School Shootings America's Curse Nashville, TN

Female shooter. Seven (7) dead in private religious school (K-6 grades); 2nd Fl. -- Nashville, TN

  • 3-- staff members
  • 3-- students
  • 1- the shooter (teenager)

Semi-automatic weapon

When will this country ban these guns? CM


  • What the world needs now is Love, God's Love

    😭🙏 Praying for Holy God's ❤ Loving Presence & Healing 🙏

    CNN describes shooter as 28 years old, who police believe was once a student at the school. Three adults killed were 60+ years old.

    Curious about @C Mc rationale for posting about the 129th mass shooting in the US in 2023 for CD NEWS & CURRENT EVENTS

    Personally wonder what the US is reaping from 1963 Supreme Court decision to ban Bible Reading in public schools.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 2,675

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus posted:

    Personally wonder what the US is reaping from 1963 Supreme Court decision to ban Bible Reading in public schools.

    Prayers delivered in or banned from schools have never decimated the body of a student, a teacher, or a school staff member. In my view, the Supreme Court decision from which it is FAR, FAR, FAR more likely that we reaped today's mass shooting and the 128 that preceded it in this calendar year is District of Columbia vs. Heller.

  • Posts: 4,463

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said: CNN describes shooter as 28 years old, who police believe was once a student at the school. 

    @C Mc: As you can see, the differences in the time of posting from yours. I shared what was happening and the information available. Some 28-year-olds do look like teenagers. Who knows, the youthful look may have been a part of getting upstairs. The shooter's age and dress are less valuable than the overall situation.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:

    Three adults killed were 60+ years old.

    Curious about @C Mc rationale for posting about the 129th mass shooting in the US in 2023 for CD NEWS & CURRENT EVENTS

    My Brother, Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus,

    Come on! I am “curious” about your curiosity to raise such a concern. Regardless, NEED I REMIND YOU:

    • 1.    Seven people are dead tonight. Seven families are dealing with immeasurable pain and loss.
    • 2.    Three of the seven families lost their young children at a religious day school.
    • 3. You shared that the “Three adults killed were 60+ years old.” 
    • 4.    Many children, staff, and teachers are traumatized.

    And you’re still curious about why I posted the shooting here on CD?

    1.    It’s a current event.
    2.   I have written many posts here about guns See around the forums.
    3.   I am against guns, the NRA, and the “Second Amendment.”
    4.   I am not numbed to gun violence in general or mass shootings, although they are more frequent in the USA today. If you are, I am not.
    5.  I have compassion, sympathy, and empathy for the families and the shooter’s family.
    6.  I disdain all those who can do more to enact stricter gun laws and background checks. This includes gun manufacturers, lawmakers, gun stores/sales, and careless gun owners.
    7.  Are you still curious? These families need prayers, comfort, and healing!!!

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:

    Why am I “posting about the 129th mass shooting in the US in 2023 for CD”?

    Are you serious, Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus? Here we go again!

    a.         There were 128 before this one.

    b.         Would you feel better if I post each time one happens?

    c.         Enough is enough!

    d.         Gun-loving Christians need to rethink their passions for weapons of war. Guns were made to kill!

    e.         Christians must speak up and speak out everywhere.

    f.          We should not be numbed when lives are lost, especially children.

    g.         Even in our religious institutions, one seems to be at risk of a mass shooting.

    h.         This platform needs to take a stand for guns.

    i.          Are you suggesting nothing further should be said about or against guns in these forums?

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:

    Personally wonder what the US is reaping from [the] 1963 Supreme Court decision to ban Bible Reading in public schools.

    @C Mc -- “Guns, Bullets, and butter” is the security of the secular man. Conversely, security for the religious man was family, faith, and the Bible. I still don’t understand Christian’s love affair with guns. They are more committed to the Second Amendment than the Ten-commandments. Maybe this is the problem and not the “1963 Supreme Court decision to ban Bible Reading in public schools”, as you tried to purport. 

