Why the FBI

What will the FBI be able to do in the baseless, evidence free, accusation against Judge Kavanaugh?
The witnesses are not required to talk to them. There is no scene to investigate. There is nobody to talk to that will help Ford's case. The witnesses she calls say that the event did not occur.
There is no need for this. IF something really did happen and they want a real investigation they need to go to the proper authorities in Maryland and press charges. Here's the problem. The state would not take it up.
There is no location. There is no time. There are no witnesses. There is no evidence.
The FBI investigates! Accept it! CM
Your President believes Dr. Ford. CM
@C_M_ said:
The FBI investigates! Accept it! CMThe FBI investigates some things, but that wasn't actually what this post is about. Read again. Comprehension...
@C_M_ said:
Your President believes Dr. Ford. CMWhere are you getting that from?
@reformed said:
What will the FBI be able to do in the baseless, evidence free, accusation against Judge Kavanaugh?The witnesses are not required to talk to them. There is no scene to investigate. There is nobody to talk to that will help Ford's case. The witnesses she calls say that the event did not occur.
There is no need for this. IF something really did happen and they want a real investigation they need to go to the proper authorities in Maryland and press charges. Here's the problem. The state would not take it up.
There is no location. There is no time. There are no witnesses. There is no evidence.
If what you say is true, reformed, there can't be ANY reason for you or your political/judicial allies to fear or resist an FBI probe - in fact, I'd think you'd welcome one (I'd be screaming for one if I believed what you say you believe).
If what you believe is true is actually true, an FBI investigation will only reinforce your claims. And if that's the basic content of the final FBI report, then not only will you get your judge, but you'll have all kinds of opportunities to rub our noses in it on the day of the confirmation vote. In my view, that seems like a win-win for you... unless, of course, you actually harbor a bit (or more) of doubt about Kavanaugh.
There will be an FBI Investigation. IN the bag! The lawyer for Mark Judge has agreed that his client will cooperate with the FBI. This is a sure thing! CM
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
What will the FBI be able to do in the baseless, evidence free, accusation against Judge Kavanaugh?The witnesses are not required to talk to them. There is no scene to investigate. There is nobody to talk to that will help Ford's case. The witnesses she calls say that the event did not occur.
There is no need for this. IF something really did happen and they want a real investigation they need to go to the proper authorities in Maryland and press charges. Here's the problem. The state would not take it up.
There is no location. There is no time. There are no witnesses. There is no evidence.
If what you say is true, reformed, there can't be ANY reason for you or your political/judicial allies to fear or resist an FBI probe - in fact, I'd think you'd welcome one (I'd be screaming for one if I believed what you say you believe).
Who says we are afraid? It's an unnecessary delay, an unnecessary expense, to find what we already know to be true. There are no witnesses, no crime scene, no evidence.
If what you believe is true is actually true, an FBI investigation will only reinforce your claims. And if that's the basic content of the final FBI report, then not only will you get your judge, but you'll have all kinds of opportunities to rub our noses in it on the day of the confirmation vote. In my view, that seems like a win-win for you... unless, of course, you actually harbor a bit (or more) of doubt about Kavanaugh.
See above.
@C_M_ said:
There will be an FBI Investigation. IN the bag! The lawyer for Mark Judge has agreed that his client will cooperate with the FBI. This is a sure thing! CMExcept it isn't a sure thing. Even if there is an investigation, it's going to show nothing except the Democrats have wasted a week for no reason.
Don't get ahead of your skis. Let the FBI do its work. CM
@C_M_ said:
Don't get ahead of your skis. Let the FBI do its work. CMDo you even know what the FBI is allowed and not allowed to do in this instance? This is not a criminal investigation so they actually have LESS power than the Judiciary Committee.
Let the FBI do its work. What are you afraid of? CM
I'm not, I'm asking if you know what is actually happening because I don't think you do.
@C_M_ said:
Irrelevant. Calm down. You said there is nothing to investigate. Sound a bit like nervousness to me. Kavanaugh is in trouble. CM
Oh brother. I'm saying this FBI investigation won't turn up anything because there is nothing to investigate that hasn't already been investigated. It's literally a waste of time.
Also, there is not a criminal investigation. You understand that right? There will be no warrants, no subpoenas, they cannot force anyone to talk to them. You know all of that right?
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Irrelevant. Calm down. You said there is nothing to investigate. Sound a bit like nervousness to me. Kavanaugh is in trouble. CMOh brother. I'm saying this FBI investigation won't turn up anything because there is nothing to investigate that hasn't already been investigated. It's literally a waste of time.
Also, there is not a criminal investigation. You understand that right? There will be no warrants, no subpoenas, they cannot force anyone to talk to them. You know all of that right?
None needed. People are cooperating with the FBI. Wow! Watch out! CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Irrelevant. Calm down. You said there is nothing to investigate. Sound a bit like nervousness to me. Kavanaugh is in trouble. CMOh brother. I'm saying this FBI investigation won't turn up anything because there is nothing to investigate that hasn't already been investigated. It's literally a waste of time.
Also, there is not a criminal investigation. You understand that right? There will be no warrants, no subpoenas, they cannot force anyone to talk to them. You know all of that right?
None needed. People are cooperating with the FBI. Wow! Watch out! CM
Right and they will say the same things they said in their under oath written statements.