Mueller Investigation Needs Shut Down Now

Mission creep is overly evident now. This has nothing to do with his investigation. He is looking for anything now to destroy the president.
It has been long evident this is not about Russian Collusion (since it doesn't exist). This is about destroying the president in any way possible.
Mueller and his team must be fired today.
they should have been fired and arrested long time ago for misconduct and support of a coup against the elected president of the USA ....
But then, all seem to be alligators in the swamp that will soon be eating each other.The USA is so far gone in ignorance and arrogance about being the indispensable nation, having the God given right to rule the world, etc etc .... A horde of Satanists ruling and devouring the few sincere and awake citizens while they already have brainwashed many.
@davidtaylorjr said: creep is overly evident now. This has nothing to do with his investigation. He is looking for anything now to destroy the president.
It has been long evident this is not about Russian Collusion (since it doesn't exist). This is about destroying the president in any way possible.
Mueller and his team must be fired today.
The more Trumpsters howl about the course and reach of the Mueller probe, the more evident it is that Mueller is closing in on the Trump inner circle.
With so many cooperating witnesses, with access to so many documents and intelligence intercepts, and with a mandate to pursue the investigation wherever the facts lead, I think there is little doubt Mueller will ultimately bring indictments against MAJOR Trump campaign figures - including his son-in-law, given recent developments - and that one or more of those indictments will name the president, I'm guessing as an unindicted co-conspirator.
Mueller laid the predicate for future conspiracy charges by indicting 13 Russians and three Russian companies. Unconfirmed reports have recently surfaced that other Russians will be indicted, this time for hacking the DNC and Podesta emails. To me, that means Mueller is slowly and methodically building a web from which Trump campaign officials involved with the Russian activities will not be able to escape.
At the moment, David, you don't know what Mueller has and doesn't have. Of course you can CLAIM to know there was no collusion (or conspiracy). But you don't KNOW that. Every objective indicator from media reports about the probe based on info given by witnesses, attorneys, and others who are free to talk about their interaction with the Mueller team, points to an ever-strengthening investigation whose culmination will come when Mueller interviews - or subpoenas! - the president.
@Bill_Coley said:
@davidtaylorjr said: creep is overly evident now. This has nothing to do with his investigation. He is looking for anything now to destroy the president.
It has been long evident this is not about Russian Collusion (since it doesn't exist). This is about destroying the president in any way possible.
Mueller and his team must be fired today.
The more Trumpsters howl about the course and reach of the Mueller probe, the more evident it is that Mueller is closing in on the Trump inner circle.
There is no evidence of that at all actually. Not a shred. You are so bloodthirsty like the rest of the liberal idiots against Trump it is ridiculous.
With so many cooperating witnesses, with access to so many documents and intelligence intercepts, and with a mandate to pursue the investigation wherever the facts lead, I think there is little doubt Mueller will ultimately bring indictments against MAJOR Trump campaign figures - including his son-in-law, given recent developments - and that one or more of those indictments will name the president, I'm guessing as an unindicted co-conspirator.
Cooperating witnesses, that's the best you have and nothing has come of any of it. Mind you Mueller is not the only investigation on this and none of them have turned anything up in over a year. Not one minor thing.
Mueller laid the predicate for future conspiracy charges by indicting 13 Russians and three Russian companies. Unconfirmed reports have recently surfaced that other Russians will be indicted, this time for hacking the DNC and Podesta emails. To me, that means Mueller is slowly and methodically building a web from which Trump campaign officials involved with the Russian activities will not be able to escape.
Right and also said that no Americans were involved.
At the moment, David, you don't know what Mueller has and doesn't have. Of course you can CLAIM to know there was no collusion (or conspiracy). But you don't KNOW that. Every objective indicator from media reports about the probe based on info given by witnesses, attorneys, and others who are free to talk about their interaction with the Mueller team, points to an ever-strengthening investigation whose culmination will come when Mueller interviews - or subpoenas! - the president.
There is zero evidence in over a year of collusion with Russia. That I do know.
