YES, the Economy IS BOOMING under Trump

Ok Trump haters, you can't ignore hard evidence that the economy is in fact booming under the Trump Administration.
Obama said this couldn't be done. Let's not forget that.
Trump is an amazing President and my respect is rising daily. The real credit all goes to God, who is blessing America for changes to behave in ways nearer His heart, small as those changes may be. If America will continue to repent and change her ways, we can only imagine the blessing God might pour out on her. I am thankful for the gift from God of a President at the helm bringing about these changes.
@GaoLu said:
Trump is an amazing President and my respect is rising daily. The real credit all goes to God, who is blessing America for changes to behave in ways nearer His heart, small as those changes may be. If America will continue to repent and change her ways, we can only imagine the blessing God might pour out on her. I am thankful for the gift from God of a President at the helm bringing about these changes.I'm sensing a liberal meltdown is imminent based on your comments.
I smell burnt marshwiggle already.
The Amazing Mr. President Trump...doing with ease what Obama and liberals did not believe could be done.
All the bitter Left's "scandals" and "collusions" and vapid attempts of the same ilk to discredit Trump are actually reinforcing Trump and highlighting his amazing successes.
I trust that true Christians are giving thanks to God for his great gift and mercy to a nation that was formerly being led adrift by fake Christians and evil leaders.
Apparently the American economy is booming so strongly that at least where our president shops for groceries, they require a photo ID.
In making a pitch for voter ID laws during a campaign rally in Florida Tuesday night, the president pointed out that "if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need an ID.”
I assume they're requiring IDs in grocery stores in order to impose a modest constraint on the economy. If only people age 21 and older can buy bread and milk, perhaps - and we have to say "perhaps" because we all know a cottage (cheese) industry will almost certainly arise selling fake grocery IDs to underage cereal shoppers - perhaps the economy's boom will moderate enough to forestall inflationary pressures.
Now I must confess that grocery ID laws have not been enacted yet here in Illinois, but that's then again, our state's economy has probably not experienced as big a boom as have the economies of the states where Mr Trump buys eggs and owns golf courses.
I guess I'm personally uncertain about the economic and judicial dimensions of grocery IDs. But with the president's leadership and obvious command of the realities of everyday American life so boldly on display in the Florida rally, I have no doubt that at least his Trumpsters will soon chant about illegal grocery aisle runners, "Lock them up!"
@reformed said:
Ok Trump haters, you can't ignore hard evidence that the economy is in fact booming under the Trump Administration.@GaoLu said:
"...The real credit all goes to God, who is blessing America for changes to behave in ways nearer His heart, small as those changes may be. If America will continue to repent and change her ways, we can only imagine the blessing God might pour out on her..."@GaoLu said: "I trust that true Christians are giving thanks to God for his great gift and mercy..."
My Cheshire Cat Brothers,
I am not a Trump hater. I agree the economy has grown (4.1 %). I am not like "Trumpsters" --deny truth and reality.
One must ask, oneself, the USA has grown, but at what cost? On who's back? At what price? With what moral standing and relationship among the community of nations?
With the largest tax cut to businesses and the upper 1% of wealthy people, why wouldn't the economy grow?
"God can bless any mess, but He doesn't need mess to bless".
Honesty, character and personal integrity" still matters to some people, even over a nation's or personal wealth. CM
@Bill_Coley said:
Apparently the American economy is booming so strongly that at least where our president shops for groceries, they require a photo ID.In making a pitch for... [blah blah blah] ....will soon chant about illegal grocery aisle runners, "Lock them up!"
Obviously, you haven't any reply whatsoever so you toss out a red herring, just a tiny little thing.
@GaoLu said:
Obviously, you haven't any reply whatsoever so you toss out a red herring, just a tiny little thing.
Au contraire! I think my reply points to a leading indicator of the boom for which this thread invites a celebration.
