Oops. Missed the abortion aspect. Right. Abortion rips apart vastly more lives than guns. All those aborted lives are innocent children living in a mother who is keenly aware of the living person growing safely within her nurturing care--until some outside force comes along and rips it apart. There are barbaric people who defend such mass killing of the innocent as we know. But God is clear about His judgment on such people.
Abortion and Guns: A conundrum?
Are you suggesting it's alright to kill people with a gun as long as the numbers are less than the number of abortions?
Please re-read a section from my OP in this thread:
Shooting a man ("outside the womb", grown, breathing on his own) is an abortion of life? If America so concerns about life, why does she allows, almost anyone, who wants one, to purchase or carry a gun? Everyone knows that guns are instruments of death and were made to kill. Why would the American government and many "so-called" Christians" purchase, own, and use guns? Why is it that more states have more restrictions on Abortion than they do on guns?
May I suggest you read or re-read this entire thread. Until then, consider these:
- When is a baby a baby?
- Is a zygote (combined sperm and egg) a baby?
- Tell me lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
One can use a gun for many things, but it was made to kill. A gun is not for the hand or the home of a Christian. CM
Are you suggesting it's alright to kill people with a gun as long as the numbers are less than the number of abortions?
May I suggest you read or re-read this entire thread. Until then, consider these:
Probably won't do that. Sorry.
When is a baby a baby?
The Bible tells us, and every mother knows. Actually, I think that all people know. It is simple.
Is a zygote (a baby?
Labels aren't helpful. God creates life.
Tell me lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
Thanks for your response. Enjoy the other topics around the forums. CM
Don't forget to pray for these cases in court. Read the article. Need I say more on guns? CM
Also pray for mothers trying to come to terms with killing their own babies.
@byGeorge September 22 Also pray for mothers trying to come to terms with killing their own babies.
Likewise 🙏 pray for fathers & families who encouraged mother to murder baby.
🙏Praying for God's Holy healing from sin for all affected, which includes murder in many forms: e.g. too many already dead from abortions, COVID "vaccinations", shootings, stabbings, stranglings, explosions, ... Thankful God will righteously & correctly judge each person for words and actions (showing what each individual chose to love most).
What the world needs now is Love, God's Love ❤
Keep Smiling 😊
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus posted:
🙏Praying for God's Holy healing from sin for all affected, which includes murder in many forms: e.g. too many already dead from abortions, COVID "vaccinations", shootings, stabbings, stranglings, explosions, ... Thankful God will righteously & correctly judge each person for words and actions (showing what each individual chose to love most).
On what basis, biblical or otherwise, do you categorize COVID vaccinations among your examples of "murder in many forms," along with shootings, stabbings, strangulations, and explosions?
Are you talking about mothers killing their after-birth infant babies? CM
I am talking about what I said.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus September 23 🙏Praying for God's Holy healing from sin for all affected, which includes murder in many forms: e.g. too many already dead from abortions, COVID "vaccinations", shootings, stabbings, stranglings, explosions, ... Thankful God will righteously & correctly judge each person for words and actions (showing what each individual chose to love most).
@Bill_Coley September 23 On what basis, biblical or otherwise, do you categorize COVID vaccinations among your examples of "murder in many forms," along with shootings, stabbings, strangulations, and explosions?
Posted my otherwise reply => https://www.christiandiscourse.net/discussion/comment/19299/#Comment_19299 in thread To Be Vaccinated or NOT To Be Vaccinated? That is the Question.
From a biblical perspective, do not like idea of murdered baby cell material coming into my body.
WebMD => https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210918/some-medications-also-tied-to-religious-vaccine-exemption describes a hospital form listing 30 common medications that used aborted baby cells during research and development: acetaminophen, albuterol, aspirin, ibuprofin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, Maalox, ExLax, Benadryl, Sudafed, Preparation H, Claritin, Prilosec, Zoloft (so religious exemption request from vaccination also means complete abstinance from these common medications).
