The Real Face of Palestine

Palestine is just a dummy country, placed by terrorist nations inside Israel. Israel magnanimously tolerates it for the truly innocent population within. Palestine is not a country, never has been. It has no ethnic identity, no language or culture of its own--all is borrowed from supporting nations.
Meanwhile, what kind of behavior would you expect within such a population group? See here.
Are you trying to blame Mr. Trump for the continuation of the Palestinians because his Son-in-law will not get further clearance to top briefings in the "White House"? It was Mr. Kelly's call. Mr. Trump has done for Israel all he is going to do.
Let Israel and the Palestinians work out their differences. Do we have to discuss this here? CM
Trump is of no interest to me in the conversation--unless you think he is.
I think we can discuss it. The matter is quite relevant to Christian thinking.
@GaoLu said:
Palestine is just a dummy country, placed by terrorist nations inside Israel. Israel magnanimously tolerates it for the truly innocent population within. Palestine is not a country, never has been. It has no ethnic identity, no language or culture of its own--all is borrowed from supporting nations.I think it can be argued that your post mis-characterizes the nature of Palestine in the modern world. From a very helpful Wikipedia article on Palestine...
"On 29 November 2012, in a 138–9 vote (with 41 abstentions and 5 absences),[45] the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 67/19, upgrading Palestine from an "observer entity" to a "non-member observer state" within the United Nations system, which was described as recognition of the PLO's sovereignty.[26][27][46][47][48] Palestine's new status is equivalent to that of the Holy See.[49] The UN has permitted Palestine to title its representative office to the UN as "The Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations",[50] and Palestine has instructed its diplomats to officially represent "The State of Palestine"—no longer the Palestinian National Authority.[48] On 17 December 2012, UN Chief of Protocol Yeocheol Yoon declared that "the designation of 'State of Palestine' shall be used by the Secretariat in all official United Nations documents",[51] thus recognising the title 'State of Palestine' as the state's official name for all UN purposes. As of 14 September 2015, 136 (70.5%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine.[47][52] Many of the countries that do not recognise the State of Palestine nevertheless recognise the PLO as the "representative of the Palestinian people". The PLO's Executive Committee is empowered by the Palestinian National Council to perform the functions of government of the State of Palestine.[53]"
That is, in the eyes of a majority of world's nations, Palestine is more than "just a dummy country, placed by terrorist nations inside Israel."
Palestine was invented in the modern world. Having been invented for 70 years doesn't change that fact.
@GaoLu said:
Palestine was invented in the modern world. Having been invented for 70 years doesn't change that fact.As a nation or as a people? Wasn't Sweet Israel established independence on May 14, 1948? Israel can take care of herself. She doesn't need wimpy sympathy. She stands proud and bows to no one. No one can defeat her, but God. Fear not, God is gracious and so is Israel. CM
A little background reading:
You are kidding, right. I mean you don't seem to be. I just don't know what to say! "Established indpendence?"
Israel can take care of herself. She doesn't need wimpy sympathy. She stands proud and bows to no one. No one can defeat her, but God. Fear not, God is gracious and so is Israel. CM
That has nothing to do with the OP. The point of the OP was that Palestine is a fraud from end to end. I pity the innocents living there, but the whole thing has become a base for terrorists. The world cries if a Palestinian terrorist gets hurt. We coddle, them, baby them, and they bomb, knife, tunnel, kill--even their own people. Then we give them money. America has been doing that.
GaoLu, What is it? You seem to have more hatred for the Palestinians than love for Israel. The real shame is; if you would stop, think and ask, why the US keeps giving money to the Palestinians? A possible answer, where are they going to go? To the United States? CM
keep supporting the UK/USrael Zionist Empire, folks ....and do it in the name of "Christianity" which must support "Israel" ... be brainwashed entirely and stop thinking independently and responsibly for yourselves ...
Once we realize those who followed Jesus, Israel's true king, remained Israel. And those who rejected Jesus did not remain Israel, but were broken off by God, we will begin to develop a christian worldview of the Middle East and respond as Jesus would.
@C_M_ said:
GaoLu, What is it? You seem to have more hatred for the Palestinians than love for Israel.That is a really wild conclusion to which you jump. What on earth makes you think I hate them? Did I remotely allude to such a thing? Good grief! What an awful thing to think.
Good grief, one of my former students is a Physical Therapist working with children there and we encourage her regularly. I love those poor innocent victims there. Did you even read that article?
The real shame is; if you would stop, think and ask, why the US keeps giving money to the Palestinians? A possible answer, where are they going to go? To the United States? CM
What shame? The poor can be helped. The terrorist activity is all that is preventing us from doing so. The money we send all too much ends up helping terrorists. Did you even read that article?
Research the amazing story of Bassam Aramin, the Palestinian who chose to forgive. I have the added insight of a friend, a former Israeli soldier. began meeting with former soldiers to hear both sides of the story. He eventually founded "Combatants for Peace."
I like his quote: "Yesterday I was so clever, so I started to change the world. Today I am wise, so I start to change myself."
Bassam, dealing with the hatred and pain eventually went to graduate school to study the Jewish holocaust--to know the heart and pain of his enemy. Now he is a spokesman for Parents Circle-Families Forum, a forum of Israelis and Palestinians who have lost family to conflict.
Such stories subvert the narrative of the dangerous difference between "them and "us."
Inspiring are the words of a PCFF father who lost his 14-year-old daughter to a Palestinian suicide bomber. He said, "We bang our heads against this very high wall of hatred and fear that divides these two nations. And we put cracks in it, cracks of hope."