Plus, it turns out that my previous post understated the scope of the ID requirements to which the president referred in his Florida speech. Had I quoted the president in context, my post would have included his Make America Great Again advisory that, "You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture." Clearly, the American economy is booming so powerfully that where the president shops for groceries, BUT ALSO WHERE he buys car wax, hair gel, and wild birdseed, are all requiring ID cards.
Sadly, it's true that some will cheat this innovative approach to macroeconomic management. But in honor of our constitution's 10th amendment provision of states' rights specifically, and local government control more broadly, let's pay due tribute to the grocery- and anything ID laws to which President Trump wisely drew our attention last night.
Tiny little red herring.
No, God is blessing America magnificently and has chosen Trump to lead our great nation. Trump is doing a wonderful job.
Squeaky little mice with itty bitty red herrings notwithstanding. -
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
Ok Trump haters, you can't ignore hard evidence that the economy is in fact booming under the Trump Administration.@GaoLu said:
"...The real credit all goes to God, who is blessing America for changes to behave in ways nearer His heart, small as those changes may be. If America will continue to repent and change her ways, we can only imagine the blessing God might pour out on her..."@GaoLu said: "I trust that true Christians are giving thanks to God for his great gift and mercy..."
My Cheshire Cat Brothers,
I am not a Trump hater. I agree the economy has grown (4.1 %). I am not like "Trumpsters" --deny truth and reality.
One must ask, oneself, the USA has grown, but at what cost? On who's back? At what price? With what moral standing and relationship among the community of nations?
With the largest tax cut to businesses and the upper 1% of wealthy people, why wouldn't the economy grow?
"God can bless any mess, but He doesn't need mess to bless".
Honesty, character and personal integrity" still matters to some people, even over a nation's or personal wealth. CM
Right, and we have much more character and integrity now that Obama is gone. Talk about a real snake.
@Bill_Coley said:
Apparently the American economy is booming so strongly that at least where our president shops for groceries, they require a photo ID.In making a pitch for voter ID laws during a campaign rally in Florida Tuesday night, the president pointed out that "if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need an ID.”
I assume they're requiring IDs in grocery stores in order to impose a modest constraint on the economy. If only people age 21 and older can buy bread and milk, perhaps - and we have to say "perhaps" because we all know a cottage (cheese) industry will almost certainly arise selling fake grocery IDs to underage cereal shoppers - perhaps the economy's boom will moderate enough to forestall inflationary pressures.
Now I must confess that grocery ID laws have not been enacted yet here in Illinois, but that's then again, our state's economy has probably not experienced as big a boom as have the economies of the states where Mr Trump buys eggs and owns golf courses.
I guess I'm personally uncertain about the economic and judicial dimensions of grocery IDs. But with the president's leadership and obvious command of the realities of everyday American life so boldly on display in the Florida rally, I have no doubt that at least his Trumpsters will soon chant about illegal grocery aisle runners, "Lock them up!"
What does this have to do with anything?
@reformed said:
What does this have to do with anything?I never got that either. Perhaps there is a point and it slid right past me.
@reformed said:
What does this have to do with anything?In a rally in Florida last night, the president told us that, at least where he shops for groceries - for ANYTHING, he said - purchasers need photo IDs. My last two posts have simply celebrated the macroeconomic progress those IDs signal.
The economy is booming so strongly, at least where the president shops for...anything... that they have to limit who buys...anything...via implementation of shopper IDs. My posts were tributes to the economy whose momentum has produced the need for grocery- and anything IDs (though sadly, not here in Illinois, where I live).
Hope that helps, reformed.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
What does this have to do with anything?In a rally in Florida last night, the president told us that, at least where he shops for groceries - for ANYTHING, he said - purchasers need photo IDs. My last two posts have simply celebrated the macroeconomic progress those IDs signal.
The economy is booming so strongly, at least where the president shops for...anything... that they have to limit who buys...anything...via implementation of shopper IDs. My posts were tributes to the economy whose momentum has produced the need for grocery- and anything IDs (though sadly, not here in Illinois, where I live).
