A Manifesto: Gun Lovers and supporters of the NRA

It's unfortunate there are CD Users that are in line with the NRA. I have taken the liberty to summarize their position when it comes to Mass-shootings in the USA as understood:
Thanks for reminding all of us that mass-shootings of innocent children in schools and other places are interval events in the USA. A change will happen, but don't expect it soon; definitely, right after an event. Don't expect such, it would be playing politics and having "knee-jerk reactions", mainly by liberals. Labels are only applicable in defending anti-gun laws and the NRA. Regardless of how many people are killed, what was used; don't blame the Republicans (maybe a few Democrats) and definitely, NOT, the NRA. The NRA= Never Responsible At All! Repeat the empty slogan, "People kill, guns don't."
Schoolhouses and workplaces need to beef up their security with armed guards. Schoolhouses should have armed guard with AR 15 or any type of weaponry the local community deems it necessary. Teachers should carry guns in the classrooms. All parents should be encouraged to purchase guns and be a proud card-carrying, dues-paying member of the NRA. Parents should take the teenager to the gun range and let them practice. Give them a .45 mag, on their 18th birthday (16th in rural areas), along with their newly received driver's licenses.
To the parents and family that lost loved ones: "our prayers are with you", "people kill, guns don't", "Guns don't kill, people do", this is not time to discuss gun laws", "there is a second amendment right for all in the USA, even, the gunman. We will lower the flag over the White House, send in grief counselors, and we will arrange for the NRA greatest pitchman, President Donald J. Trump to visit them and the community. He has vowed to never to disappoint the NRA for whatever it stands for. Mr. Trump will say words from a teleprompter at a slow pace, of his love for all; not mentioning guns or new laws, at all. He may lapse in his favorite phrase, but “…we’re going to build that wall.”
So, grieving families, get over, your grief and prepare for the next mass shooting. It's not the time to discuss the commonsense gun laws, if ever. They won't change anything, anyhow. Oh, yes, the gunman, I know he had mental/social issues, but don't require him to have a background check, mental health check-up, and let him purchase as many guns and bullets he can afford. Whatever you do, don't put his name or his purchase in a database. And, yes, we know the gunman has enough sanity to plan the event, write about it, purchase the guns/bullets, and worked out an escape route (at least this last one).
Oh, one last thing, Law-makers can do something: Make it easier for gun dealers and gun shows to do business. Let them sell guns, across state lines. We know who is to blame if there is an increase in crime. After all, there is the second amendment to uphold. Let's keep this before the people as though we are about to lose this right any minute. This is a part of "Making America Great Again." We are not against gun laws. We will welcome Pistol Packing Preachers and revolver Purse Toting Parishioners in our churches, when it comes up and our next meeting. In fact, a vote will not be needed if any feels unsafe any Sunday. Who are we, to deny a member of the church and an American their second amendment right in the USA, supported by the NRA? It's sad, we can't blame this one, on undocumented people, those who overstayed their visa or people from the country that's on the band; don't worry, we will still build that wall.
Please, no one is to ever think we don't care about people and life. Although, we are more concern about the "unborn" than the born and grown. Especially, since the mass shooting victim numbers are small in comparison to the number of abortions in the USA. We do wonder if the person having an abortion would say, the same thing that we normally say after a shooting incident; Oh, well...! Let's Make America Great, Again."
I hope I reflect your views and suggested a "policy based on facts", as you see them?" SAD! Stay tuned for the real solution to mass shootings. CM
@C_M_ said:
It's unfortunate there are CD Users that are in line with the NRA. I have taken the liberty to summarize their position when it comes to Mass-shootings in the USA as understood:Wow.
One of the most potent take-downs of the NRA I've ever read, C.M. I don't know whether to say "Thanks" or "Amen!" or "Damn them!"
This whole manifesto is hogwash. Actually that was putting it nicely.
@Bill_Coley said:
@C_M_ said:
It's unfortunate there are CD Users that are in line with the NRA. I have taken the liberty to summarize their position when it comes to Mass-shootings in the USA as understood:Wow.
One of the most potent take-downs of the NRA I've ever read, C.M. I don't know whether to say "Thanks" or "Amen!" or "Damn them!"
