All 538 electoral votes have now been called

The network decision desks today declared that President Trump will win the state of North Carolina and Joe Biden will win the state of Georgia. As a result, all 538 electoral college votes have now been called (as they are EVERY presidential election, including in 2016), producing a final winning margin for Mr. Biden of 306-232, the same margin by which Mr. Trump won the 2016 election (a margin Mr Trump called "a massive landslide victory" when he achieved it in 2016).
Of special note, given all the discussion we've had about court challenges to various state results: 1) Today the Trump campaign dropped its lawsuit that asked for a review of ballots in Arizona when it became clear that the number of disputed ballots was insufficient to overcome the lead Mr Biden has in the state's vote count; 2) A Michigan judge threw out a Trump campaign electoral fraud lawsuit on the basis that the suit's claims were "incorrect and not credible," and "generalized," having "no evidentiary basis," and "rife with speculation and guess-work about sinister motives." Sounds about right. So the Trump campaign's legal efforts are about 1 for 15 in lawsuits to-date.
As a result of these developments, the path to the end of the current dispute over the election's result is now clearer (my goodness, Mr Trump had to catch himself today in the Rose Garden when he almost acknowledged that a different administration would soon take over). But in all candor, it's impossible to believe Mr Trump or anything resembling a majority of his supporters will take the clearing path.
See what the courts say. This is a fraud.
@reformed posted:
See what the courts say. This is a fraud.
In May 2018, in response to CM you wrote of Donald Trump, "He is an illegitimate President? How so? Last I checked, the American people still voted him into office and he was certified by the electors. That makes him legitimate." So four years ago, you contended that if the American people voted for a presidential candidate and the electors certified the people's choice, he or she was a "legitimate" president. Will you hold the same standard this year if on December 14 electors certify that the American people voted Joe Biden into office?
We know that didn't happen here.
@reformed posted:
We know that didn't happen here.
As to my question about next month's electoral college vote, I certainly didn't expect your response to be consistent with your view of the 2016 college's vote; so, no surprise.
FWIW, if the college votes as all indicators suggest that it will based on the results of this year's general election, my response to the college's vote will be perfectly consistent with my view of the results of the 2016 election. In at least four CD posts over the last few years - HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE - I called Donald Trump the duly-elected president of the United States, the candidate who won the majority of the electoral college votes, which is how we elect presidents.
In this deeply divided nation of ours, it only make sense that half of us would be consistent in our view of election results and half of us wouldn't be.
There was not even a hint of wide-spread voter fraud in 2016. It is rampant in 2020.
Who's in control of the democrat party, and what do they want?
"This was the moment," Alexander Soros said, "when I decided that she would be the pick. I told my dad and he agreed. The rest was just a formality."
The string pullers behind the puppets openly declare their doings ... and some here think, they have voted "Democrats"??? Have a look, you voted "Soros" :..
Do you see how smirky and slimy the smiles are? .....
Hmn ... seems to fit rather well with information that has been "whistle blowed" for years already in connection with previous "Democrats" candidates?
@Wolfgang posted:
"This was the moment," Alexander Soros said, "when I decided that she would be the pick. I told my dad and he agreed. The rest was just a formality."
The string pullers behind the puppets openly declare their doings ... and some here think, they have voted "Democrats"??? Have a look, you voted "Soros" :..
Time for an integrity check, Wolfgang.
- The Facebook image/tweet you posted of Kamala Harris and Alexander Soros was NOT taken "after their final interview in Biden's VP vetting process." It was taken - or at least originally posted - in March 2019, some seventeen months BEFORE Mr. Biden chose Sen. Harris as his running mate.
- The words attributed to Mr. Soros in the image you posted were NOT spoken by Mr. Soros. As best as I can figure out from the fact check search I easily completed within a handful of minutes, those words were not spoken by anyone; they were made up.
Here's the integrity check: Do you acknowledge that you posted an image that FALSELY suggested it was taken after a Biden VP vetting meeting between Harris and Soros, when in fact it was taken in March 2019, well before the VP vetting process? And do you acknowledge that there is no objective evidence that Alexander Soros spoke the words attributed to him in that Facebook post?