The only thing that is evident is the rabid investigation by bloodthirsty Trump opponents, started by lies with a dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant that was previously denied which the Democrat counter memo actually verified because they got tied up in their web of lies.
Leave Mr. Mueller alone!
"...And all other matters relating..." Please re-read the original authorization given to Mueller. I told you after tax cut Mr. Trump's own party has no use for him. I am sorry for him. He is the keep of "the swamp" and the critters are coming out of it at him. Mr. Trump seems to be falling apart. The Republican Party didn't believe nor wanted Mr. Trump to begin with. They put up with him for taxes, Executive Orders, and the removal of certain regulations. He is just a pawn. Firing Mr. Mueller is America's lease problem. I heard once, someone said, "America is a Christian Nation." "Oh, say, can you see..." The world is passing American by. Sad! CM
@C_M_ said:
Leave Mr. Mueller alone!"...And all other matters relating..." Please re-read the original authorization given to Mueller. I told you after tax cut Mr. Trump's own party has no use for him. I am sorry for him. He is the keep of "the swamp" and the critters are coming out of it at him. Mr. Trump seems to be falling apart. The Republican Party didn't believe nor wanted Mr. Trump to begin with. They put up with him for taxes, Executive Orders, and the removal of certain regulations. He is just a pawn. Firing Mr. Mueller is America's lease problem. I heard once, someone said, "America is a Christian Nation." "Oh, say, can you see..." The world is passing American by. Sad! CM
What in the world are you talking about?
Trump is doing fine. Rather spectacularly. America is seeing that and turning toward him more all the time. The Mueller investigation started out as a good thing, no doubt, but has become an acrid mix of McCarthyism and a lot of J Edgar Hooverism. I agree with David, it is time to fire Mueller. If more investigation is needed, let's start over and get real with Clintons and Obama.
@davidtaylorjr said:
There is no evidence of that at all actually. Not a shred. You are so bloodthirsty like the rest of the liberal idiots against Trump it is ridiculous.You remain both more willing and more able than I to call other people "idiots," David.
Cooperating witnesses, that's the best you have and nothing has come of any of it. Mind you Mueller is not the only investigation on this and none of them have turned anything up in over a year. Not one minor thing.
Because you follow the news, I'm confident you know that Mueller has released no final report or any other indication of what he and his team have found regarding the Trump campaign's connection to Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. Therefore, the fact that "nothing has come of any of it" is of no predictive value about what's still to come in the investigation.
Because you follow the news, you likely also know that recent media reports based on information provided by witnesses who have appeared before Mueller's grand jury suggest that the probe has only now turned to the collusion question.
Right and also said that no Americans were involved.
The indictment alleged that some Americans were unwitting participants in the Russians' efforts. But more important, the recent indictment set the predicate - one which I think subsequent indictments will expand upon - for other possible charges, including conspiracy. Remember, an action can, in and of itself, be legal, YET STILL be evidence of a person's involvement in a conspiracy. Stay tuned.
There is zero evidence in over a year of collusion with Russia. That I do know.
See above.
The only thing that is evident is the rabid investigation by bloodthirsty Trump opponents, started by lies with a dossier used to obtain a FISA warrant that was previously denied which the Democrat counter memo actually verified because they got tied up in their web of lies.
Here you perpetuate, or at least hint at, a couple of Trumpster camp talking point falsehoods:
1. That the Steele Dossier is filled with lies. On the record, very little of its content has been disproven; much of it has been corroborated. One of the reasons the FBI pursued meetings with Steele was the fact that much of what he reported in the dossier corroborated information the Bureau had developed on its own.
2. That the Steele Dossier was the sole basis for the Carter Page FISA warrant. In fact, the FBI launched its counter intelligence investigation into Page in July 2016, WELL BEFORE the Bureau received the Steele Dossier in September 2016. As for the FISA warrant, first requested in October 2016, a) FISA warrant applications are typically 40-80 pages long, and provide information from multiple sources. The FISA court was given a good deal of information in addition to the Dossier; b) FISA warrants expire after 90 days, and each renewal of them requires new information to demonstrate a continued need for FISA authority. The Page warrant was renewed three times.Facts matter, David.
