A Trinity Debate: What you think?

(a) What you think?

(b) Which presenter or presenters arguments were conniving to you? and why?

(c) Which presenter or presenters argument were unconvincing to you? and why?

(d) How would you answer the questions?



  • (a) What you think?

    Jesus is the Son of God

    (b) Which presenter or presenters arguments were conniving to you? and why?

    The arguments of the two non-trinitarian presenters, reason being they were simple, plain and more straight forward scripture based

    (c) Which presenter or presenters argument were unconvincing to you? and why?

    The two Drs arguments were not convincing, reason being that they rather obviously added thoughts to Scripture, even to the point of contradicting the plain meaning of Scripture ... in addition, their attitudes and "emotionally oriented" arguments appeared to be "down looking"

    (d) How would you answer the questions?

    Scripture is plain in that the true God is only ONE SINGLE Spirit Being/Person

  • Posts: 2,362

    I sampled excerpts not wanting to invest too much time. But I think

    Trinitarians will say the Trinitarians won. And the Unitarians will say the Unitarians won. It's depends on seeing what you want to see instead seeing what you don't want to see.

  • After listening to this Dr. Brown#s opening statement, I am disgusted by his arrogance displayed in his claims and his "smirky smile" ... He claims Scripture evidence for self-contradictory stuff ("God is hidden and revealed") or "eternally existing Son" (when Lk 1 and Mat 1 rather straight forward say differently regarding "the begiining/generation of Messiah Jesus".

    Also, I am appalled how someone with a doctorate seemingly does not carefully read what Scripture actually does say ... as he makes false claims about the use of the term "worship" in Scripture.

    And yet, such fellows apparently are highly regarded as experts and scholars and make oodles of money with their popularity ... and many folks are deceived by such superficial false bold claims that lack true support in Scripture

  • Posts: 4,463

    A Trinity Debate: What you think?

    (a) What you think?

    Jesus is the Lord and God.

    (b) Which presenter or presenters arguments were conniving to you?

    Dr. Brown, hands down.

    and why?

    Pleasant countenance, confident, and with a better command of the subject material.

    (c) Which presenter or presenters argument were unconvincing to you?

    Dr. Good/ Buzzard

    and why?

    They appeared to be too repetitive and unconvincing. Lacked confident. They were like "fish out of water".

    (d) How would you answer the questions?

    Jesus is both. God can do and be whatever (all power/authority). Incarnation, God accommodation to restore humans.


    If the format is the true structure of a debate, that's good. However, it's a bit slow watching. It can become boring to some viewers. If I am wrong on this point, I certain, here is why, CD needs to change its name. We don't have the apparatus in place to reflect a true text-based debate (Structure, order, questions opposing sides, and moderator. Not to mention, a summative transcript. The person in these forums who appears to be a Master-debater, comes off as pressuring and bullying other users. Even the men in the video clip above (although seemed unmatched in skills) didn't come off as lording-over, pressuring or demanding a certain answer from his opponents.

    My expressed opinion in the above paragraph is not the OP of this thread. I have taken the liberty because it perfectly illustrated the point I wanted to make in another area. Besides, I am still hyperlinked challenged. I hope you don't mind? If a thing is advertised, we should deliver and the content should be within. Since I am over the mark, let me suggest some new names? e.g.

    • Christian Discussion
    • Christian Talk
    • Christians Speak
    • Christian Roundtable
    • Christian perspectives
    • Christian Viewpoint
    • Christian Understandings
    • The Bible in Context
    • Believers' Voice
    • Truth for These Times

    I will transfer these suggestions to the proper thread later. Ok? CM

  • Posts: 4,463

    Any suggestions? CM

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