    To suggest the “1963” decision, why we have so many mass shootings in schools, is nonsense! Are there no Bibles in homes, churches, stores, and motels? The Word of God is not in the hearts of the US people? Having a Bible anywhere is useless if it’s not read and/or understood. Even for those who handle the Word (clergymen/religious leaders), the Word (Bible) must be in them to be helpful and valuable to the churches and the community. CM

  • @C Mc March 27 My brother ... Come On! ... Are you serious ... Here we go again

    Still wondering about @C Mc rationale for posting about the 129th mass shooting in the US in 2023 (after reading knowledge summary/points of @C Mc that really lack insight into @C Mc motivation for posting this story now). Puzzled by secular man security (seems out of touch with many human lives: a butter only diet plan was new to me). History item for research is Pastors using guns in the American revolution to fight a professional military.

    FWIW: the first four pages (120 posts since March 2020) of CD NEWS & CURRENT EVENTS has one posting with Shooting in the title and five postings with Gun in the title.

    Observation is the current event story of Transgender shooter killing three staff & three students at a Christian School in Nashville being featured in news stories on a number of international websites. What message/warning is being sent ?

    Reading News stories provides many sad tears for my eyes 😭 along with many prayers 🙏 for Holy God's ❤ Loving Presence & Healing 🙏

    My faith family Loves God. John 4:7-21 LEB =>

    Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been fathered by God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. By this the love of God is revealed in us: that God sent his one and only Son into the world in order that we may live through him. In this is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Dear friends, if God loved us in this way, we also ought to love one another. No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God resides in us and his love is perfected in us. By this we know that we reside in him and he in us: that he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God resides in him and he in God. And we have come to know and have believed the love that God has in us. God is love, and the one who resides in love resides in God, and God resides in him. By this love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment, because just as that one is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear includes punishment, and the one who is afraid has not been perfected in love. We love, because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar, for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen is not able to love God whom he has not seen. And this is the commandment we have from him: that the one who loves God should love his brother also.

    Love Well messages from the Bible in Public Education were removed as a result of the 1963 decision. What replaced the Bible in Public Schools ?

    Notable lacking from @C Mc rants about physical gun reduction is action: e.g. Restorative Justice Exchange about The Issue includes:

    The Heart of the Matter

    Crime and wrongdoing break down individual relationships, but the ripple effect of those behaviors can extend the impact to include friends, families, communities and many others. While crime causes broken relationships, it also flows from broken relationships and communities. Crime occurs within a context of deeper hurts, power imbalances, and unjust structures. Often, we at PFI find that we must dig down further to uncover the initial hurts that have been ignored, suppressed or not recognized. We must give these wounds the light and attention they need to properly heal.

    Justice, like crime, ripples outward. It leads to wholeness and wellbeing within us, our relationships, our communities, and our world. Like fishermen who mend their nets in the morning after fishing all night, justice requires that those most impacted by crime do the hard work of mending the torn nets of their relationships.

    We recognize that Justice should also address the root causes of crime, even to the point of transforming unjust systems and structures. If restorative justice is based on the idea that we are interconnected and woven together in humanity’s netting, then we must examine and actively address the underlying issues that lead to crime and the context in which it occurs.

    With this in mind, we define restorative justice as:

    A response to wrongdoing that prioritizes repairing harm, to the extent possible, caused or revealed by the wrongful behavior. The stakeholders impacted most by the wrongdoing cooperatively decide how to repair victim harm, hold offenders accountable and strengthen the community’s relational health and safety.

    How Crime Hurts Everyone

    Broken criminal justice systems help perpetuate the cycle of crime.

    Lengthy Pre-Trial Detention

    Millions of prisoners around the world are held in crowded, inhumane conditions as they wait for trial. Often, they wait longer than the maximum sentence they could receive if found guilty.

    Punitive Punishment

    Many justice systems focus on punishment for wrongdoings rather than creating rehabilitative environments where prisoners can learn personal responsibility for their behavior. (Some of PFI’s greatest contributions to restorative justice occur in the incarceration stage, reshaping prisoners’ experiences to be transformative rather than simply punitive.)

    Suffering Victims

    Victims of crime receive little help to recover from their trauma. They are ignored except when called as a witness in a prosecution.

