Witches and Witchcraft

Are they real? Are they to be feared or ignored? Must today's church be concerned in America? What does the Bible have to say about Witches and Witchcraft? Is there another name for the aforementioned? CM
Witches and Witchcraft
A witch is controlled by the spirit of a fallen angel. Is it possible that a witch is powerful enough to change someone’s course of life? Can involvement in occult activities destroy someone’s spiritual and emotional life or are they just harmless past-times?
Why is that witchcraft seems to be directed at a person? How can a person get magical powers and witchcraft practices? These and other questions needs to be answered the understand the forces that opposes Christians and Christianity. CM
A witch is controlled by the spirit of a fallen angel.
Where does this assumption come from? The translation "angel" of a word which simply means "messenger" misleading and giving a false idea? Are there even "FALLEN angels" (i.e. can angels "fall [sin, rebel]" ? If so, who is to say that those assumed supposedly "good angels" now won't at some time also "fall" ?? A big re-think on "angels" seems necessary ...
And - in connection with that - it is needed to correctly understand the meaning of the word "spirit(s)" ... for example, is "spirit" (a) an acting independent individual living being (such is thought of in connection with "evil spirit => fallen angel" ideas), or (b) not a living being but a "thing" (as connected with attitude, character, thoughts, invisible) ??
Wolfgang asked the question:
Are there even "FALLEN angels" (i.e. can angels "fall [sin, rebel]"? If so, who is to say that those assumed supposedly "good angels" now won't at some time also "fall"?? A big re-think on "angels" seems necessary ...
Yes, angels are real. Have you not read rebellion began in Heaven?
In Rev 12:7, Michael is the leader of the heavenly army and defeats Satan and his fallen angels. His victory is described colorfully. When the above texts are connected with 1 Thess 4:16–18 and John 5:26–29, it becomes evident that Michael's voice is the voice of the archangel, which is the voice of Jesus on the resurrection day. Based on his role, authority, position, and mission, one may conclude that Michael is Christ.
2 Peter 2:4-5 talks about fallen angels, i.e., demons, their abode, Noah, and salvation through the flood. The spirits are fallen, angels. "Fallen angels," who are now demons, can impersonate the saints and other dead humans. Through Moses, the Lord warned Israel of those who professed to communicate with the dead (Lev. 19:31; 20:27; Deut. 18:9-14).
Jesus rises from the tomb. On his way to Heaven, He addresses the fallen angels, the demons, and proclaims what is good news for His followers but judgment for the demons: "I, Jesus Christ, am the conqueror. I have gained the victory" (see Col 2:15). The evil powers are defeated. Jesus proclaims His triumph. He who suffered innocently is Lord of everything and everyone. CM
Michalak, Aleksander R. Angels as Warriors in Late Second Temple Jewish Literature, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012, p 43.
It’s all very real.
ideas about it are all over the map and sometimes off the map entirely.
What are you talking about? CM
Who has read Michael Heiser?