I will take two of the three. CM
@davidtaylorjr said:
This whole manifesto is hogwash. Actually that was putting it nicely.My, my, my! What necessitated this response? Have I not spoken the truth? A little bit? CM
@C_M_ said:
It's unfortunate there are CD Users that are in line with the NRA. I have taken the liberty to summarize their position when it comes to Mass-shootings in the USA as understood:
Thanks for reminding all of us that mass-shootings of innocent children in schools and other places are interval events in the USA. A change will happen, but don't expect it soon; definitely, right after an event. Don't expect such, it would be playing politics and having "knee-jerk reactions", mainly by liberals. Labels are only applicable in defending anti-gun laws and the NRA. Regardless of how many people are killed, what was used; don't blame the Republicans (maybe a few Democrats) and definitely, NOT, the NRA. The NRA= Never Responsible At All! Repeat the empty slogan, "People kill, guns don't."Knee Jerk reactions won't fix things. The reason you should not expect change immediately is because you need to let emotions lower and look at the situation logically. Florida is a perfect example. There is NO NEED for gun regulations as this would have been stopped without them with existing procedures and laws if they had been followed.
Schoolhouses and workplaces need to beef up their security with armed guards. Schoolhouses should have armed guard with AR 15 or any type of weaponry the local community deems it necessary. Teachers should carry guns in the classrooms. All parents should be encouraged to purchase guns and be a proud card-carrying, dues-paying member of the NRA. Parents should take the teenager to the gun range and let them practice. Give them a .45 mag, on their 18th birthday (16th in rural areas), along with their newly received driver's licenses.
I actually agree with this paragraph. So I guess the whole thing isn't hogwash but the intent behind it was.
To the parents and family that lost loved ones: "our prayers are with you", "people kill, guns don't", "Guns don't kill, people do", this is not time to discuss gun laws", "there is a second amendment right for all in the USA, even, the gunman. We will lower the flag over the White House, send in grief counselors, and we will arrange for the NRA greatest pitchman, President Donald J. Trump to visit them and the community. He has vowed to never to disappoint the NRA for whatever it stands for. Mr. Trump will say words from a teleprompter at a slow pace, of his love for all; not mentioning guns or new laws, at all. He may lapse in his favorite phrase, but “…we’re going to build that wall.”
See my first paragraph response. Guns do not kill people, that is correct. Guns are protected by the Constitution. This event could have, and would have, been prevented without gun laws if procedures had been followed.
So, grieving families, get over, your grief and prepare for the next mass shooting. It's not the time to discuss the commonsense gun laws, if ever. They won't change anything, anyhow. Oh, yes, the gunman, I know he had mental/social issues, but don't require him to have a background check, mental health check-up, and let him purchase as many guns and bullets he can afford. Whatever you do, don't put his name or his purchase in a database. And, yes, we know the gunman has enough sanity to plan the event, write about it, purchase the guns/bullets, and worked out an escape route (at least this last one).
There is nothing common sense about the gun laws being proposed. All they do is limit Constitutional rights and would not have stopped a majority of the shootings that have happened.
Oh, one last thing, Law-makers can do something: Make it easier for gun dealers and gun shows to do business. Let them sell guns, across state lines. We know who is to blame if there is an increase in crime. After all, there is the second amendment to uphold. Let's keep this before the people as though we are about to lose this right any minute. This is a part of "Making America Great Again." We are not against gun laws. We will welcome Pistol Packing Preachers and revolver Purse Toting Parishioners in our churches, when it comes up and our next meeting. In fact, a vote will not be needed if any feels unsafe any Sunday. Who are we, to deny a member of the church and an American their second amendment right in the USA, supported by the NRA? It's sad, we can't blame this one, on undocumented people, those who overstayed their visa or people from the country that's on the band; don't worry, we will still build that wall.
You know there used to be a law in SC that all men over 16 were required to carry a rifle to Sunday Services.
Please, no one is to ever think we don't care about people and life. Although, we are more concern about the "unborn" than the born and grown. Especially, since the mass shooting victim numbers are small in comparison to the number of abortions in the USA. We do wonder if the person having an abortion would say, the same thing that we normally say after a shooting incident; Oh, well...! Let's Make America Great, Again."
This is just BS.
I hope I reflect your views and suggested a "policy based on facts", as you see them?" SAD! Stay tuned for the real solution to mass shootings. CM
Oh brother.
@C_M_ said:
My, my, my! What necessitated this response? Have I not spoken the truth? A little bit? CMI stand corrected, 90% is hogwash.