    Silent Victims

    Families and children of prisoners live in poverty in remote, hard-to-reach communities. They are often ostracized for being related to a prisoner and are at risk for physical harm and emotional trauma.

    How Restorative Justice Repairs Harm

    Restorative justice is best accomplished through cooperative processes that allow willing prisoners and victims to meet and explore topics such as personal responsibility and making amends. This can lead to the transformation of people, relationships, and communities.

    Learn how this transformation is taking place in first-person accounts of the impact of PFI’s restorative justice work through our global network of practitioners.

    To me, advocating for physical gun reduction WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ... seems hypocritical (keep violent thoughts & expressions while trying to reduce physical Gun instruments has me wondering what worldly outcome is likely).

    At a Celebrate Recovery meeting, I heard:

    Hurting people hurt people. Healed people heal people.

    Angry people anger people. Thankful people thank people.

    Numb people numb people. Loving people love people.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 4,463

    To me, advocating for physical gun reduction WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ... seems hypocritical (keep violent thoughts & expressions while trying to reduce physical Gun instruments has me wondering what worldly outcome is likely).

    I did. check my earlier posting in the forums. CM

  • Coincidence ? President Biden call for Congress to take action & @C Mc "When will this country ban these guns?"

    @C Mc posted thread Happy Thanksgiving: All 3 men guilty of murder in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery on 25 Nov 2021, which included @C Mc "Use a gun and now these will pay for it the rest of their lives." WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ... Thankfully Holy God still loves the 3 men guilty of murder plus 🙏 Praying for Holy God's ❤ Loving Presence & Healing transformation 🙏 Thankful for several murderers inside prison, who now ❤ Love Holy God the most. Thankful for amazing love of one father, who forgave the murderer of his son: God's Holy Healing for grieving father & murderer.

    @C Mc posted thread Guns in the Church: A place of peace or a War Zone? on 10 Nov 2021, which included @C Mc "Do we have to make guns so available for one to carry out sinister desires? Don't you agree?" WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ... (@C Mc War Zone appears prophetic for Nashville Church School shooting in this thread)

    @C Mc posted thread A New Look at Guns and Gun Violence on 31 Oct 2021, which included @C Mc "Do you really love life? Do you really want to protect the innocent? The Christian Community needs to wake up and step up. The gun deaths are NOT maybe people. They are real people. CM" WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ...

    Current event issue is children addicted to video games, which may result in physical violence for anyone (including parents) taking away the game console: Children addicted to video games are attacking their PARENTS - and taking away their console only makes them MORE aggressive, experts warn & Florida student attacks teacher over confiscated Nintendo Switch

    @C Mc posted thread A New Low for Civil Decorum on 13 Sep 2021, which leaves me wondering what is really, really most important to @C Mc ? (Bible belief question asked three times in thread An update on my Bible study group's Christology study remains unanswered by @C Mc)

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 2,675

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus posted:

    WITHOUT advocating for removing gun violence in media: TV Shows, Movies, Cartoons, Video Games, ...

    This thrice-repeated phrase in your most recent reply to @C Mc raises a question to which I've yet to hear a credible response from a person who questions the need for or in other ways resists the need for enhanced gun safety laws. Perhaps you'll be able to provide such a response:

    If gun violence in media is such a major contributor to the level of actual gun violence in the United States, then why do other countries whose TV shows, movies, cartoons, and video games are ALSO filled with gun violence NOT experience the level of gun violence that we do? I ask a version of the same question in response to other explanations of our gun violence such as mental health and drug use.

    So many countries on earth have violence in their media, as well as mental health- and drug use issues, but do NOT have gun violence at the levels we see in the U.S. Why not? Could it be the one thing that IS different between us and those other countries: that we have far more guns per person than they do?

    We actually have more guns in the U.S. than we have people in the U.S.! That's NOT true of any other country. We have approximately 120 guns for every 100 people. The next highest rate of per capita gun ownership is 62.1 per 100 people, in the Falkland Islands. Canada: 34.7; Austria: 30.0; France: 19.6; Italy: 14.4; Denmark: 9.9; Israel: 6.7; Japan: 0.3.