Keep Smiling 😊
@byGeorge, you said in response to CM:
CM asked: Is a zygote (a baby?
George: Labels aren't helpful. God creates life.
CM asked: Tell me lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
George: ???
To my last question in a previous post, is this (1) an oversight; (2) you don't know the answer, or (3) you don't intend to answer the question? If it's choice # 2 or #3, I ask why? You appear to have the mental, intelligent, and academic accruement to answer the question from my last post:
Tell me lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
I remain. CM
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:
From a biblical perspective, do not like idea of murdered baby cell material coming into my body.
WebMD => https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210918/some-medications-also-tied-to-religious-vaccine-exemption describes a hospital form listing 30 common medications that used aborted baby cells during research and development: acetaminophen, albuterol, aspirin, ibuprofin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, Maalox, ExLax, Benadryl, Sudafed, Preparation H, Claritin, Prilosec, Zoloft (so religious exemption request from vaccination also means complete abstinance from these common medications).
Thanks for the information. Most of the meds are over-the-counter. Pre-mothers' contribution to the world of medicine. Just watch your choice of words, "murdered baby cell material." Some may take issue with you with those words. A better choice of words could be pre mother's volunteer "cell material" contribution to research. CM
PS. Are you trying to convince CD Posters you have not and are not using these products? If volunteers stop giving, what would happen to these products? Living in a world, this side of the return of Jesus, without: "acetaminophen, albuterol, aspirin, ibuprofin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Motrin, Maalox, ExLax, Benadryl, Sudafed, Preparation H, Claritin, Prilosec, and Zoloft, maybe a gassy, painful, itching, watery-eye, sniffy nose, head and heart achy bunch of people. CM
What I said above was "Also pray for mothers trying to come to terms with killing their own babies."
What part of that statement do you not understand? (I was not and do not, in this context, intend to discuss the zygotes, nails, roofing paper, etc. that you inexplicably introduced into what I said.)
How do you define a baby? Are you talking about mothers killing their "babies" who suffered from "Peripartum" or "Postpartum" depressions? Are you, by any chance lumping together women who had abortions?
********************************* **************************** *************************
Now, back to my question, @byGeorge:
CM asked: Is a zygote (a baby?
George: Labels aren't helpful. God creates life.
CM asked: Tell me lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
George: ???
Tell me, @byGeorge, lumber, nails, roofing paper, a poured concrete foundation, etc., is this a house?
If you are unable or unwilling to answer my questions, it's ok. Just let me know. Until then, I remain. CM
Unable is the best reason. But I will give it a try out of curiosity about what might happen.
I presume we are talking humans here. A zygote is a zygote which is not a baby. A baby is a baby, which is not a zygote.
Those terms are unrelated descriptors even if there is a bit of overlap regarding what is being described.
Same with your example of nails, paper, concrete, and a house.
Thanks George for your response. CM
@byGeorge said:
"There are barbaric people who defend such mass killing of the innocent as we know. But God is clear about His judgment on such people."
To who are you referring?
"Abortion rips apart vastly more lives". What lives?
"People who defend such mass killing of the innocent." I know of many people recorded on the pages of history who committed "mass killing of the innocent." e.g., The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians. The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945.
Who would defend them? Perhaps, you. If you are genuinely older than your tag picture, you are one of many defenders of "mass killing of the innocent," even if you're an anti-abortionist? Am I being provocative, lying, or out of my mind? No! If you fought in World War II, you didn't speak out against, or if you paid "Federal Taxes" of any amount, you defend the state's actions. If you are too young for that war, what about Vietnam or Korean War?
What about supporting politicians who draft or water down strict gun laws? Many "innocent" died as a result. Let's be slow about flaunting our self-righteousness and subtitle pointing fingers at others over medical procedure that is legal, safe, and with a consultation with family, doctors, and one's faith belief. Indeed, we're all "saved by grace" (Eph 2:8). Let's not forget about a thing called forgiveness and atonement. They are actual attributes of God. Let's keep studying. CM
To who are you referring?