Hope that helps, reformed.
No, you still aren't making any sense at all.
@reformed said:
No, you still aren't making any sense at all.
Sorry. We'll have to leave it here, reformed. I think the meaning and intention of my last two posts are abundantly clear, or at least are as clear as I intended to make them.
Better luck to both of us next time.
I never got it either. Must be a one-man joke.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
No, you still aren't making any sense at all.
Sorry. We'll have to leave it here, reformed. I think the meaning and intention of my last two posts are abundantly clear, or at least are as clear as I intended to make them.
Better luck to both of us next time.
It is clear that it has nothing to do with the growth of the economy and you are making red herring points to belittle the President because you can't bring yourself to fathom that something Trump is doing is working.
You are pathetic. Liberal mind-warped slush.
You make fun of "Trumpsters" but you are even worse.
@reformed said:
It is clear that it has nothing to do with the growth of the economy and you are making red herring points to belittle the President because you can't bring yourself to fathom that something Trump is doing is working." has nothing to do with the growth of the economy:"
Correct."....making red herring points to belittle the president."
It's called satire, not "red herring points," but I accept that "belittle" is one word for the satire's objectives."You are pathetic. Liberal mind-warped slush."
I try so hard to hide my patheticism - even sent away for the pathetic diet and exercise program I saw advertised on a late night infomercial. But it obviously didn't work.But thanks to your post, reformed, I now think it didn't work because I didn't buy the "deluxe" version of the program, the one that includes a third DVD and five different recipes for "liberal mind-warped slush." Apparently you can make it even if you don't have a high speed blender, as long as you use coconut water rather than tap water.
Once I read your analysis, I ordered the add-on package from the product's website (which would have been MUCH cheaper had I ordered it as a set to begin with! I could kick myself!!) I'll let you know how my reformation goes.
Who knows? If I lose enough of my liberal mind-warped slush, perhaps I'll rename myself "reformed," too.... "reformed too" / "reformed 2": Get it? (FYI, that was neither a red herring point nor satire.)
"...because you can't bring yourself to fathom that something Trump is doing is working."
Actually, I wrote the satire because I can't "bring (myself) to fathom" that a person of Donald Trump's corrupt intentions, bottomless ignorance, and emotional immaturity is president of the United States of America, or that 30-35% of the American electorate STILL endorses his performance in office.As for the economy, if that's one of the things you believe is "working," I celebrate the 4.1% GDP growth every bit as much as you celebrated the 75 consecutive months of job growth over the last six years of the Obama administration (you DID celebrate those 75 months, didn't you?) I think the economy under Trump has continued and expanded on the growth planted in the Obama years. I credit the American economy first - as I did for those 75 months during Obama's term - then the president's "pro-business," anti-regulation policies, which I think helped spur economic activity.
Now there are problems, of course, not the least of which is a projected 20% increase in the federal deficit this year over last (up to $804 billion), and a number that's expected to top $1 trillion in 2020, and $1.5 trillion by 2028. As a fiscal conservative, you must have at least SOME qualms about such large and increasing deficits, yes? The Trump tax cuts, which benefited the wealthy FAR, FAR more than the middle class, were an unwise and unnecessary addition to our deficit woes, and could produce inflationary pressures. I think the cuts were very bad economic policy because we didn't need them, they didn't accrue to the benefit of those their sponsors promised, and we can't afford them.
Bottom Line: I celebrate our economy's state, give due credit to the president for his contributions that state, and express my concerns about the impact of one of the president's signature economic policies. So no, I didn't write the satire "because (I) can't bring (myself) to fathom that something Trump is doing is working."
"You make fun of "Trumpsters" but you are even worse."
I do make fun of "Trumpsters."Am I "even worse" than they? Probably, at least by their calculations. However there is one way I am better than they: I see Donald Trump for the politically corrupt, emotionally dysfunctional, and morally and intellectually vacant person that he really is. Trumpsters do not.