@GaoLu said:
Trump is doing fine. Rather spectacularly. America is seeing that and turning toward him more all the time... I agree with David, it is time to fire Mueller. If more investigation is needed, let's start over and get real with Clintons and Obama.GaoLu,
You may not care for the "Clintons and Obama", but you are far too intelligent for what you said above. At least, I want to believe so. Love Mr. Trump all you want, but by anyone's standards, he's NOT doing a very good job (in his personal life or administratively). Please don't suspend with reality. Pray for him! It seems Mr. Trump's enemies, besides himself, are within in his own party and White House. Too sad! CM -
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Trump is doing fine. Rather spectacularly. America is seeing that and turning toward him more all the time... I agree with David, it is time to fire Mueller. If more investigation is needed, let's start over and get real with Clintons and Obama.GaoLu,
You may not care for the "Clintons and Obama", but you are far too intelligent for what you said above. At least, I want to believe so. Love Mr. Trump all you want, but by anyone's standards, he's NOT doing a very good job (in his personal life or administratively). Please don't suspend with reality. Pray for him! It seems Mr. Trump's enemies, besides himself, are within in his own party and White House. Too sad! CMMy dear CM, you are far too intelligent to believe such a thing!
I don't really have much emotional investment in politics, though I enjoy a bit of poking at them sometimes. More seriously, however such matters are from God's point of view, we ought to pray. -
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Trump is doing fine. Rather spectacularly. America is seeing that and turning toward him more all the time... I agree with David, it is time to fire Mueller. If more investigation is needed, let's start over and get real with Clintons and Obama.GaoLu,
You may not care for the "Clintons and Obama", but you are far too intelligent for what you said above. At least, I want to believe so. Love Mr. Trump all you want, but by anyone's standards, he's NOT doing a very good job (in his personal life or administratively). Please don't suspend with reality. Pray for him! It seems Mr. Trump's enemies, besides himself, are within in his own party and White House. Too sad! CMRight, wages are going up, unemployment is going down, North Korea and South Korea are talking and even sitting beside each other, Americans are paying less on taxes, the stock market is light years higher than when he took office, yeah he is doing a horrible job.
@davidtaylorjr said:
Right, wages are going up, unemployment is going down, North Korea and South Korea are talking and even sitting beside each other, Americans are paying less on taxes, the stock market is light years higher than when he took office, yeah he is doing a horrible job.
And the turtle got on top of a 3-foot fence post, on its back, by itself. huh! CM
@C_M_ said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
Right, wages are going up, unemployment is going down, North Korea and South Korea are talking and even sitting beside each other, Americans are paying less on taxes, the stock market is light years higher than when he took office, yeah he is doing a horrible job.
And the turtle got on top of a 3-foot fence post, on its back, by itself. huh! CM
What in the world are you talking about?
Some observations from PC Roberts about the Mueller investigation and a few other related items:
A Stalinist Purge In America?
Paul Craig RobertsThis year could turn out to be a defining year for the United States. It is clear that the US military/security complex and the Democratic Party aided by their media vassals intend to purge Donald Trump from the presidency. One of the open conspirators declared the other day that we have to get rid of Trump now before he wins re-election in a landslide.
It is now a known fact that Russiagate is a conspiracy of the military/security complex, Obama regime, Democratic National Committee, and presstitute media to destroy President Trump. However, the presstitutes never present this fact to the American public. Nevertheless, a majority of Americans do not believe the Democrats and the presstitutes that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the election.
One question before us is: Will Mueller and the Democrats succeed in purging Donald Trump, as Joseph Stalin succeed in purging Lenin’s Bolsheviks, including Nikolai Bukharin, who Lenin called “the golden boy of the revolution,” or will the Democratic Party and the presstitutes discredit themselves such that the country moves far to the right.
Stalin didn’t need facts and could frame-up people at will as he had absolute power. In the US the presstitute media, like Stalin, does not concern itself with facts, but the presstitutes do not have absolute power. Indeed, few people trust the presstitutes, and even fewer trust Mueller.
