Sheep-Human Hybrids Made in Lab: Progress or Perversion?

Sheep-Human Hybrids Made in Lab—Get the Facts
February 18, 2018
Picture of a human, pig embryo
This pig embryo was injected with human cells early in its development and grew to be four weeks old. The experiment made headlines when it was announced in early 2017; now, researchers have improved the procedure and tested it on sheep.
Building on a controversial breakthrough made in 2017, scientists announced on Saturday that they have created the second successful human-animal hybrids: sheep embryos that are are 0.01-percent human by cell count.
The embryos, which were not allowed to develop past 28 days of age, move researchers a small step closer to perhaps growing human organs for medical transplant.
Every hour, six people in the United States are added to the national waiting list for organ transplants—and each day, 22 people on the list die waiting. In the U.S. alone, more than a hundred thousand people need heart transplants each year, but only about 2,000 receive one.
Read the full story. God created! Man re-creates? What say ye? CM
I would say that all we have going on is human cells living in an animal. biologically, this is interesting and if good can come of it fine. We aren't making human-sheep. The sheep embyros aren't "part human." We merely came up with a way to keep extracted human cells alive in a foreign environment.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
Well, could this have implication to help infertile women? I mean like test-tube and artificial wombs. Is the created becoming a "creator?" CM
We are unimaginably far from what you describe. Man will never be "Creator." If by some unlikely chance he could create life, it would still be God that created the soul and body.
@GaoLu said:
We are unimaginably far from what you describe. Man will never be "Creator." If by some unlikely chance he could create life, it would still be God that created the soul and body.GaoLu,
I know a man could never create life; he can only procreate. Man, made in the image of God, but is not God. One still asks, what is a "soul" and can it die?The Creator brought about life through "Ex nihilo". It is Latin for " from nothing." This term refers to God creating everything from nothing. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). Prior to that moment, there was nothing. God didn't make the universe from pre-existing building blocks. He started from scratch. What a mighty God we serve! CM