@Bill_Coley said:
"....making red herring points to belittle the president."
It's called satire, not "red herring points," but I accept that "belittle" is one word for the satire's objectives.Now that is a sanitized redefinition of yourself.
Satire: ...exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices..."
That is who you are, Pastor Coley. Informative that you are proud of that, think it is funny and publicly so.
@GaoLu said:
Now that is a sanitized redefinition of yourself.Satire: ...exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices..."
Thanks for defining the word "satire." It's because the word means what that definition says it means that I used the word to describe the purpose of my previous posts.
As for the applicability of the word to the posts I made, my view is that it's pretty stupid for a president of the United States to declare that we need IDs to purchase groceries or "anything" in this country, so I wrote a satire about it.
You're welcome to your own assessment of the intelligence of the president's statement.
That is who you are, Pastor Coley. Informative that you are proud of that, think it is funny and publicly so.
Thanks for telling me who I am. After the day I had on Wednesday, I needed the reminder.
Am I proud of that satire? Perhaps. But probably no more proud than you feel of these words of yours in another thread...
"I try to be honest and am clear that I offer no proof, not do I have any proof. Neither do you. You will see very many times that that is my chief assertion here. I find amusing that you remain either blind to that or just can't accept the obvious. It's like: Bang bang bang! On your high chair. Like a child who wants his cheerios and wants them now! Bang bang bang! Oh, Bill.....poor Bill...."
"My claim is that you don't know what you are talking about and you storm around offering your poofy proofs, crying "Internet! Give me a link!" Dude--if that is your best proof, you should try the Bible. Yes, I know, you reject that."
Or these words, from a different post of yours in the same thread....
"You could contend many things and some would be common sense, some would be provable, some would be conjecture. I am speaking above of the ones that are utterly absurd, lacking context, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, and you swallow the whole garbage can full with relish, eyes flashing, fingers madly jerking in sick response on a keyboard...."
"If we talk about facts, I am interested. You offer sleazy internet opinions and demand others accept them as facts. Those kind of facts are meaningful for your mindset maybe, but not for me. Try Biblical facts--I know you reject those kind of facts--but I offer the invitation again."
I'm as proud of my satire, I bet, as you are of those somber, high minded spiritual reflections, particularly that stuff about my swallowing "the whole garbage can full with relish, eyes flashing, fingers madly jerking in sick response on a keyboard." How could you not be proud?
@Bill_Coley said:
@GaoLu said:
Now that is a sanitized redefinition of yourself.Satire: ...exaggeration or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices..."
Thanks for defining the word "satire." It's because the word means what that definition says it means that I used the word to describe the purpose of my previous posts.
Thanks for the credit, but that is from the dictionary. I wrote a satire about it.
Yes, we saw that--it is who you are.
That is who you are, Pastor Coley. Informative that you are proud of that, think it is funny and publicly so.
Thanks for telling me who I am. After the day I had on Wednesday, I needed the reminder.
Right. It is your continuing choice. Thursday might not be better, considering.
Am I proud of that satire? Perhaps.
Yes, we know. I bet that doesn't feel good at the end of the day.
Bill, there is freedom. Joy to be had. Thanksgiving and praise to be offered. The invitation is open. Try it. Just try it. A teensy bit to start. Right here. Want to?
@Bill_Coley said:
Am I "even worse" than they? Probably, at least by their calculations. However there is one way I am better than they: I see Donald Trump for the politically corrupt, emotionally dysfunctional, and morally and intellectually vacant person that he really is. Trumpsters do not.
WOW! Why do Americans dislike Trump so? CM
@C_M_ said:
@Bill_Coley said:
Am I "even worse" than they? Probably, at least by their calculations. However there is one way I am better than they: I see Donald Trump for the politically corrupt, emotionally dysfunctional, and morally and intellectually vacant person that he really is. Trumpsters do not.
