Urgent viewing: Covid-19, Man-made Plague Upon the World's Citizenry

The deaths and fears are real! The "Demon Seeds" (People and governments) will have to answer to God for the destruction upon His creation. Dirty hands, dirty governments, and dirty deeds are behind the Coronavirus. Watch the clip and tell me what you think. 🤔
I believe many of us will find ourselves on the same page. Except for the support of the second Amendment and the ownership of guns, I believe the message of this video clip.
To add insult to the injuries and deaths, "Big Pharma" and her minions are working to make things worse, as we speak, with its proposed vaccine. It's time for rational Christians to wake-up, stand-up and speak-up for the truth and decency.
It's goes without saying, America's hands are not clean! Her Soot-covered partner, China, shares the same bench of shame. Where there are deaths, fears, and vulnerabilities among the people of any government, there is a grab of power and control. Thus, we have the Pandemic of 2020. CM
PS. Listen for a little comfort: https://youtu.be/_6t53HBih1I
Hmn ... has someone else taken on the job of propagating "conspiracy theories" which I have had in the past (according to some here) ? 😉
Or maybe, just perhaps, the matters raised are actually not "conspiracy theories" but the "conspiracy reality" ?
It's not "conspiracy theories" or the "conspiracy reality". It's a deadly or sinister reality! Let's stop fooling ourselves and dancing around reality's truth. This pandemic is real. One may argue over how it should be addressed, the reality remains, death and dying.
COVID-19 accomplishes the three things the terrorist country or countries:
- It destroy the world's economy.
- It kills off the enemy's population.
- It prunes the weak, sickly, the poor, disabled, people with inadequate health care, and the elderly from society.
As a bonus, it gives the government power over the people's rights and lives. This is no "conspiracy"! It's world's current reality! CM
How dare that virus ...??? People must die because of climate change!!!!
Leave this girl alone! Get serious about the deadliness of COVID-19. What is its origin? CM
Get serious about the deadliness of COVID-19.
I have been serious about the Corona / Covid-19 deadliness from the start of the so-called epidemic or pandemic. The statistics show that it is as deadly as annual influenza and flu virus waves.
@Wolfgang posted:
I have been serious about the Corona / Covid-19 deadliness from the start of the so-called epidemic or pandemic. The statistics show that it is as deadly as annual influenza and flu virus waves.
In the United States, exactly one month ago yesterday (that is, March 23) there were 689 deaths and 44,189 confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of April 23, there were 50,236 deaths and 886,442 confirmed cases in the U.S. Basically a 20-fold (1,900%) increase in cases and a 73-fold (7,200%) increase in deaths in 31 days. If, as you claim, the statistics show that COVID-19 is as "deadly as annual influenza," then you should be able to provide a link to official stats for one (really more than one) previous year in the U.S. during which influenza cases and deaths reached those levels at that speed.
In the United States, exactly one month ago yesterday (that is, March 23) there were 689 deaths and 44,189 confirmed cases of COVID-19. As of April 23, there were 50,236 deaths and 886,442 confirmed cases in the U.S. Basically a 20-fold (1,900%) increase in cases and a 73-fold (7,200%) increase in deaths in 31 days.
We have had similar types of figures propagated by official statistics ... with a few changes in the manner of counting admitted which have increased the numbers ... (such as counting cancer deaths, heart attack deaths. etc. of people who were tested Corona positive - some even after they had died - as Corona deaths). The numbers of "infected were accumulated and portrayed as the people actually sick and possibly needing hospital treatment .... when in reality of those tested positive 80-90 % had very mild symptoms or even eno symptoms and were far from needing medical care. Then % rates were calculated on such inaccurate numbers .... served a lot of panic making. Until recently, the official figures totally neglected those who had never been sick nor those who had in the meantime long recovered and were back to normal health .... Calculating a death rate % by comparing all who tested positive and died of whatever cause against the number tested positive is total folly and stupidity, instead one would need to first establish who with no previous fatal pre-condition actually died because of the virus (not those who died of other causes); then one would need to know how many of the population were actually infected with the virus .... estimated here A LOT higher than those who were tested. If one did such proper calculations, the deadliness or death rate for corona virus would be well within the range of other seasonal virus caused respiratory inflections.
Do you know the different detail figures for the USA ? Do you realize what is meant with "confirmed cases" ?? Is that people sick or are most of those basically healthy and of no weight at all to the claimed "deadly danger" of the virus?? Do you know that all virus infections usually spread in similar manner, starting in some "hot spot", spreading from there and increasing for about 2-3 weeks, then peak for a few days, then decrease almost as rapidly as it increased? In Germany and other places, the pandemic is essentially over ... the numbers have been decreasing for more than a week .... whichc even the panicc making government RK Institute figures show. The panic is kept alive and more restrictions and people's freedom must now be taken away, "because the rate could go up again ...." ????? Hmn ....yes. Almost certainly it will go up again next fall ...