Many are puzzled that President Trump has not moved against his enemies as they have no evidence for their charges. Indeed, Mueller’s indictments have nothing whatsoever to do with the Russiagate accusations. Why are not Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, and all the rest indicted for their clear and obvious crimes?
America’s future turns on the answer to this question. Is it because the Trump regime is letting the presstitutes and the Democrats destroy their credibility, or is it because Trump is weak, confused, and doesn’t know how to use the powers of his office to slay those who intend to slay him?
If it is the former, then America will move far to the right. If it is the latter, America will have had its own Stalinist purge, and the purge is likely to follow the Stalin model and to extend down to those who voted for Trump.
The failure of the integrity of the liberal/progressive/left has left the US facing two unpalatable outcomes. One is a right-wing government empowered by the left’s self-defeat. The other is the rise of the Identity Politics state in which oppression will be based on gender, race, and beliefs.
... -
I suspect that Trump is smart enough to let them self-destruct. He isn't going to prevent them from doing so. Time will tell.
I suspect that Mr. Trump "is weak, confused, and doesn’t know how to use the powers of his office..." It's not so must the "Democrats" as it is members of Mr. Trump's own White House and the Republican Party. He was never wanted. He was to be used for the Tax Cuts and the loosing of some regulations and then, dumped. His Party, somewhat afraid of him, has no further use for him. Given this situation, one may be inclined to cite Matthew 10:36 -- "And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
Oh, let's not forget, Rosenstein appointed Mueller and he is a Republican that worked for Obama (FBI). Think about it, where are all the monies coming from for the demonstrations and the porn star's lawsuit. Do you think as Paul Craig Roberts does, that Mr. Trump is somehow, "crazy like a fox?" Stay tuned "Trump watch"...CM
Hi folks,
here's an interesting article on "Pinning the Trail on the Donkey" -
The Donkey is dying. Sorta sad, in a way.
It seems to me, the only dead or dying donkey is in the elephant's dream. Perhaps, the elephant needs to wake up and face reality. CM
@C_M_ said:
It seems to me, the only dead or dying donkey is in the elephant's dream. Perhaps, the elephant needs to wake up and face reality. CMIn my view, CM, the current challenge is not about donkeys or elephants, but rather about the integrity of the American governing system. The question is not which political party or partisan view will prevail - though such markers will be quantified by the November mid-term elections - but rather whether the American system will withstand the assault of one history's most inept and corrupt administrations.
A recent survey of historians ranked Donald Trump as the worst president ever, ousting James Buchanan from a position he had long held. Even among the conservative and conservative-leaning historians participating in the survey, Trump ranked just 40th out of 44 presidents (44, not 45, because Grover Cleveland is counted once, though he served two non-consecutive terms).
So by conventional metrics, Trump is a disaster in the making. But then there's the specter of the illegal and otherwise corrupt behavior that occupies almost every corner of the Trump landscape.
A small but telling set of examples:
- Trump's first Health and Human Services secretary, Tom Price, resigned eight months into the administration, after we learned he spent nearly $400,000 of taxpayer money on chartered air travel.
- Within the last couple of weeks, current Housing secretary Ben Carson had to be ridiculed into rescinding his order of a $31,000 dining set for his office.
- In an eight month period, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt spent more than $90,000 in first class air travel (including $1,641 for a flight between New York and Washington) because he didn't like what some coach class passengers said about him.
- And Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke now has three sets of repaired double doors. Cost to taxpayers? $139,000. (I bet you could get one of YOUR doors repaired for $46,000, and still have $45,000 left. What do you think?)
If one and only one cabinet member had so openly flaunted his or her excesses, we could excuse the president from blame. But the fact that four cabinet officials exhibited symptoms of the same basic case of bling-itis suggests a corrupted culture whose source and food supply is the president.