WOW! Why do Americans dislike Trump so? CM
Most don't.
A few mice scratching and squeaking in the wall sounds like a lot more than it is.
@GaoLu said:
Bill, there is freedom. Joy to be had. Thanksgiving and praise to be offered. The invitation is open. Try it. Just try it. A teensy bit to start. Right here. Want to?Thanks for the invitation, but I'm still working on reducing what you described as my banging my high chair in demand of Cheerios and my practice of swallowing "the whole garbage can full with relish, eyes flashing, fingers madly jerking in sick response on a keyboard." > @C_M_ said:
@Bill_Coley said:
Am I "even worse" than they? Probably, at least by their calculations. However there is one way I am better than they: I see Donald Trump for the politically corrupt, emotionally dysfunctional, and morally and intellectually vacant person that he really is. Trumpsters do not.
WOW! Why do Americans dislike Trump so? CM
Most Americans dislike the president - according to the latest weekly survey from Gallup, 40% approve of his performance; 55% disapprove, a six point increase in his net disapproval compared to the previous week's survey - because they see him for the divisive, dangerous, incompetent, fear- and hate monger that he is. In addition, I think his recent love slave stage show in Helsinki with his BFF Vladimir Putin opened many eyes to just how compromised the president probably is.
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, Trumpsters who will not abandon him even IF he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue in New York, even THOUGH he lies pathologically, and even WHEN he and/or his campaign is (likely) proven to have conspired with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters and as a purely political matter, that's deadly for his party in the upcoming midterm elections. If/When the Democrats take over the House in November, FINALLY accountability will return to Washington, and the House Government Oversight Committee will actually resume overseeing the operations of the government.
@Bill_Coley said:
@GaoLu said:
Bill, there is freedom. Joy to be had. Thanksgiving and praise to be offered. The invitation is open. Try it. Just try it. A teensy bit to start. Right here. Want to?Thanks for the invitation, but I'm still working on reducing what you described as my banging my high chair in demand of Cheerios and my practice of swallowing "the whole garbage can full with relish, eyes flashing, fingers madly jerking in sick response on a keyboard." > @C_M_ said:
@Bill_Coley said:
Am I "even worse" than they? Probably, at least by their calculations. However there is one way I am better than they: I see Donald Trump for the politically corrupt, emotionally dysfunctional, and morally and intellectually vacant person that he really is. Trumpsters do not.
WOW! Why do Americans dislike Trump so? CM
Most Americans dislike the president - according to the latest weekly survey from Gallup, 40% approve of his performance; 55% disapprove, a six point increase in his net disapproval compared to the previous week's survey - because they see him for the divisive, dangerous, incompetent, fear- and hate monger that he is. In addition, I think his recent love slave stage show in Helsinki with his BFF Vladimir Putin opened many eyes to just how compromised the president probably is.
Of course that isn't what the poll says at all. Just saying.
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, Trumpsters who will not abandon him even IF he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue in New York, even THOUGH he lies pathologically, and even WHEN he and/or his campaign is (likely) proven to have conspired with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.
Careful, there has been zero evidence to this point to suggest that it is likely to be proven. Your bias is showing.
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters and as a purely political matter, that's deadly for his party in the upcoming midterm elections. If/When the Democrats take over the House in November, FINALLY accountability will return to Washington, and the House Government Oversight Committee will actually resume overseeing the operations of the government.
Accountability? Oh brother. The Democrats aren't capapble of being accountable. Look at Obama.
By the way, it's nice to be selective about a poll eh @Bill_Coley ?
Here is one that has Trump's approval at 50%
Oh and here is an interesting article:
@reformed said:
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, Trumpsters who will not abandon him even IF he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue in New York, even THOUGH he lies pathologically, and even WHEN he and/or his campaign is (likely) proven to have conspired with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.
Careful, there has been zero evidence to this point to suggest that it is likely to be proven. Your bias is showing.