    Could it be that a principal reason the per capita homicide by firearm rate in Japan (and its violence-infected media) is 0.02/100,000 population, while in the U.S. (and its violence-infected media) it's 10.89/100K population - more than 500 times larger - be that the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 350 times larger than Japan's rate?

  • Over a decade ago had workplace directive to avoid travel in Mexico due to gang/gun violence. Which countries have more deaths from gun violence per capita than the U.S. ?

    In 2021, National Public Radio ranked U.S. as 32nd highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world. The L.A. Times mentioned Mexico has only one gun store.

    My apologies for not understanding culture of Japan. Found an article: Japan has exceptionally low crime rates. But there's a dark side

    Without a gun trigger being pulled, no one gets hurt. What is causing people to pull gun triggers with intent to hurt & harm people ?

    Humanly wonder about assault weapon safety after seeing Gun-toting transgender woman backing 'day of vengeance' & Group Behind Trans "Day of Vengeance" Raised Money for Firearms Training (also wonder about intense inner turmoil for those choosing gender identification different than God's biological design => need to first Love God, who can heal individual to Love themself as Holy God loves)

    Wonder what would happen to death rate if purchasing a gun required verification of Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) memorization ?

    What is really most important: Loving God with everything & Loving neighbor as self OR political party/group loyalty ?

    Personal sadness is U.S. political parties & many groups lacking Love Well for everyone. Loving God & neighbors can exist without the U.S., but what is the future for the U.S. without obeying the most important Biblical commands ?

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Posts: 2,675

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus posted:

    Over a decade ago had workplace directive to avoid travel in Mexico due to gang/gun violence. Which countries have more deaths from gun violence per capita than the U.S. ?

    In 2021, National Public Radio ranked U.S. as 32nd highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world. The L.A. Times mentioned Mexico has only one gun store.

    There are indeed countries whose gun violence rates are higher than does the United States. Given that the majority of said countries are categorized as developing nations (low standards of living by compared to developed nations), including many Central- and South American nations, AND that most industrialized/developed nations have gun violence rates far lower than the U.S., I don't find your reference to those countries compelling.

    But there's a reason for my disregard of your example that's in keeping with the argument you previously made: You previously highlighted the influence of gun violence in media outlets such as "TV shows, movies, cartoons, and video games" as a principal cause of America's gun violence issue. Among the nations identified in the article to which you linked that have a higher gun violence rate than the U.S. are El Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, the Bahamas, and Honduras. Do you have evidence that media-displayed violence is a major factor in THOSE nations? And what about all the nations that we know are exposed to violence in those media forms -- e.g. Japan, England, and France -- but still have far lower gun violence rates than the U.S.? If violence in media is the or even A principal cause of gun violence in society, why do the vast majority of violence-in-media nations experience far lower gun violence rates than we do?

    I ask again the question the question from my previous post to which you chose not to respond directly: Could it be that a principal reason the per capita death by firearm rate in Japan (and its violence-infected media) is 0.02/100,000 population, while in the U.S. (and its violence-infected media) it's 10.89/100K population - more than 500 times larger - be that the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 350 times larger than Japan's rate?

    (CORRECTION: In my last post, I mis-labeled the 10.89/100K number as our "per capita homicide rate"; it's actually our per capita death by firearms rate, which includes suicides and accidental deaths, for example. I regret the error.)

    The article about Japan's justice system to which you linked is immaterial to the statistical reality of gun violence in the nation. The fact is FAR, FAR, FAR fewer people per capita die from guns in Japan than they do in the United States. That's the issue, not whether criminal defendants in Japan receive genuine justice in court proceedings.

    Without a gun trigger being pulled, no one gets hurt. What is causing people to pull gun triggers with intent to hurt & harm people ?

    The fewer guns that are available, the harder it is to find gun triggers to pull.

    Wonder what would happen to death rate if purchasing a gun required verification of Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) memorization ?

    And what would happen to the death rate if purchasing a gun required the verification of identity and personal history through expanded universal background checks, and if we banned the sale and distribution of assault-style weapons?