Notice that I haven't even mentioned Russia. I don't need to. Robert Mueller and his highly skilled and professional team are gathering evidence to build a case that will culminate with an interview - under oath - with the president. The fact that the president's legal team is exerting so much effort to control the scope, length, and setting of the president's time with Mueller et al, - by every account, to limit the president's exposure to a perjury charge - tells us much of what we need to know: The president is not able to tell the truth for extended periods of time. And in this case, there is likely to be a lot of truth which the president does not want to tell (such as what he knew about Don Jr's June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians who offered dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government).
Indictments, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses, and a constitutionally mendacious president. That's a recipe for criminal charges that will disrupt, and I pray, uproot what is easily the most inept, corrupt, and dangerous presidency in our nation's history. But Mr Trump's ineptitude and corruption are not born of his political party, since his changing policy views over the years demonstrate that he is an "elephant" out of convenience not conviction. His conduct and culpability belong only to him. As for the genuine "elephants" in Congress and across the country who enable and, in some cases, empower his conduct? Well, that IS a political problem, one the nation will address in November.
@Bill_Coley said:
@C_M_ said:
It seems to me, the only dead or dying donkey is in the elephant's dream. Perhaps, the elephant needs to wake up and face reality. CMIn my view, CM, the current challenge is not about donkeys or elephants, but rather about the integrity of the American governing system. The question is not which political party or partisan view will prevail - though such markers will be quantified by the November mid-term elections - but rather whether the American system will withstand the assault of one history's most inept and corrupt administrations.
A recent survey of historians ranked Donald Trump as the worst president ever, ousting James Buchanan from a position he had long held. Even among the conservative and conservative-leaning historians participating in the survey, Trump ranked just 40th out of 44 presidents (44, not 45, because Grover Cleveland is counted once, though he served two non-consecutive terms).
So by conventional metrics, Trump is a disaster in the making. But then there's the specter of the illegal and otherwise corrupt behavior that occupies almost every corner of the Trump landscape.
A small but telling set of examples:
- Trump's first Health and Human Services secretary, Tom Price, resigned eight months into the administration, after we learned he spent nearly $400,000 of taxpayer money on chartered air travel.
- Within the last couple of weeks, current Housing secretary Ben Carson had to be ridiculed into rescinding his order of a $31,000 dining set for his office.
- In an eight month period, EPA administrator Scott Pruitt spent more than $90,000 in first class air travel (including $1,641 for a flight between New York and Washington) because he didn't like what some coach class passengers said about him.
- And Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke now has three sets of repaired double doors. Cost to taxpayers? $139,000. (I bet you could get one of YOUR doors repaired for $46,000, and still have $45,000 left. What do you think?)
If one and only one cabinet member had so openly flaunted his or her excesses, we could excuse the president from blame. But the fact that four cabinet officials exhibited symptoms of the same basic case of bling-itis suggests a corrupted culture whose source and food supply is the president.
Notice that I haven't even mentioned Russia. I don't need to. Robert Mueller and his highly skilled and professional team are gathering evidence to build a case that will culminate with an interview - under oath - with the president. The fact that the president's legal team is exerting so much effort to control the scope, length, and setting of the president's time with Mueller et al, - by every account, to limit the president's exposure to a perjury charge - tells us much of what we need to know: The president is not able to tell the truth for extended periods of time. And in this case, there is likely to be a lot of truth which the president does not want to tell (such as what he knew about Don Jr's June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians who offered dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government).
Indictments, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses, and a constitutionally mendacious president. That's a recipe for criminal charges that will disrupt, and I pray, uproot what is easily the most inept, corrupt, and dangerous presidency in our nation's history. But Mr Trump's ineptitude and corruption are not born of his political party, since his changing policy views over the years demonstrate that he is an "elephant" out of convenience not conviction. His conduct and culpability belong only to him. As for the genuine "elephants" in Congress and across the country who enable and, in some cases, empower his conduct? Well, that IS a political problem, one the nation will address in November.
If your scenario happens, though I don't think it will, are you ok with a Pence Presidency?