David T,
What Christain enclosed in his right mind believe that the NRA is so committed to Constitution? They are committed to profits at the expense of people. You know this. Which was here first, God and the Ten commandment or USA Constitution (2nd Amendment) or the NRA? Which one was from everlasting unto everlasting? Which one can you live without, if forced, to make a choice?
Guns do not kill people, that is correct. Guns are protected by the Constitution. This event could have, and would have, been prevented without gun laws if procedures had been followed.
Would you say the same things about movies and television shows of guns and violence? CM
@C_M_ said:
David T,What Christain enclosed in his right mind believe that the NRA is so committed to Constitution? They are committed to profits at the expense of people. You know this.
I really don't think that is the NRA's motive at all. (I have nothing to do with them)
Guns do not kill people, that is correct. Guns are protected by the Constitution. This event could have, and would have, been prevented without gun laws if procedures had been followed.
Would you say the same things about movies and television shows of guns and violence? CM
Showing killing for entertainment and as a way to solve a problem, get attention and get vengeance surely has a lot of influence. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few minutes of prime time ads because they know they can sway public opinion. What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
@GaoLu said:
Showing killing for entertainment and as a way to solve a problem, get attention and get vengeance surely has a lot of influence. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few minutes of prime time ads because they know they can sway public opinion. What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
What do you think the hoarding of multiple guns, ammunition magazines, NRA Literature of freedom and "they are coming to take your guns", do to a young mind? Most mass shooters collect guns ("weapons of war") before going their rampage; all with the assistance of the NRA. Keep it real. CM
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Showing killing for entertainment and as a way to solve a problem, get attention and get vengeance surely has a lot of influence. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few minutes of prime time ads because they know they can sway public opinion. What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
What do you think the hoarding of multiple guns, ammunition magazines, NRA Literature of freedom and "they are coming to take your guns", do to a young mind? Most mass shooters collect guns ("weapons of war") before going their rampage; all with the assistance of the NRA. Keep it real. CM
This is a cherry picked fact. The shooters (most of them) have a lot of other things in common that have nothing to do with guns. Do some research.
@C_M_ said:
Most mass shooters collect guns ("weapons of war") before going their rampage; all with the assistance of the NRA. Keep it real. CMThey also use the assistance of Ford pickups, dill pickles and dollar bills. Ban the dollar Bill! (Just leave dill pickles alone!)
@davidtaylorjr said:
What do you think the hoarding of multiple guns, ammunition magazines, NRA Literature of freedom and "they are coming to take your guns", do to a young mind? Most mass shooters collect guns ("weapons of war") before going their rampage; all with the assistance of the NRA. Keep it real. CM
This is a cherry picked fact. The shooters (most of them) have a lot of other things in common that have nothing to do with guns. Do some research.
I will leave it to you for right now. I will study people that behave within the norms of society. Those who deviate from this (the norms) are mass shooters, have mental health issues (treatment facilities/meds) and some belong to the NRA. CM -
@GaoLu said:
Showing killing for entertainment and as a way to solve a problem, get attention and get vengeance surely has a lot of influence. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few minutes of prime time ads because they know they can sway public opinion.
Yes, you are right and I agree. However, the same is true for the NRA promotions in the mail, etc., and Gun Lobbyists-- "they can sway public opinion"-- make and prevent laws. What could be worst?
What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
As much as taking a child, housewife, and a teenager at a gun range or hunting of innocent animals. What is more impressive to a person than a multi-sensory experience.
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
Nonsense! Your facts are incongruent with reality. CM
@C_M_ said:
What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
As much as taking a child, housewife, and a teenager at a gun range or hunting of innocent animals. What is more impressive to a person than a multi-sensory experience.
Gratuitous murder and thousands of hours of it as entertainment ion our livingrooms is not the same as the sport of hunting/. I don't believe you think that.
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
Nonsense! Your facts are incongruent with reality. CM
Maybe. I did undergrad research in college many years ago that showed statistical significance for the argument--I am speaking from that knowledge. My paper really made the rounds at school for a while and then got dropped. I defend my argument to the extent of information I had available at the time of my research. Common sense also tells me it is true.
@GaoLu said:
Guns do not kill people, that is correct. Guns are protected by the Constitution. This event could have, and would have, been prevented without gun laws if procedures had been followed.
Exactly ...
Would you say the same things about movies and television shows of guns and violence? CM
Unfortunately, it appears that even those here on CD who are sooo mad at NRA and want to essentially do away with people's rights to own guns, are most likely more upset about a nude female breast then they are about 5 muders/hour on TV shows ....
