's election interference, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Monday offered unqualified support for special counsel Robert Mueller.

    "The special counsel is not an unguided missile," Rosenstein said in an exclusive interview with USA TODAY. "I don't believe there is any justification at this point for terminating the special counsel."

    Rosenstein's remarks are among the first to address Mueller's status since it was disclosed more than a month ago that President Trump sought to have the special counsel dismissed last summer. The president relented only when White House counsel Donald McGahn threatened to resign if forced to carry out the directive.

    The deputy attorney general, who is tasked with overseeing the special counsel, appointed Mueller last May to run the wide-ranging investigation after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself because of his association with the Trump campaign.

    Appearing upbeat and at ease in his fourth-floor office, Rosenstein said oversight of the inquiry requires only "a fraction" of his daily work. He estimated that less than 5% of his week is related to briefings or other matters involving Mueller's investigation.

    He dismissed the near-constant and pointed criticism aimed at the Justice Department from the White House and from an ultra-conservative Tea Party Patriots group. The group has run an ugly ad campaign, describing Rosenstein as "a weak careerist" and suggesting that he tender his own resignation.

    "I believe much of the criticism will fall by the wayside when people reflect on this era and the Department of Justice," said Rosenstein, who did not refer to Trump directly. "I'm very confident that when the history of this era is written, it will reflect that the department was operated with integrity."


    And we already know Rosenstein has conflicts of interest here and his opinion is worthless on the matter.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Not so! Why do you think you can explain away everything to maintain your bias views? CM

  • Posts: 1,114

    @C_M_ said:
    Not so! Why do you think you can explain away everything to maintain your bias views? CM

    Not so that Rosenstein has conflicts of interest? You are kidding right?

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