@Bill_Coley said:
Notice that I haven't even mentioned Russia.neither did you mention attempts at figuring out how to get the totally devastated US economy somehow back on a possible track to recovery ....
the USA is basically bankrupt with no real possibility of quickly recovering ... especially so since the real string pullers behind the scenes would like to continue their robbery activities, leading to more military activities (wars) ...
The empire is failing ... and Trump had nothing much to do with setting up the empire (got to look for other administrations in recent decades!!), nor with what is going on now in it. -
@davidtaylorjr said:
If your scenario happens, though I don't think it will, are you ok with a Pence Presidency?As a political partisan, I happen to believe a Pence presidency would be much worse for the country in terms of legislative results because he, unlike Trump, is a man of principle, which means he would pursue his agenda with authenticity, pursuit assisted by his familiarity with the legislative process.
Fortunately, there's a good chance that Democrats will take control of the House in November, and a small chance that we'll take back the Senate. Either of those outcomes would put constitutional brakes on Pence's ability to implement his vision.
As for which would be worse, that's a challenging question for me as a partisan because Trump would likely be easier to beat in 2020 if he runs after four years of his brand of ineptitude, chaos, and corruption (none of which is going to end during his term!) BUT for the good of the nation and the presidency itself, I believe the right thing is for Trump to be removed, either by resignation or impeachment. Yes, that would open us to a Pence presidency, but right is right. And as principle, I believe you have to do the right thing, even if some of the consequences of such action would negatively affect you.
So, in my view, Trump out, Pence in, and we pray.
@Wolfgang said:
@Bill_Coley said:
Notice that I haven't even mentioned Russia.neither did you mention attempts at figuring out how to get the totally devastated US economy somehow back on a possible track to recovery ....
the USA is basically bankrupt with no real possibility of quickly recovering ... especially so since the real string pullers behind the scenes would like to continue their robbery activities, leading to more military activities (wars) ...
The empire is failing ... and Trump had nothing much to do with setting up the empire (got to look for other administrations in recent decades!!), nor with what is going on now in it.I disagree with your assessment that the American economy is "totally devastated," Wolfgang. I know of no metrics that support such a conclusion. In fact, the metrics I'm used to consulting for insight into the health of the economy - the unemployment rate, interest rates, inflation, housing starts, the stock market, and real wages, to name some - in total portray an improving economy. Please list the metrics which lead you to assert that our economy is "totally devastated."
Such a dark dungeon of thought in which some people live. The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! Come up higher, where the air is fresh and clear. Soar with the eagles and don't scratch around in the dirt the rest of your life like a chicken.
@GaoLu said:
Such a dark dungeon of thought in which some people live.Is not this the reality the Trump Administration presented to the world? "
The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! ...
I agree with you, GaoLu. This is all the more the Mueller Investigation MUST Continue. Mr. Trump is no king, he's under the law like all other "Americans". The Clinton's were investigated, why should Mr. Trump be given a pass? CM
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring to the attitudes expressed by some forum writers. Your statement, seeing everything in grime and blackness--even the success of the best President we have had (whom I don't like at all) in decades.
Two men looked through the prison bars; one saw mud and the other saw stars.
Chin up!
The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! ...
I agree with you, GaoLu. This is all the more the Mueller Investigation MUST Continue. Mr. Trump is no king, he's under the law like all other "Americans". The Clinton's were investigated, why should Mr. Trump be given a pass? CM
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring not Mueller's politics but to God's Truth that sets you and me free from sin in our hearts and others sins in the world.
CM, really, you don't have to carry Trump with you every day, everywhere you go deep in your heart. I don't. I don't even like the guy, to be honest. In my heart I am free of him and what he does. I just want to show a little respect for the man God says to honor.
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring to the attitudes expressed by some forum writers. Your statement, seeing everything in grime and blackness--even the success of the best President we have had (whom I don't like at all) in decades.
Yes, I did. I was being positive-- looking up.
Two men looked through the prison bars; one saw mud and the other saw stars.
The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! ...
I agree with you, GaoLu. This is all the more the Mueller Investigation MUST Continue. Mr. Trump is no king, he's under the law like all other "Americans". The Clinton's were investigated, why should Mr. Trump be given a pass? CM
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring not Mueller's politics but to God's Truth that sets you and me free from sin in our hearts and others sins in the world.