You don't see COVID-19 as germ warfare or a sinister plot. CM
You don't see COVID-19 as germ warfare or a sinister plot. CM
The opposite is the case ... it is a very sinister plot.
Lockdown is the worst mistake ... in thousands of years the proper measure in cases of infection waves there was a quarantene of those who were sick or had been infected ... which is the logical and reasonable step to take. Those who were endangered werre isolated and treated and protected.
The corrupt and utterly stupid (or utterly evil) regimes now are lockiong down and shutting down the whole of the population, that is 99,x% who are neither sick nor infected. Such stupidity has not been known in human history. Thus it is rather plain and clear that none of the steps taken in shutdown are to protect our health. Rather, the whole thing follows a very sinister plan and the aim if something completely different.#
If you listen to the so-called "health-experts" and their dependent politicians, you learn that these restrictive and destructive measures against the population of their countries will last at least until some vaccine is ready to be pushed on everybody (perhaps in 2021, 2022 ?) Only when people have submitted themselves (or been submitted by whatever means) to a vaccination will they be able to move somewhat a little more "freely" again. Only those with a vaccination certificate will be granted such "liberty".
The regimes are pursuing two main goals: Destruction of the economy at large, and mandatory vaccination of the population. Following those steps comes the total surveillance by means of some kind of marking so these conspirators then can rule the world and push through their digital money systems ..... Note => global solutions require that there be first a global problem. What we see now is the creation of a global problem, then suggestion of a global solution. First, a virus pandemic was created, then came the reaction with a lockdown/shutdown of the society and economy, and the solution is propagated as mandatory vaccination.
Obviously, the people as a whole are duped into thinking this is about their health ... and have been blinded by the mainstream media propaganda to believe that lie.
Nor do I.
@Wolfgang posted:
We have had similar types of figures propagated by official statistics ... with a few changes in the manner of counting admitted which have increased the numbers ... (such as counting cancer deaths, heart attack deaths. etc. of people who were tested Corona positive - some even after they had died - as Corona deaths). The numbers of "infected were accumulated and portrayed as the people actually sick and possibly needing hospital treatment .... when in reality of those tested positive 80-90 % had very mild symptoms or even eno symptoms and were far from needing medical care. Then % rates were calculated on such inaccurate numbers .... served a lot of panic making....
- Your disputes with the mechanisms by which "official statistics" are gathered and distributed are not relevant to the request I made of you in my last post because that request arose from the claim YOU made in a previous post: "The statistics show that it is as deadly as annual influenza and flu virus waves." So ACCORDING TO YOU, the statistics show that COVID-19 is no more deadly the flu. Where are those statistics? I showed how deadly COVID-19 has been in the last month in the U.S. Where are the statistics - which you say exist - that show an annual flu virus was that deadly, that quickly?
- Your disputes with the "official statistics" fail in another way. HOWEVER officials collect COVID-19 stats, it's highly likely that they used the same or a very similar method to collect data on the impact of past influenza outbreaks. That is, the definition of a flu-related death was likely about a strict/lenient as is the definition of a COVID-19-related death. My point is this: All the U.S. numbers come from the same source(s), which means they were likely display the same standards, which means they are directly comparable. So I ask again: Where are the statistics that show that show flu seasons in the U.S. reach COVID-19 levels as quickly as COVID-19 has? You claim the statistics show that. Show us those statistics.
- As for the virus itself, from what I've read the virus attacks the body in multiple ways, many of which are not yet clearly understood (recall that this is a novel virus, which means there's no history to rely on). For a superb summary of the current medical/scientific understandings of and unknowns about COVID-19, see THIS ARTICLE.
Your disputes with the mechanisms by which "official statistics" are gathered and distributed are not relevant to the request I made of you in my last post because that request arose from the claim YOU made in a previous post: "The statistics show that it is as deadly as annual influenza and flu virus waves.
The methods of how statistics are put together and which data are gathered and used is most relevant ... IF they are meant to illustrate and show correct and relevant information, correct and relevant data are needed. Incorrect or irrelevant data will not suffice to arrive at a correct and relevant statistical presentation
If you count 2kg tomatoes and 3kg apples, you do not have 5kg of apples, nor do you have 5kg of tomatoes .... even though you have counted a total of 5kg ...
@Wolfgang posted:
The methods of how statistics are put together and which data are gathered and used is most relevant ... IF they are meant to illustrate and show correct and relevant information, correct and relevant data are needed. Incorrect or irrelevant data will not suffice to arrive at a correct and relevant statistical presentation
If you count 2kg tomatoes and 3kg apples, you do not have 5kg of apples, nor do you have 5kg of tomatoes .... even though you have counted a total of 5kg ...
