My university semester in North Korea - BBC News

Human beings are everywhere. No, it's a recent discovery. Don't judge all the people of a state or country by the head of government. This is the takeaway from the video clip.A real tear jerker is the North Korean Defector | Yeonmi Park| TEDxYouth@Bath. [I don't know how to put the clip here]. This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Yeonmi Park has recently been the subject of major articles in the Washington Post, The Independent & The Guardian. Her story is extraordinary. She defected from North Korea aged 13 and is a passionate advocate for freedom.
Wherever you are, compared to this young lady's story, you are blessed. To be able to think, read, move freely are blessings many have not, and may not experience in their lifetime. For many in North Korea, this reality is not in existence if even a dream. CM