A Ruling King and his Set of Rules

KerimF Posts: 69

For every event which may happen in an earthly kingdom, the king has to apply the appropriate rules related to it. If the king applies a personal will instead, his people will not trust him anymore and see him instead a sort of a dictator who gives himself the right to change his rules whenever his own interests become at risk. In other words, the authority of the king’s rules is higher than of the king’s personal will in order for him to deserve the obedience and respect of his people.

This fact also applies on a ‘god’ who is supposed to be a Ruling King, said Supernatural. His will is limited by his own rules which are supposed to represent the Absolute Truth. For example, he has to reward his obedient believers and punish those who refuse to obey his rules of the Absolute Truth.

In such a supernatural kingdom, the word ‘love’, addressed to humans, has one meaning: “Obey the Lord, your King”. And both this Supernatural Ruling King and his created humans should observe their kingdom’s rules which are claimed to represent their Absolute Truth.


How could I fool myself and imagine that my Creator is simply a limited ruling king who is bounded by his own rules?!

But I also don’t hesitate to congratulate a human who chose to be very proud for being a good obedient ‘slave’ (the modern word is ‘servant’) of the most powerful ruling king whom a man can imagine.


Meanwhile, the Loving Will/Power that created me, and I... know that there is no will above the Divine Spirit of Love. Nothing limits the Loving Will of my Heavenly Father, which is the same Loving Will of Jesus, thanks to the Ultimate Unifying Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit. In the Kingdom of Love there are no masters or slaves bounded by rules. There are free spirits only unified by their Absolute Truth, ‘LOVE’ (which is not any of the various limited kinds of love that are preprogrammed in human’s instincts).


But perhaps, someday I will hear of a real ruling king who is free not to apply always his own rules which define the boundaries of his limited authority.

A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

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