With due respect, Wolfgang, your post reads to me as an evasion of the core request I have now twice made of you. In response to the claim YOU made - that "The statistics show that [COVID-19] is as deadly as annual influenza and flu virus waves." - I asked you to present those statistics as a counter to the evidence I presented of a staggering increase in both deaths and confirmed cases in the U.S. over the last month, an increase I claim is NOT seen in influenza viruses. In neither of your posts since I made that request have you provided ANY statistics.
YOU based one of your claims about this outbreak on "the statistics." YOU trusted "the statistics" enough to use them as the foundation for your assertion that COVID-19 is no more deadly than "annual influenza and flu virus waves." But ever since I presented "statistics" and asked you to provide "statistics" of your own, all you've done is assert the limitations and potential inaccuracies of "statistics." I am confused.
the evidence I presented of a staggering increase in both deaths and confirmed cases in the U.S. over the last month, an increase I claim is NOT seen in influenza viruses.
what do those numbers represent or tell? are the deaths counting "died from virus" or "died with virus of other cause"? where are the comparative numbers of overall deaths in recent years to see if this year's covid-19 produces an overload of deaths in the USA as compared to other years?
Someone presented some time ago what seemed an outrageously high number of Corona deaths/per day in New York ... but when compared to how many people die on an average each day yin New York, that number was relatively low and certainly had not raised the average above the normal annual numbers ...
My statistics are from German sources, such as RObert-Koch-Institute and euromomo.eu etc ... usually incorporated into video clips from press conferences or other presentations and mostly relating to Germany or other European countries and are in German .... I have provided heree some interviews and other information in English in the past by links as well.
Some interesting facts in English you will find referenced in the update on this website
Some info on Switzerland ... comparing Covid-19 related deaths to overall numbers of death in recent years:
Switzerland: Cumulative total mortality in the normal range
In Switzerland, cumulative total mortality in the first quarter (until April 5) was at the mean expected value and more than 1500 deaths below the upper expected value. Moreover, by the middle of April the total mortality rate was still more than 2000 deaths below the comparative value from the severe flu season of 2015 (see figure below).
Cumulative mortality compared to medium expected value 2010 to 2020 (BFS)
Something on Sweden ... a country where no lockdown/Shutdown of most of the economy and public life was issued:
Sweden: Epidemic ending even without lockdown
The latest figures on patients and deaths show that the epidemic is coming to an end in Sweden. In Sweden, as in most other countries, excess mortality occurred mainly in nursing homes that were not protected well enough, the chief epidemiologist explained.
Compared to other countries, the Swedish population may now benefit from higher immunity to the Covid19 virus, which could better protect them from a possible „second wave“ next winter.
It can be assumed that by the end of 2020, Covid19 will not be visible in the Swedish overall mortality. The Swedish example shows that „lockdowns“ were medically unnecessary or even counterproductive as well as socially and economically devastating.
Video: Why lockdowns are the wrong policy – Swedish expert Professor Johan Giesecke
Wake up People!
The Covid-19 virus has been "predictive programmed". That is, the knowledge that certain events are going to happen as planned events. Things are going to be made to happen. I knew all alone this thing was man-made. Here is proof and my source: Link to document: https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
Is this document fake? No! Read it for yourself. It was prepared in 2010. CM
@C Mc posted:
The Covid-19 virus has been "predictive programmed". That is, the knowledge that certain events are going to happen as planned events. Things are going to be made to happen. I knew all alone this thing was man-made. Here is proof and my source: Link to document: https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
Is this document fake? No! Read it for yourself. It was prepared in 2010. CM
Did you read the report discussed in the video to which you linked, CM? It's evident that you viewed the video. I'm asking whether read the report discussed in the video?
So that we're all on the same page, the document to which the video refers DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING about the origins of COVID-19. It's a collection of four scenarios that describe unique sets of circumstances to which the world, with an emphasis on developing nations, might in the future have to adapt. There is NOTHING in the document that distinguishes the "Lock Step" scenario - which is the foundation of the conspiracy theory embraced by the video's most prominent presenter - from the other three scenarios surveyed.
Other than to advance a political agenda and/or an otherwise baseless conspiracy theory, there is no reason to cherry pick that specific scenario from among the four. The second scenario, for example, is called "Clever Together." Its description includes this:
"The recession of 2008-10 did not turn into the decades-long global economic slide that many had feared.
"In fact, quite the opposite: strong global growth returned in force, with the world headed once again toward the demographic and economic projections forecasted before the downturn.
"India and China were on track to see their middle classes explode to 1 billion by 2020.
"Mega-cities like Sao Paulo and Jakarta expanded at a blistering pace as millions poured in from rural areas. Countries raced to industrialize by whatever means necessary; the global marketplace bustled.
"But two big problems loomed.
"First, not all people and places benefited equally from this return to globalized growth: all boats were rising, but some were clearly rising more.
