In Memory of Billy Graham

Billy Graham passed away today at the age of 99. There is no question as to the eternal impact he had on this earth during his time.
I live in the Charlotte area so naturally, it is heavy hitting in the city today as this is the headquarters for his ministry.
The world will miss Billy Graham, but the Heavens are rejoicing today.
We'll miss Billy. He gave us a great deal of credibility that will now be hard to come by. Billy remained untarnished and was probably the only preacher most ever trusted.
My wife was influenced by his ministry and my Brother in Law pretty much accepted Christ through his ministry.
@davidtaylorjr said:
Billy Graham passed away today at the age of 99.Thank you for informing all of us here. I vaguely remember hearing his name before, but I did not know much about him before this thread peaked my interest. I am curious to hear about his work and accomplishments.
Some excerpts from Billy Graham's bio.
Born Nov. 7, 1918, four days before the armistice ended World War I, William Franklin “Billy” Graham Jr. grew up during the Depression and developed a work ethic that would carry him through decades of ministry on six continents.
“I have one message: that Jesus Christ came, he died on a cross, he rose again, and he asked us to repent of our sins and receive him by faith as Lord and Savior, and if we do, we have forgiveness of all of our sins,” said Graham at his final Crusade in June 2005 at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in New York.
At a revival led by traveling evangelist Mordecai Fowler Ham, 15-year-old Graham committed his life to serving Jesus Christ. No one was more surprised than Graham himself.
“I was opposed to evangelism,” he said. “But finally, I was persuaded by a friend [to go to a meeting]…and the spirit of God began to speak to me as I went back night after night. One night, when the invitation was given to accept Jesus, I just said, ‘Lord, I’m going.’ I knew I was headed in a new direction.”