Pope Francis adds new Marian celebration to Church Calendar

Pope Francis adds new Marian celebration to Church Calendar (Saturday, 3 Mar 2018).
What impact or implication would this have in the Protestant Churches? What about the Muslims? They revere Mary as the mother of Jesus, one of the five greatest prophets — though not the son of God. In the Islamic faith, Muslims see Mary as a ‘perfected saint’ whose purity and faithfulness make her an example for all Muslims to follow.
“All Muslims are taught from an early age to love, revere and honor Mary. It is hard to find a Muslim who is not spiritually elevated when reading the story of Mary. Mary is mentioned more times in the Quran than in the Bible, according to Najeeb. The 19th chapter of the Quran — entitled ‘Mariam’ — is devoted to Mary, and she is the only woman in the Muslims’ sacred text who is referred to by her given name and not by reference, such as ‘wife of’ or ‘daughter of.’ So significant is her position in Islam that there are many Islamic scholars who believe her a prophet.” Are Muslims becoming Catholics or what?
This new "Marian Celebration to Church Calendar", how far-reaching would its influence be? Is this a slow march toward "One World Religion"? CM
Will Ashenmacher, “Muslim, Christians Discuss Mary,” The Marquette Tribune, September 14, 2004, Section on News.
Speaking with no authority or knowledge of the matter, I would ponder that the same influences of Mary veneration that occurred in the early Catholic church were occurring simultaneously in the Muslim world. It was a time when such thought prevailed and formed the roots of both religious systems.
Is this a rational consideration?
It is common knowledge in Reformed circles that Luther, Calvin and the host of reformers recognized the Antichrist as the Papacy and Islam. And united, they very well could become the threat the old divines expected them to become.
@Dave_L said:
It is common knowledge in Reformed circles that Luther, Calvin and the host of reformers recognized the Antichrist as the Papacy and Islam. And united, they very well could become the threat the old divines expected them to become.Is there some history between the two? Any references? I may look into it later. CM
Thanks for your interest in this. Gary Demar wrote an excellent article on this. Well documented.
Is the Islamic Mahdi the End-Time Antichrist?
Gary DeMar February 10, 2016https://americanvision.org/12998/is-the-islamic-mahdi-the-end-time-antichrist/
@GaoLu said:
Speaking with no authority or knowledge of the matter, I would ponder that the same influences of Mary veneration that occurred in the early Catholic church were occurring simultaneously in the Muslim world. It was a time when such thought prevailed and formed the roots of both religious systems.Is this a rational consideration?
A start will be which is older? CM
Regardless, the influence, fad, or whatever it was that brought about Mary veneration during some historical era, it may have occurred in both groups simultaneously. That is only speculation. I don't know. I have no solid reason to think Islam or Catholicism are directly linked to the End-Time Antichrist.
@GaoLu said:
Regardless, the influence, fad, or whatever it was that brought about Mary veneration during some historical era, it may have occurred in both groups simultaneously. That is only speculation. I don't know. I have no solid reason to think Islam or Catholicism are directly linked to the End-Time Antichrist.There are two ways of looking for an end-time Antichrist. We can look for the symbols used to describe the "man of sin" to materialize. Or we can look for what the symbols represent. If we observe the latter, he has been here since the first century just as John said.