Showing killing for entertainment and as a way to solve a problem, get attention and get vengeance surely has a lot of influence. Advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few minutes of prime time ads because they know they can sway public opinion. What do you think watching untold hours of gratuitous murder does to young minds?
Exactly .... but those folks rather want that violence excitement and then think by stricter gun laws they can control the evil they are raising by watching and supporting violence on TV and in movies
I would argue the probability that banning guns on TV would save vastly more lives than banning guns from people.
I wholeheartedly agree .... but then, some folks want to ride horses backwards
@GaoLu said:
@C_M_ said:
Nonsense! Your facts are incongruent with reality. CM
Maybe. I did undergrad research in college many years ago that showed statistical significance for the argument--I am speaking from that knowledge. My paper really made the rounds at school for a while and then got dropped. I defend my argument to the extent of information I had available at the time of my research. Common sense also tells me it is true.
I would be interested in reading your old paper if you can find it. Hey, truth found truth shared.
@Wolfgang said:
@GaoLu said:
Guns do not kill people, that is correct. Guns are protected by the Constitution. This event could have, and would have, been prevented without gun laws if procedures had been followed.
Exactly ...
Would you say the same things about movies and television shows of guns and violence? CM
Unfortunately, it appears that even those here on CD who are sooo mad at NRA and want to essentially do away with people's rights to own guns, are most likely more upset about a nude female breast then they are about 5 muders/hour on TV shows ....
Who's bent out of shape a woman's breast? Only you have mentioned it twice. What does this have to do with "common sense" Gun Laws? Are you talking about the "wardrobe malfunction" the figure skaters during the Olympics? Wolfgang, are you "making a mountain out of a molehill"? CM
@davidtaylorjr said:
Schoolhouses and workplaces need to beef up their security with armed guards. Schoolhouses should have armed guard with AR 15 or any type of weaponry the local community deems it necessary. Teachers should carry guns in the classrooms. All parents should be encouraged to purchase guns and be a proud card-carrying, dues-paying member of the NRA. Parents should take the teenager to the gun range and let them practice. Give them a .45 mag, on their 18th birthday (16th in rural areas), along with their newly received driver's licenses.
I actually agree with this paragraph. So I guess the whole thing isn't hogwash but the intent behind it was.
Who's showing "Knee Jerk reactions"? Since you are in the mood for entertaining the ridiculous, consider giving every newborn a gun permit and a literal gun at birth, like they issue a Social Security Card. Oh, this will not include the unborn. Do they get a Social Security Card now?
Equal insane ideas should be considered:
1. Give a tax break for every gun purchased.
2. Pass a law that gives anyone claiming to stop a mass shooting a get out of jail free card.
3. First-time gun buyers should be able to buy a AR 15 assault Rifle at half price.Pass these laws and see what kind of world or country you will have. Crazy as these suggestions are, this is where the USA will end up with the fear-mongering NRA-- "they are coming for our guns."
Where are the Christians? Why are their voices are not for commonsense and life? CM
Please, no one is to ever think we don't care about people and life. Although, we are more concern about the "unborn" than the born and grown. Especially, since the mass shooting victim numbers are small in comparison to the number of abortions in the USA. We do wonder if the person having an abortion would say, the same thing that we normally say after a shooting incident; Oh, well...! Let's Make America Great, Again."
This is just BS.
Watch it! Are we about to lose it? CM
@davidtaylorjr said:
You know there used to be a law in SC that all men over 16 were required to carry a rifle to Sunday Services.
Do you think the same should be done today?
Upon reflection, I guess it was required to have "a law in SC that all men over 16 were required to carry a rifle to Sunday Services." What were the real Reasons? Could it be:
- Some lacked faith in God's keeping.
- Mistreating people doing the week.
- Not paying a decent wage.
- Calling people names
- Falsely accusing people of crimes they didn't commit.
- Go hurting after church
Depending on the years in view:
- Making an agreement and not keep one's word.
- Taking one's land
- Enslavement
- Unfair laws
- Interfering with a man's family
- He who carried the gun, feared the most?
- Things too sensitive to state here...
In light of the timeframe in mind in SC, for the non-christian, "Sunday Services" was a time for "unholy justice". How far back will we go in justifying owning a gun? History is a revealer of truth. Do we want to go there? CM