As for the images of Alexander Soros with Pelosi, Clinton, and Obama, I think that's called "guilt by association." And it turns out that all sides can play that game:
Donald Trump smiling and laughing with Hillary Clinton, just like Alexander Soros did!!!! I guess that must mean,
"The string pullers behind the puppets openly declare their doings ... and some here think, they have voted "Republicans"??? Have a look, you voted "Trump" :..
I discovered the core falsehood of your Soros/Harris image page in about two minutes, Wolfgang. In my view, you could have discovered its falsehood as well... had you taken the time to investigate the claim before you posted it. But unfortunately, as you posted in another thread..."
All that is only the lone babbler from Germany propagating more ""conspiracy theories" ... 😉 😨
I applaud your self-awareness, Wolfgang.
@Wolfgang posted:
Hmn ... seems to fit rather well with information that has been "whistle blowed" for years already in connection with previous "Democrats" candidates?
The 2019 Harris for President fundraiser organized by Kirkland & Ellis, the law firm that represented Jeffrey Epstein in his 2008 plea deal arrangement, was a major mistake and an example of obvious hypocrisy from the Senator and her then-active presidential campaign given the strong and principled counsel to recuse she had offered to all Justice Department officials who had previously worked for the law firm. The Harris campaign's rationale last year - that none of the firm's lawyers who worked on the Epstein plea deal supported her presidential bid - in no way justified holding the fundraiser.
The Fox News reporter in the video segment embedded at the page linked to below drops the proverbial hammer on Trump campaign allegations of widespread voter fraud. He speaketh the truth: It didn't happen.
This is the personification of nonsense! CM
Mr. Reformed said, "See what the courts say. This is a fraud".
Let me make a prediction: If the courts find anything, anywhere, it would be small at best. Whatever is found, the courts will not undo Biden as President and return Trump to the White House.
There is an old saying, "if you don't want to be voted OUT, don't be voted "IN". America has spoken. Trump is not wanted, loved or needed. He may continue to lie to himself and his minions, but Jan 20, 2021, he will no longer be President of the USA. He is worst than Hillary. She accept her lost like a man and Trump like an immature rich child on a schoolyard. CM
PS. People who lied to themselves and others, they don't change. They just keep on lying and denying. Let Trump go! Be a man of reality. CM
America has spoken.
I think so ... and almost empty campaign gatherings of Biden spoke just as much as large crowds at campaign gatherings of Trump. That spoke rather loudly to anyone taking a good look. Anyone blinded by prejudice and media brain-soap propaganda would only have seen one side ... and would therefore not know what America has spoken. Others looking on without such ties could see both sides and easily know what real America indeed did say.
Trump is not wanted, loved or needed.
By whom? Well definitely he is not wanted by those enjoying the swamp ... it seems however that those who have had enough of the tyranny of the globalist oligarchs that has put for several decades now its police-state grip on the liberty of US Americans do not want and do not need that ... unfortunately, to drain the swamp in 4 years would have needed more than Trump could do ...
He may continue to lie to himself and his minions, but Jan 20, 2021, he will no longer be President of the USA. He is worst than Hillary. She accept her lost like a man and Trump like an immature rich child on a schoolyard.
Yes, that's the song of the frogs from the swamp ... which their sympathizers sing on the little dry land that still remains but is in danger of becoming swamp
I do not believe that yesterday's results are what America has spoken. I do not believe Biden legitimately won. Evidence of fraud is everywhere but no court will even listen to it. They are cowards.
The Supreme Court neglected its duty by not even hearing the case, and they will not hear the PA case until AFTER inauguration. What good is that?
This whole thing is shameful. The country is lost. Democracy is dead. We are now a Banana Republic.
This whole thing is shameful. The country is lost. Democracy is dead. We are now a Banana Republic.
The outlook is not very bright at the moment ... The truth is propagated as if it were the lie, and lies are proclaimed as if they were the truth.
There is a coup going on in the USA, but the culprits are the Democrats/Republicans Biden gang ... orchestrating the false flag at the Capitol by the Antifa with the help of the police / guards and having the media presstitutes claiming that these weirdos were Trump supporters acting on Trump's orders.
One only need to look and notice who is acting aggressively, violently, in war-mongering style --- it's the Democrats/Republicans corrupt elites and traitors ... in plain sight spewing out their venom and poison.
How so? Because you have your liberal head in the sand?