    In my fairy tale world, what would happen to the death rate if we couldn't purchase guns at all?

    What is really most important: Loving God with everything & Loving neighbor as self OR political party/group loyalty ?

    Until everyone loves God with everything and loves neighbors as self, why not restrict or at least more closely manage everyone's access to firearms? Why do we need more firearms than people in the U.S.? Does God REALLY wants us to wait for everyone's spiritual conversion to reduce our gun violence rates when there are consequential actions we can take now? It reminds me of Moses' reliance upon God to get the freed slaves out of danger from the advancing Egyptian pharaoh and his army: "Then the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving! 16 Pick up your staff and raise your hand over the sea. Divide the water so the Israelites can walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground." (Exodus 14.15-16). TRANSLATION: Don't wait for me when YOU can do something about your situation!

  • Posts: 4,463

    In the hospital. CM

  • Posts: 2,675

    @C Mc posted:

    In the hospital. CM

    Sorry to hear that you're in the hospital, CM. Here's a prayer for your healing and for the medical professionals overseeing your recovery.

  • @C Mc March 30 In the hospital. CM

    🙏 Praying for awareness of Holy God's presence along with Holy Healing in all life domains for you, family, friends, medical staff, families, friends, @Bill_Coley, political idolators, immoral sexual sinners, every human 🙏

    @Bill_Coley March 30 I ask again the question the question from my previous post to which you chose not to respond directly: Could it be that a principal reason the per capita death by firearm rate in Japan (and its violence-infected media) is 0.02/100,000 population, while in the U.S. (and its violence-infected media) it's 10.89/100K population - more than 500 times larger - be that the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 350 times larger than Japan's rate?

    Japan's family culture & civic duty is substantially different than American individualism =>

    Japan's Yakuza (kingpins of vice) respectfully take care of many citizens, which is quite different than violent gangs in U.S. with neighbors to the South: Mexico, Central-America, & South-American nations.

    Japan's culture reminds me of James 1:19-21 LEB =>

    Understand this, my dear brothers: every person must be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish the righteousness of God. Therefore, putting aside all moral uncleanness and wicked excess, welcome with humility the implanted message which is able to save your souls.

    Sadly many people in the U.S. and Southern neighboring nations lack "slow to anger", which is part of Loving Well. Angry words hurt the speaker and listeners.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus March 30 Without a gun trigger being pulled, no one gets hurt. What is causing people to pull gun triggers with intent to hurt & harm people ?

    @Bill_Coley March 30 The fewer guns that are available, the harder it is to find gun triggers to pull.

    What is the relationship between number of triggers to pull & causes for triggers being pulled ?

    If fewer guns were available for violent crimes, what else would be used ?

    FWIW: reading a news web site in U.K. seems to have more murder stories this year in U.K. & Australia with variety of objects used to inflict hurt & harm.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus March 30 Wonder what would happen to death rate if purchasing a gun required verification of Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) memorization ?

    @Bill_Coley March 30 And what would happen to the death rate if purchasing a gun required the verification of identity and personal history through expanded universal background checks, and if we banned the sale and distribution of assault-style weapons?

    Would expanded universal background checks (with increased government spying/surveillance of citizens) have kept the Nashville shooter from purchasing seven weapons & using three of them in death-by-cop suicide ? Also what would U.S. government do with more internal surveillance information ? (political party power)

    How do violent Mexican gangs acquire illicit assault-style weapons & ammunition ?

    Who is paying gun manufacturers for weapons & ammunition ? If manufacturers did not get paid, then manufacturing would cease.

    @Bill_Coley March 30 In my fairy tale world, what would happen to the death rate if we couldn't purchase guns at all?

    How many murders like Cain & Abel ? Am I my brother's keeper ?

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus March 30 What is really most important: Loving God with everything & Loving neighbor as self OR political party/group loyalty ?

    @Bill_Coley March 30 Until everyone loves God with everything and loves neighbors as self, why not restrict or at least more closely manage everyone's access to firearms?

    Why try to reduce a violence symptom instead of promoting God's Holy Healing cure for all hurts & harms ?

    Keep Smiling 😊

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