"Second, those hell-bent on development and expansion largely ignored the very real environmental consequences of their unrestricted growth.
"Undeniably, the planet's climate was becoming increasingly unstable."
The recession of 2008-2010 DIDN'T turn into a decades-long economic slide! And the climate HAS become increasingly unstable! Scenario #2 knew it all along!!!!!... No.
Four scenarios, one conveniently included a pandemic in the year 2012. (Imagine that: They thought to include a pandemic in one of their scenarios. How could they have known? Perhaps the fact that in 2009, the year before the report was published, the world had suffered through the H1N1 pandemic? That's just a guess.)
More specific to your claim, CM, that this "proves" anything about COVID-19, is this section from the document's second page, in a section that explains its use of scenarios:
"Together, a set of scenarios captures a range of future possibilities, good and bad, expected and surprising - but always plausible. Importantly, scenarios are not predictions.
"Rather, they are thoughtful hypotheses that allow us to imagine, and then to rehearse, different strategies for how to be more prepared for the future - or more ambitiously, how to help shape better futures ourselves."
Page 1 of the document includes this clarifying section of a letter written by the founder and then-chairman of the Global Business Network, one of the document's co-publishers:
"Scenario planning is a powerful tool precisely because the future is unpredictable and shaped by many interacting variables. Scenarios enable us to think creatively and rigorously about the different ways these forces may interact, while forcing us to challenge our own assumptions about what we believe or hope the future will be.
"Scenarios embrace and weave together multiple perspectives and provide an ongoing framework for spotting and making sense of important changes as they emerge. Perhaps most importantly, scenarios give us a new, shared language that deepens our conversations about the future and how we can help to shape it.
"The Rockefeller Foundation has already used this project as an opportunity to clarify and advance the relationship between technology and development."
The document hyped in the video is a collection of scenarios whose purpose is to help governments, technology companies, and others prepare for an uncertain future. It DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING about the origins of COVID-19. (An alternative rendering of the same conclusion: The document and video prove as much about the origins of COVID-19 as did the fictional narrative from r/NoSleep, a section of Reddit dedicated to scary fiction stories, that you posted in another thread, CM.)
Are there folks or institutions who will benefit (specifically, benefit greatly) from the supposed "Corona crisis"??? What "benefit" will the general population have (aside from being locked up, put under surveillance, etc.) ??
I am reading the report. CM
The Trump Administration believes as I do that China release this virus on the world. This thing was man-made. Germ warfare. I told you the truth will come out on this pandemic. CM
@C Mc posted:
The Trump Administration believes as I do that China release this virus on the world. This thing was man-made. Germ warfare. I told you the truth will come out on this pandemic.
- Your post mis-characterizes the Trump administration's view. Just this afternoon, the new White House press secretary said that yesterday's statement from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence that the intelligence community "concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified" is in complete agreement with the president's views on the subject.
- There is no factual basis for your claim - many times offered, but never proven; see THIS POST - that the virus was "man-made," or your claim that the virus represents "germ warfare."
- In all likelihood, the "truth" about this pandemic is already out; you've simply not yet accepted it.
You said:
" Just this afternoon, the new White House press secretary said that yesterday's statement from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence that the intelligence community..."
Bill, what has gotten into you? Are you the new "water boy" for the Trump Administration? Trump doesn't believe any "Intelligence" report. He has proven his distrust of them over the years. Don't be bamboozled by that new little "pretty-face", fast-talking, White House, press secretary. She will go the way of all her predecessors (lying, discredited and humiliated). Your President is estranged from truth. CM
@C Mc posted:
Bill, what has gotten into you? Are you the new "water boy" for the Trump Administration? Trump doesn't believe any "Intelligence" report. He has proven his distrust of them over the years. Don't be bamboozled by that new little "pretty-face", fast-talking, White House, press secretary. She will go the way of all her predecessors (lying, discredited and humiliated). Your President is estranged from truth. CM
Of course the new press secretary will lie (she did during her first briefing!) That's what representatives and employees of the most pathological liar in the history of the American presidency do.
But her words on Friday are the ONLY words we have as to the Trump administration's view as to the virus. Hence, you have NO WAY of knowing that the Trump administration "believes as [you] do," that COVID-19 was man-made "germ warfare" released on the world by China.... Or perhaps you do. Please give us the factual basis for your description of the administration's view.
"Please give us the factual basis for your description of the administration's view".
None! It's my premonition. The facts will come out in time, in time, in time... CM
@C Mc posted:
None! It's my premonition. The facts will come out in time, in time, in time...
I respect your candid acknowledgement that you have premonitions not proof for your claim, but your candor closes down our exchange on this issue because I don't give much weight to hunches or feelings. I'll wait for the facts... whenever "in time" arrives.
Lies, lies, and...CM