You and others.
"Abortion rips apart vastly more lives". What lives?
Lives not dead.
Who would defend them? .............
The incoherent questions and statements which follow appear to be venting. Why?
Now we must ban bow and arrows.
@byGeorge said:
The incoherent questions and statements which follow appear to be venting. Why?
I am not sure what are you talking about " incoherent questions and statements" or "venting"? Do you care to clarify what you mean? Is it "venting" to remember the detonation of the two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945?
Just because it was a long time ago and you may not have a relative that died in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the loss is minimal? These bombings were not the people's choice or a medical procedure. Those were real life and real people, living and breathing independently, outside their mother's wombs. I haven't mentioned the other mass killings around the world. CM
CD Posters
The fatal shooting of the cinematographer of “Rust”. Alec Baldwin was on the set of his latest film, a low-budget western called “Rust,” working on a scene in which his character, a grizzled outlaw named Harland Rust, finds himself in a small wooden church... The film’s cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, 42, who was standing just feet away from Mr. Baldwin, to the left of the camera, grabbed her midsection and began to stumble backward, fatally struck in the chest by a lead bullet that investigators say passed through her and then wounded the film’s director, Mr. Souza, 48.
"...a cascading series of mistakes led to the fatal moment just before 1:48 p.m. on Oct. 21".
"...practicing with guns, including trying to simulate the recoil that is missing when live rounds are not used".
"And just days before the fatal shooting, at least two accidental gun discharges on set had put crew members on edge".
"...about the limited experience of the film’s armorer, who was in charge of the weaponry on the set: Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who was 24 years old and just starting her career as a head armorer.
The death of Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer who died in the shooting,
"Ms. Gutierrez-Reed, who had been learning how to be an armorer from her father, The Reed, a Hollywood weapons expert, was just getting started as a head armorer herself".
"...as Mr. Baldwin practiced his draw, the gun went off".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CD Readers,
All the quotes above are from the article, read the full account. Guns were made to kill. As sad as this situation it's classic example what I have been saying. Accidents can and will happen, especially in homes. Christians shouldn't have one in their homes. Practicing, training, playing, working, or "so-called defending, Guns were made to kill. Find something else to do in getting outdoor thrills. For more on guns in the forums, see:
In the beginning there were no guns, we can still have fun in the sun. CM
Seems that you don't want to have a gun. Probably you shouldn't have one.
It appears you don't know what to say or have nothing of substance to say. In the future, leave the comment section blank until at such time. See you around the forums. CM
I regret that you are unable to find value in my comment.
Mr. Bill,
Oh, how wrong you were! Mr. Reformed's crazy idea has found legs and sick minds to live. The state of SC is where you can find its seedlings. See https://apple.news/A9Ut8I1CtTiigzdQrZ4A9ZA
It is so sick "9 Republicans pull support from a South Carolina bill allowing the death penalty for abortion". Will this bill ever becomes law? What will become of the American society? CM
@C Mc posted:
Mr. Bill,
Oh, how wrong you were! Mr. Reformed's crazy idea has found legs and sick minds to live. The state of SC is where you can find its seedlings. See https://apple.news/A9Ut8I1CtTiigzdQrZ4A9ZA
It is so sick "9 Republicans pull support from a South Carolina bill allowing the death penalty for abortion". Will this bill ever becomes law? What will become of the American society? CM
Perhaps I'm not the "Mr. Bill" to whom you refer, but regardless, I don't know how to interpret this post of yours. Do you think it's "sick" that the proposed South Carolina abortion bill would provide the death penalty in cases of abortion? that nine legislators pulled their support of it? and/or that such a bill was ever introduced?
And "[w]hat will become of the American society" if... what? The bill becomes SC law? The bill doesn't become law?
And finally, in what way(s) was "Mr. Bill" wrong? That too is not obvious from your post.