It's worth noting that while you take issue with my prediction that Trump and Co will likely be proven to have conspired with the Russians, you do NOT take issue with my contention that the president "lies pathologically." Assuming that your choice was intentional, I admire your candor, reformed.
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters and as a purely political matter, that's deadly for his party in the upcoming midterm elections. If/When the Democrats take over the House in November, FINALLY accountability will return to Washington, and the House Government Oversight Committee will actually resume overseeing the operations of the government.
Accountability? Oh brother. The Democrats aren't capapble of being accountable. Look at Obama.
Again, you take issue with one of my contentions - that the Democrats will institute accountability - but you do NOT take issue with the other contentions in the paragraph: that Trump's unfavorables among independents are in the 60's% and that such numbers would be deadly for the GOP in the midterms. Again I admire your candor.
By the way, it's nice to be selective about a poll eh @Bill_Coley ?
Here is one that has Trump's approval at 50%
Rasmussen is widely known to be a GOP-leaning survey. Perhaps Gallup leans the other way; I don't think it does, but it might. So let's compromise by using the RealClearPolitics average of ten national polls that includes them both. In the average, 43.5% approve of the president's performance in office, while 52.8% disapprove. That's nine points under water.
Oh and here is an interesting article:
It's interesting that eighteen months into his first term, Barack Obama faced an economy just beginning to recover from the ravages of the great recession of 2008, which had produced a 9.5% average unemployment rate during that year and a half (the rate would drop to 4.8% by the time he left office). Eighteen months into his first term, Donald Trump has faced an average unemployment rate of 4.2% and, most recently, 4.1% quarterly GDP growth. YET SOMEHOW, Mr Trump's approval rating is just five points higher than Obama's, even according to right-leaning Rassmussen. What could POSSIBLY explain such a small difference between Trump's and Obama's numbers?! Oh that's right, as I noted, Americans see Mr Trump for "the divisive, dangerous, incompetent, fear- and hate monger that he is."
@Bill_Coley said:
@GaoLu said:
Bill, there is freedom. Joy to be had. Thanksgiving and praise to be offered. The invitation is open. Try it. Just try it. A teensy bit to start. Right here. Want to?Thanks for the invitation, but I'm still working on reducing what you described as my banging my high chair in demand of Cheerios and my practice of swallowing "the whole garbage can full with relish, eyes flashing, fingers madly jerking in sick response on a keyboard."
That is what I figured. No praise or thanks or joy to be had by Bill. Sad. Informative.
PS. I am pleased that part of what I wrote got such amazing results from you. Now if the rest of what I wrote will get similar results, you could be happy again.
@C_M_ said:
Most Americans dislike the president - _....[blah blah blah]..., 40% approve of his performance; 55% disapprove,...[blah blah blah]... because they see him for the divisive, dangerous, incompetent,...[blah blah blah]...
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, ...[blah blah blah]...
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters ...[blah blah blah]...
And guess what that tiny little 30% of Americans going to do? Elect him again, just like last time. I mean what have Democrats got to offer? Read Bill above if you want to know.
For a man who normally shows a decent vocabulary, you clearly don't know the meaning of pathological liar. Either that or you are a real one yourself.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, Trumpsters who will not abandon him even IF he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue in New York, even THOUGH he lies pathologically, and even WHEN he and/or his campaign is (likely) proven to have conspired with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.
Careful, there has been zero evidence to this point to suggest that it is likely to be proven. Your bias is showing.
It's worth noting that while you take issue with my prediction that Trump and Co will likely be proven to have conspired with the Russians, you do NOT take issue with my contention that the president "lies pathologically." Assuming that your choice was intentional, I admire your candor, reformed.
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters and as a purely political matter, that's deadly for his party in the upcoming midterm elections. If/When the Democrats take over the House in November, FINALLY accountability will return to Washington, and the House Government Oversight Committee will actually resume overseeing the operations of the government.