I knew this too. Truth is the truth. It sets all men free (temporally and eternally). You aren't disappointed, are you?
CM, really, you don't have to carry Trump with you every day, everywhere you go deep in your heart. I don't. I don't even like the guy, to be honest.
Likewise, GaoLu, you don't have to seek to know or to project "every day, everywhere you go deep in your heart", what you think or know, what's in my heart. I never said, I "carry Trump" with me "every day, everywhere" I "go, deep in my heart." However, I am concern about the people who have to live under his "rulership."
In my heart I am free of him and what he does.
Same here. I am free in Jesus, not Mr. Trump.
I just want to show a little respect for the man God says to honor.
Yes, I understand (Romans 13). However, that doesn't keep me from examining the fruits this Administration produces. To show respect, preclude us from observing, evaluating, comparing-- what they do and praying for the people under his leadership? No! Does it preclude one remembering God sets up "kings" and takes them down? No! Sometimes, some are removed before the term is up.
Notwithstanding, focusing on the other forums, away from News & Current Events, in CD can help one to have a better balance. CM
@C_M_ said:
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring to the attitudes expressed by some forum writers. Your statement, seeing everything in grime and blackness--even the success of the best President we have had (whom I don't like at all) in decades.
Yes, I did. I was being positive-- looking up.
Two men looked through the prison bars; one saw mud and the other saw stars.
The truth shall set you free and you shall be free indeed! ...
I agree with you, GaoLu. This is all the more the Mueller Investigation MUST Continue. Mr. Trump is no king, he's under the law like all other "Americans". The Clinton's were investigated, why should Mr. Trump be given a pass? CM
Perhaps for some reason, you did not realize that I was referring not Mueller's politics but to God's Truth that sets you and me free from sin in our hearts and others sins in the world.
I knew this too. Truth is the truth. It sets all men free (temporally and eternally). You aren't disappointed, are you?
CM, really, you don't have to carry Trump with you every day, everywhere you go deep in your heart. I don't. I don't even like the guy, to be honest.
Likewise, GaoLu, you don't have to seek to know or to project "every day, everywhere you go deep in your heart", what you think or know, what's in my heart. I never said, I "carry Trump" with me "every day, everywhere" I "go, deep in my heart." However, I am concern about the people who have to live under his "rulership."
In my heart I am free of him and what he does.
Same here. I am free in Jesus, not Mr. Trump.
I just want to show a little respect for the man God says to honor.
Yes, I understand (Romans 13). However, that doesn't keep me from examining the fruits this Administration produces. To show respect, preclude us from observing, evaluating, comparing-- what they do and praying for the people under his leadership? No! Does it preclude one remembering God sets up "kings" and takes them down? No! Sometimes, some are removed before the term is up.
Notwithstanding, focusing on the other forums, away from News & Current Events, in CD can help one to have a better balance. CM
The fruits have been higher wages, better economy, North Korea negotiations, etc. So if you examine the fruits of the Administration they are better than Obama could ever have imagined to be.
"None is so blind who will not see." When it comes to this Administration, "all that glitter is not gold."
In addition, all the fruits on a tree don't ripen at the same time. All fruits that are plucked are not edible.
As for "higher wages, better economy, North Korea negotiations", they are "pigs in a blanket." The Country doesn't know the true outcome of what appears to be "good."
In short, "the jury is still out." Through it all, there is hope. America's hope is only in God. Agree? CM
@C_M_ said:
"None is so blind who will not see." When it comes to this Administration, "all that glitter is not gold."In addition, all the fruits on a tree don't ripen at the same time. All fruits that are plucked are not edible.
As for "higher wages, better economy, North Korea negotiations", they are "pigs in a blanket." The Country doesn't know the true outcome of what appears to be "good."
In short, "the jury is still out." Through it all, there is hope. America's hope is only in God. Agree? CM
Yet you automatically judge it as bad fruit... Double standard?