Report of Pontius Pilate: Good News or Fake News?

Posts: 4,463

There is alleged "Report of Pontius Pilate to Tiberius" found. It is said to be that of Pilate, narrating the proceedings of the trial and speaking of Jesus in the highest terms of praise. It is built upon Eusebius' statement that:

"The wonderful resurrection and ascension into heaven of our Saviour was now already generally famous, and in accordance with an ancient custom that those who were ruling over the nations should report to him who held the imperial office any new movement among them, in order that no event might escape his notice, Pilate communicated to the emperor Tiberius the story of the resurrection from the dead of Our Saviour Jesus as already famous among all throughout Palestine, together with the information he had gained of His other wonders and how He was believed by many to be a God, in that after death He had risen from the dead."—The Loeb Classical Library, Eusebius I, p. III, E. H. II. 2.

Is there any truth to it? The "Report of Pontius Pilate", is it Good News or Fake News? CM



  • Posts: 668

    Here are but a few views on the document in question:

    A Letter from Pontius Pilate
    Paul Winter
    Novum Testamentum
    Vol. 7, Fasc. 1 (Mar., 1964), pp. 37-43

    A Discussion on the Christianity Stack Exchange:

    MYSTAGOGY RESOURCE CENTER Blog post on the article:

  • Posts: 4,463

    @Mitchell said:
    Here are but a few views on the document in question:

    A Letter from Pontius Pilate
    Paul Winter
    Novum Testamentum
    Vol. 7, Fasc. 1 (Mar., 1964), pp. 37-43

    Thanks, Mitch, I will check them out. You're a blessing. Be blessed! CM

  • Posts: 4,463

    It appears that there are several versions of Pilate's alleged report are in existence, and all are obviously fictitious. No original has ever been discovered.

    For detailed information on these, one may read Tischendorf, Evangelia apocrypha, and the article by Lipsius on "Apocryphal Gospels" in the Dictionary of Christian Biography.

    Lipsius says that all these reports are "of Catholic origin, and written with an apologetic intention." He continues: A copy may be seen in J. D. Donehoo, The Apocra­Canonical Life of Christ (New York: Funk and Wagnails, 1903), pp. 210, 211.

    "Their composition, for the most part, seems to have been suggested by the Roman custom to draw up official reports of important trials and executions, the so-called Acta praesidialia. The conjecture was a natural one that such acts must have been drawn up by Pontius Pilate himself, or under his authority, in reference to the trial and crucifixion of our Lord."Dictionary of Christian Biography (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1880), Vol. II, p. 707.

    One such forged reports is a copy printed by W. D. Mahan, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, of Boonville, Missouri, and published in 1879. In 1885, Mr. Mahan published a considerable volume containing nine such reports, alleging them to be translated from ancient parchments and scrolls at Constantinople and the Vatican at Rome.

    These various reports are full of "childish blunders," references to "authorities" that simply do not exist, and transcriptions from Ben-Hur and other books. The whole hoax has been exposed for the valueless thing it is, and condemned as "ridiculous and disgusting."

    A full account is given in Strange New Gospels, by E. G. Goodspeed, pages 42-62. (University of Chicago, 1931.)

    If I missed something, please bring it to my attention. Truth found truth shared. Until next time, behold Truth! CM

  • Posts: 668

    @C_M_ said:

    It appears that there are several versions of Pilate's alleged report are in existence and all are obviously fictitious. No original has ever been discovered.

    The above is in agreement with the blog post I linked in my first reply above

    @Mitchell said:
    Here are but a few views on the document in question:...
    MYSTAGOGY RESOURCE CENTER Blog post on the article:

    in my opinion, the vast majority of the so great discoveries the media mentions are either fake or are highly misleading. Very rarely do the typical news reporters have the skills or the desire to verify the genuineness of archeological artifacts and ancient/classic literature.

  • Posts: 4,463

    Thanks Mitch for your follow-up on this topic. You're a true historical Bible Sleuth. Blessings. CM

  • The gospels are verified by the letter of Pontius Pilate to Tiberius and is a historical account that verifies Biblical Events. Here is another thing Tertullian and Vercentius wrote commentaries on it. Justin Martyr wrote twice about it. Also check Eusebius page 93. Justin says in Vol II page 42 that Roman Governors made reports to Rome and added: "And that these things (about Christians) are so. I refer you to the records of the Senate made by Pontius Pilate and others in his day." So the letter is a truthful account and it verifies what the gospels say. However some people don't like Pontius Pilate's anti Jewish remarks - so is that why you really oppose it ?

  • Posts: 4,463

    @CM said: 



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