Accountability? Oh brother. The Democrats aren't capapble of being accountable. Look at Obama.
Again, you take issue with one of my contentions - that the Democrats will institute accountability - but you do NOT take issue with the other contentions in the paragraph: that Trump's unfavorables among independents are in the 60's% and that such numbers would be deadly for the GOP in the midterms. Again I admire your candor.
By the way, it's nice to be selective about a poll eh @Bill_Coley ?
Here is one that has Trump's approval at 50%
Rasmussen is widely known to be a GOP-leaning survey. Perhaps Gallup leans the other way; I don't think it does, but it might. So let's compromise by using the RealClearPolitics average of ten national polls that includes them both. In the average, 43.5% approve of the president's performance in office, while 52.8% disapprove. That's nine points under water.
Oh and here is an interesting article:
It's interesting that eighteen months into his first term, Barack Obama faced an economy just beginning to recover from the ravages of the great recession of 2008, which had produced a 9.5% average unemployment rate during that year and a half (the rate would drop to 4.8% by the time he left office). Eighteen months into his first term, Donald Trump has faced an average unemployment rate of 4.2% and, most recently, 4.1% quarterly GDP growth. YET SOMEHOW, Mr Trump's approval rating is just five points higher than Obama's, even according to right-leaning Rassmussen. What could POSSIBLY explain such a small difference between Trump's and Obama's numbers?! Oh that's right, as I noted, Americans see Mr Trump for "the divisive, dangerous, incompetent, fear- and hate monger that he is."
Wow you are an idiot aren't you? That's not what it means at all. And I love how you refuse to give any credit where credit is due. You are a mindless liberal lunatic.
Let's add this:
"...Since the first black president took office, the number of African-American voters siding with Democrats in presidential elections has gradually declined.
"...the decrease is a sign that the left may be slipping when it comes to connecting with black Americans.
"Now, there are more indications that black culture is shifting. A number of fresh voices are beginning to question the assumption that Democrats are on their side, and realizing that conservatism can be a path forward for all races.
"One of those voices is Darrell Scott, a pastor in the Cleveland area. During a meeting between President Donald Trump and inner-city urban leaders on Wednesday, Scott made a surprising statement that ought to have liberals scrambling.
“This is probably the most pro-active administration regarding urban America and the faith-based community in my lifetime,” the African-American pastor declared to the group, according to The Associated Press.
“This is probably going be … the most pro-black president that we’ve had in our lifetime,” Scott said.
"Yes, that includes Barack Obama — a contrast that the inner-city community leader talked about during his remarks.
"It’s hard to argue with success, and Trump’s presidency has so far been a rousing success for minority Americans. Unemployment among both African-Americans and Hispanics is at historic lows, and there is a strong sense of optimism for the future of the country.
“When we say hire American, we mean all Americans,” Trump said during Wednesday’s meeting.
@GaoLu said:
That is what I figured. No praise or thanks or joy to be had by Bill. Sad. Informative.PS. I am pleased that part of what I wrote got such amazing results from you. Now if the rest of what I wrote will get similar results, you could be happy again.
@C_M_ said:
Most Americans dislike the president - _....[blah blah blah]..., 40% approve of his performance; 55% disapprove,...[blah blah blah]... because they see him for the divisive, dangerous, incompetent,...[blah blah blah]...
The president has a "base" of 30-35% of the country, ...[blah blah blah]...
But the president now has unfavorables in the 60's% among independent voters ...[blah blah blah]...
And guess what that tiny little 30% of Americans going to do? Elect him again, just like last time. I mean what have Democrats got to offer? Read Bill above if you want to know.
For a man who normally shows a decent vocabulary, you clearly don't know the meaning of pathological liar. Either that or you are a real one yourself.
Gao Lu, if you spent as much time commenting on the issues raised in these threads as you do commenting on me, I bet you'd produce some provocative posts.